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Bible Preachin'

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Critical Truths About The Scriptures Everyone Should Know

Critical Truths About The Scriptures Everyone Should Know Introduction This message is entitled "Critical Truths About the Scriptures Everyone Should Know." These critical truths will be taught through an historical drama told from the Old Testament. The main characters of our historical drama are little known or not known at all. Allow me to introduce them to you. First, there is the prophet Jeremiah. He is sometimes called “the weeping prophet” because of his tears that he she



Stars & Stripes Forever!

Stars & Stripes Forever! Introduction Did you know that our “Stars & Stripes” wasn’t Washington’s official flag as he crossed the Delaware River (regardless of what artist Emanuel Leutze says!)? In fact, in 1776, the “typical” flag was 13 stripes - but the union was the British Union Jack! Or it may have been “Don’t Tread On Me” - a rattle snake on red and white stripes; or perhaps the snake was coiled up on a yellow background. Or it may have been something completely different



Causes of A National Fall of Greatness - A Look At Deuteronomy 4

Causes of A National Fall of Greatness A Look At Deuteronomy 4 Deut 4:1-9 Introduction In addition to the rise and fall of many civilizations historically addressed by the Holy Bible, two writers conducted research on the history of Rome and Athens Greece, in attempts to discover if there is a general or specific cause for their fall. It is interesting to compare the findings of these two authors on these TWO different civilizations. I. THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE.



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