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BrotherTony last won the day on July 12

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About BrotherTony

  • Birthday May 3

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    Murfreesboro TN United States
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    Independent Baptist
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  1. We received a call the night before last notifying us of my wife's sister's intent to divorce her second husband. She came home from work ten days ago and was met by her husband in a terrible mood. They had gone to his mother's home, and he and his mother tried to coerce my SIL to try to go back to work at Walmart because he wants to retire. In doing so he would be without insurance and need someone else's insurance. At any rate, the MIL started in on Pat, and she asked them to stop trying to pressure her to leave her current employer where she has no insurance but can work the hours her physical conditions would allow. He stated he wouldn't accept that answer and got very angry and confrontational. He grabbed my SIL by the neck and threw her against the wall. My SIL asked the MIL if she was going to let him act that way, and she told Pat she deserved it. Pat left and went home. As soon as my BIL got home, he started in with the physical abuse again. He left for a short period during which she gathered some clothes and went to her youngest son's house to stay overnight. My BIL has now threatened her, her two sons and anyone who tries to make them separate. She's going to file for divorce on Friday after she gets paid. Please pray for her and my nephews. Also pray for my BIL...he's an alcoholic and claims to be a Christian. I don't know him though they've been married since August of 2009. I have no intention of meeting him because of his threats over the years. The situation is dire, so please pray.
  2. Hogwash!!! They're speaking of LEGAL immigration. Another post about money...not really about immigration at all. Eddie, aka TGL, needs to remember his people were immigrants somewhere in the past.
  3. Theories... that's all they are until proven true. And like I said, I deal in facts. I've had too many friends and family fall into the conspiracy cult. Too often they have been PROVEN wrong. Geanted a minority of them pan out. I fully agree that much of the COVID debauchle was filled with conspiracies that proved to be true. Anytime the government comes to the public and states ** We're from the Government, and we're hear to help** conspiracy theories are in order. Folks are always free to believe what they will, but, I deal only in facts. I'm pretty much a realist. And yes, JB was probably on some very good drugs.
  4. Theories... that's all they are until proven true. And like I said, I deal in facts. I've had too many friends and family fall into the conspiracy cult. Too often they have been PROVEN wrong. Geanted a minority of them pan out.
  5. AI in and of itself is not a bad thing. The problem would seem to lie in how much a pastor or those in the pews would come to depend on AI in their study of the Bible and ministry to the lost. You're correct when you state that some say AI and the church should not intersect. I believe that this is because of their fear of all things technological citing their beliefs that AI is a part of the OWG and the Antichrist (Mark of the Beast).
  6. If they've got coverage on this property and it's contents rebuilding is their privilege and RESPONSIBILITY. Being in that particular location it would be hard to build a "Mega Stadium." And even if they did have that opportunity, it would be their right. It seems like you're once again focused on someone else's money instead of the loss of a part of the facility which they use to reach others for Christ. That's really sad. As I have stated before on these forums, I am no fan of Robert Jeffress, but I know that many people are reached for Christ through the ministry of First Baptist Church Dallas.
  7. Not a problem, Brother. I have a few friends who have been on staff over the years. I learned of the fire as it was happening. My ex-BIL used to pastor an IFB church not far from FBCD. It's a sad thing. One good thing was that the pulpit in that sanctuary survived the fire. So many great preachers in the past have preached from that pulpit.
  8. You state "they" but give no source. Sounds more to me like many are on the road to "Conspiracy" Lane. So many "maybe's" and not enough in the way of fact. I'm not saying it's not possible, but, I am saying I go by facts.
  9. Dr. Robert Jeffress and the First Baptist Church of Dallas Texas have suffered a fire that destroyed their historic Old Sanctuary. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/what-we-know-fire-breaks-out-at-first-baptist-church-of-dallas/ar-BB1qj1hU?ocid=BingNewsVerp
  10. Well, from watching the first of the many coming campaign speeches from the Cackler (UGH Kuh-maw-law), Biden isn't dead...he called into her first major yak! Is he dying? It's hard to say. It looks like he's been doing that little by little over the past four years. Dementia is often a long, drawn-out process.
