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Why The Hypocrisy?

Jordan Kurecki

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Why is that we fundamentalists reject CCM because it uses the Rock and Roll beat, yet we embrace Southern Gospel and other styles that use the same exact Piano Rhythms that were used in Ragtime, Swing and other early genres from the early 1900s.


Do a study on the history of the musical genres of Ragtime, Blues, Honkey Tonk, and Boogie Woogie.


I really am tired of this hypocrisy, you either must accept all genres as being valid, or you must reject all these other genres that borrow the worlds bar scene rhythms.


does 50 years passing by somehow make these genres and styles that were used to promote filth somehow make these now sanctified?


after studying and praying about music I've come to the conclusion that it's the rhythm of all these genres that connects them to immorality. 


Our young people and others are going to see through this hypocrisy and this is going to cause us to lose any right we have to preach against CCM.


You cannot preach against CCM and yet embrace Southern Gospel without being a hypocrite, and don't think just because the Southern Gospel you listen to doesn't have a drum beat and your ok, Even most of the Southern Gospel songs that don't have drums in them at all still have Ragtime Piano Rhythm. 

Edited by Jordan Kurecki
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Musical instruments were used in the Temple in Jerusalem. 


Does that mean we should use them in the places we gather?


Jesus and others including Paul sang Hymns without musick.


Does that mean we should sing without musick in the places we gather?


Pagans worshiped with musick as well.


Should we worship with musick in the places we gather?


Handel Wrote "The Messiah"


Should we use Classical Musick in the places we gather?


Paul preached and taught the word and there is no indication they had any type of songs or musick.


Should we just preach and teach without songs and musick in the places we gather?

Edited by AVBibleBeliever
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I agree with Jordan. I find myself driving down the road, and turning the radio on to the local gospel station, and find myself embarrassed by the beat coming from my vehicle, and I shut it off.

I am tired of it. There is good christian music out there. It just ain't on the local 'gospel' station. (WYGS in case anyone out there is a listening!)

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Well our local "Christian" station plays one out of four songs as a "christian" song - the other three are just plain popular secular music.
It is part of their license to operate.

And they take support from anyone - and I mean anyone - who calls themselves Christian. And host advertising for them.

A place I used to work many years ago, one of the guys used to put on "Sonshine fm" and it normally took about 2 hours before anyone noticed it was not the normal station.

I think that says enough......

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Why is that we fundamentalists reject CCM because it uses the Rock and Roll beat, yet we embrace Southern Gospel and other styles that use the same exact Piano Rhythms that were used in Ragtime, Swing and other early genres from the early 1900s.


Why?  Tradition, personal preference, and indoctrination.

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because of my comment?

No Miss Daisy. The OP and those who support it. This forum has simply been allowed to run rampant with heretics who are either Calvinist or ex-fundies all with an axe to grind against IFB churches, members and pastors. It's one thing to explain issues to those who truly want to learn what we believe and why, it's wholly another to have to keep an eye on skeptics all of the time who join here for the sole intent of belittling the IFB. That's why so many have left, or just lay dormant and contact each other through private messages.

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The IFB churches around here are very eclectic. Some use outright CCM, some adapted CCM, some hymns only, others Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel, Country Gospel, etc. One church hosts a Southern Gospel group each year. Last year was Brian Free and Assurance; this year Jason Crabb.

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My dad was in a Southern Gospel quartet, so I'm a little biased on this topic. I think there are different types of Southern Gospel, the two most notable would be the kind performed by secular artists (like Alan Jackson or Elvis Presley) and it sounds like honky tonk music, and the kind that is sung by people in the Southeast accompanied only by a piano, but the singers sound "country", just by their accents. I'm not opposed so much to music that has a beat one can clap to. It's music that makes you want to sway seductively that is a prOBlem. I get no such feeling from much of the Southern Gospel music, to be quite honest. 


Now, I will say we must be careful. Southern Gospel artists are sometimes no more holy than their CCM counterparts. There have been sex scandals, drug and alcohol abuse, pride, greed, immodest dress, long hair on men, ecumenical beliefs, etc. in Southern Gospel, so we should be very careful about who we listen to. Bear in mind, I am very, very choosy. There are very few Southern Gospel groups that pass my "test", and they are locally based. One is the Scenic Land Quartet. They have performed at our church several times. 

Edited by JimsHelpmeet
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These anti fundies act as if the "beat" is all we IFB harp on. Every day you read some new queer coming out who is a popular CCM musician (Like Ray Boltz who wrote "Thank You" sung in even some Baptist churches, or Michael Passons from Avalon who many conservative Christians thought was a "safe" Christian band-not only did Michael "come out" but Avalon's other singer, Melissa Greene, began endorsing the rap artist who made fun of the Bible at the Music Awards, and the band Jars of Clay recently came out of the closet). You have bands like Point of Grace and Stryper making secular albums and remaking secular songs, bands like Skillet who are now refusing to use the name "Christian", you have Calvinist groups like Caedmon's Call, Trinity rejecting groups like Philips Craig & Dean, Charismatic voodoo artists like Kare JOBe, Freemason and Illuminati members like Michael W. Smith, and women who divorce their husbands and marry other country artists like Amy Grant, and the rest are Catholic.


Edited by Dr James Ach
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