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Pastor Matt

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Pastor Matt last won the day on May 28 2021

Pastor Matt had the most liked content!


About Pastor Matt

  • Birthday 07/30/1973

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  • Location:
    New England
  • Type
    Independent Baptist

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  1. It's sad to see the conference end, but I'm refreshed and reenergized. @Napsterdad Lord willing willing we'll see you next year
  2. That would be great if we both can make it next year (Or anyone else reading this), I would love to meet you. Ed Loney preached one of the best messages on Job I ever heard. I've heard Jonny Pope preach that message many times, it's always good to be reminded Me too, I hoping Tony Shirley preached today. Thank you for the prayers, that means alot. Even though I really enjoy being here, I can't wait to get back to where God has called me to serve our people.
  3. Ok, I finally found him. Great kid with a good heart. I enjoyed talking with him for the few minutes we had.
  4. I think I found him lol I'll try to find him after tonights service
  5. You were talking about the "murder" attempt on former president Trump and blamed AI here...
  6. I just checked into my hotel room. I'm looking forward to the first service tonight
  7. Dallas, TX – On the evening of July 19, 2024, a significant fire broke out at the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas, causing extensive damage to the building and sending shockwaves through the community. The blaze, which started around 7:00 PM, quickly engulfed the main sanctuary and several adjoining structures. Fire Response and Efforts Local fire departments responded swiftly to the scene, with over 50 firefighters working tirelessly to contain the flames. Despite their best efforts, the fire continued to spread, fueled by the old wooden beams and extensive interior furnishings. It took several hours for the firefighters to bring the blaze under control. Chief James Miller of the Dallas Fire Department reported, "This was a challenging fire due to the age and structure of the building. Our teams worked diligently to ensure the safety of surrounding properties and the community. Thankfully, no injuries have been reported." Historical and Community Impact First Baptist Church of Dallas, established in 1868, is one of the oldest and most renowned churches in the city. Over the years, it has played a significant role in the spiritual and social life of Dallas, hosting numerous community events, services, and outreach programs. Dr. Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church, expressed his sorrow over the incident, stating, "This is a heartbreaking event for our congregation and the Dallas community. Our church has stood as a beacon of hope and faith for over a century and a half. While the physical building has been damaged, our faith remains unshaken. We will rebuild and continue our mission." Community Response and Support The community has rallied in support of the church, with many offering assistance and donations to aid in the rebuilding process. Local businesses and organizations have also extended their support, providing resources and temporary spaces for the church's activities. Mayor Eric Johnson commented on the community's resilience, saying, "The spirit of Dallas is strong. We will stand with First Baptist Church during this difficult time and support them in their efforts to rebuild and recover." Investigation and Next Steps The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by the Dallas Fire Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Preliminary reports suggest that the fire may have started in the electrical wiring of the old building, but further investigations are needed to confirm the exact cause. As the investigation continues, the church's leadership is already planning for the future. Plans are being made to hold services and community activities in alternative locations until the church can be restored.
  8. He should remove himself asap. If he's unfit for reelection, he's unfit for the next 5 months
  9. Half an hour after President Trump was shot, I checked the headlines on three major news networks. Here's how they reported the breaking news: Fox News: Trump possibly shot at rally, will be ok. CNN: Trump injured at rally in PA. MSNBC: Trump falls, injures himself at rally. Granted, they all updated their reports as more information came in, but each initial article mentioned possible gunshots. This shows the bias in media reporting.
  10. This trend is going deeper and deeper. I know I'm late in posting this Superbowl video, but this church is getting a letter from Paul.
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