  11. I agree . But, then you know that gives us Kamala Harris as POTUS. I don't know how much damage she could do as POTUS for 5 months, but it could be substantial. But judging from her own lack of ability to converse, she would be a great candidate for Article 25. One thing that I would like to add is that this is a time of confusion in our government. We need to be in prayer for all involved regardless of party.
  12. President Joe Biden has withdrawn from seeking nomination for a second term as POTUS. He endorses Vice President Kamala Harris. The link I was trying to provide keeps going back and forth. More to follow.
  13. It's always a good thing to have aspirations to help others. And this sounds like a very worthy cause. I'm very sorry that the war in your country has affected you in this manner. With all of us living on this side of the world, and with most of the aid organizations not able to dispense supplies of food and medicine there, there's very little that we can do except to pray for you. In some cases this is true, but not all. Helping the "underprivileged" IS charity. It's not all necessarily an "issue of justice." It's a falsehood that the poor are suffering injustice in many cases. Many of the poor are poor because of the poor choices they make. Some are born into poverty and because of circumstances may never be able to break away from their plight. But, is this injustice? Not necessarily so, at least not in the broad sense you are implying it to be. And you truly will need to clarify what you mean by "free." If you mean financially, this could be the case. But, was this because of one's parent's bad choices in finances, or because of the individual's incorrect choices while they were growing up, joining the job market, etc? Many who are poor feel they are free and have accepted that God may have, by design, placed them into this situation. If the Lord is there, moving in ones life, there is freedom. I'm not so sure that I agree with your assessment here. Many organizations supply food, medical supplies, operations, clean water, etc, during war, natural disasters, etc. You'll have to clarify how you came to this conclusion. I don't believe any of these would honestly be trying to deny anyone any of these things. And many of those who go to bed hungry among these neighbor ARE Christians as well. Only a prosperity gospel would preach that God is love alone. Is it? Yes, if the community should do what they can to assist any poor in their area. But, let's not lay blame on the community alone for a person/set of persons plight. Indeed, the poor aren't always treated with love, fairness, and kindness. But, are they truly "forgotten by EVERYBODY?" I don't think so. As I stated before, many organizations do what they can to assist in war-torn countries with food, medicine, and other social needs. Let's be honest. How can you believe this? People who live in countries like the US, the UK, etc, and work their tails off to supply for their families, tithe to the work of the Lord, and help with other needs of the Gospel effort, and take a respite each year to regain their bearings and build relationships/memories with their loved ones have in no way perpetrated any injustice to the poor. It sounds to me like you have been indoctrinated with the Marxist attitude of "social justice,' thinking that the world owes you something. It doesn't. Those who tithe to their churches usually have a portion of those tithes that are used for purposes such as food kitchens, supplying school supplies for the poorer children of their communities, assisting schools with breakfasts for underprivileged children, etc. Most do this at their own expense. And, many who do work in things like the local missions, helping with those who are living on the streets, alcoholics, etc., are doing so at their own expense. They know what the Lord has told them to do, and do so. And to be frank, sir, they do know that helping others is a way to show the love of Christ. Here again, you are showing the Marxist ideology that hunger and being underprivileged are excuses to perpetrate such acts. The Bible tells us that whoever knows to do good/right, and doesn't do it, to him it is a sin. I'm going to be frank here, Kienyui, many of your past posts have shown that you have little regard for what is right. You've given several accounts of your doing wrong, stating that you clearly knew it was wrong, but that God knew your heart and would excuse such actions. Guess what, my friend. The Bible says he won't excuse it even if it's during a time of war in your country. Believe me, I can fully understand the attitude of the necessity of doing wrong to do right. But, I cannot find this principle in the Bible. Society will always have its ills. Is this good, or even right? No. But, to try to force people to change won't help, It will breed all of the things that you have mentioned poverty would bring. It's two sides of the same coin. Many who are living in poverty have no will/desire/intention of everything they possibly can to get out of poverty. I've lived in some of the poorest areas in the Chicago, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, and Nashville areas here in the United States. I have worked in many of the missions, soup kitchens, and other social service organizations. My wife and I have been foster parents and have helped raise children of people who were living in poverty, using drugs, were facing prison. I've seen many terrible things. But, I've also been honest in my perceptions of these things. I've seen the good and the bad. I've seen many poor/underprivileged who were happy where they were but were still striving to get to a better place. Many seek excuses while others seek to better themselves, work hard, and still share with others. I've seen many wealthy who have time, money, cars, houses, food, and education to others out of their own pockets and still turned out to be terrible people underneath. I don't know if you know who Alphonse Capone was or not He was a gangster here in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s. He was a murderer, adulterer, bootlegger, and promoter/designer of several methods of organized crime. He ran soup kitchens throughout Chicago, Illinois, and Hammond, Indiana during the time he was there. Many thought he was special despite all of his criminal activities. It just goes to show that your assessment of people is flawed...very flawed. You continue to use the phrase "social justice." Are you not aware that this is a Marxist position? Marxism is wholly against what is taught in the Bible. This already shows me that you're not holding to the Scriptures. Food is NOT a moral right, even though it is a necessity for life. The Bible gives us the words in the Disciples Prayer, "give us this day our daily bread." The Lord himself also told his disciples, "Take no thought" for what they were to eat, what clothes the Lord would allow them to have, etc. Kienyui, are you depending on the Lord for your food and protection? From previous posts on these forums, I don't see where you are, and again, I'm eluding to the fact that you've given several accounts of unscriptural methods to satisfy needs. Most who give millions in their churches are the ones who give above and beyond to help in social activities of the church, ie, soup kitchens, missions for assisting alcoholics, drug addicts, unwed mothers, etc. Your "broad brush" approach to people shows that you have little or no respect or regard for others. Not many people I know, wealthy (and I know many wealthy people), middle-class, or poor use people. Yet, to be fair, we all use people we know to one degree or another. We all will hopefully be using the material goods that we have for the right purposes. But, there again, not all will do so. This is where all of us need to be doing our due diligence to find out where the funds given to any organization are going, what percentage is spent where, etc. Any percentage over 25% being spent on administrative costs is out of line. Many organizations use less than that on their administrative costs, allotting as close to 100% as possible for the needs of those they are designed to help. Kienyui, anyone who tries to diminish what you are going through in your country, and the challenges many of you are facing is wrong. Indeed, our country hasn't had an all-out war on our soil, and we're very thankful for that. Yet, it's true that many who are struggling through this war in your country are doing their very best to make the whole world feel like they owe Cameroonians something above and beyond what is already being done by the organizations, churches, etc. that they give to. So, it's a catch-22. I'm going to be frank once again about what many are seeing and some have made mention to me about here...not just on onlinebaptist, but, on other sites you posted on....With all of the things you've posted, it often seems like you and others believe we owe you things that we cannot possibly provide. You've utilized as many sites as possible to try and garner sympathy, which you have. Nobody here is above having a heavy heart for what you're going through. But, as I stated, many of us give to organizations that are supposed to be assisting. We have no way of making this assistance go through if other parties are stopping the aid. The only thing we can do above and beyond is pray, and believe me, we do. But, in your posts you show a hopelessness and a lack of trust in the Lord. This makes it hard for others to want to do more if they can. It may or may not be the correct attitude to have, but, given the world's economic, mental, and spiritual status, it's nearly all some can muster. There are many sources seeking assistance and not enough people or money to help. Again, we ARE praying for you, but we would be remiss if we didn't point out that you've shown a lack of dependence on God through your postings. May God work on you and in you. We do care, my friend.
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