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About HappyChristian

  • Birthday 02/26/1960

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  1. Because of our climate, things grow a bit later here...hubs just brought in our first cherry tomatoes. DEEEE-licious! We have tiny, tiny cucumbers, so will get some of those soon. As well as zucchini. So excited!
  2. How do you know? There are people who would for sure do those jobs if they had the opportunity. Allowing illegals in creates big issues in the economy, solving absolutely nothing. Stop buying in to the lies that open borders people push.
  3. So sorry to hear that! How terrifying for your sister-in-law. Will be praying.
  4. When JB was in Las Vegas, reporters that were in the room with him stated that he was much paler than usual, and walking even more slowly than he does. He was supposed to speak at Unidos/US, but was a no show. Reporters waited in the heat, only to find that they ("they" being his people) had ordered streets closed so they could rush him to the hospital there. That then changed to flying him back to Delaware...and many wondered if he was dead. The suspicion is that it wasn't covid but a TIA. Folks have been derided for believing in conspiracy theories in the last few years, only to have them absolutely turn out to be true (covid, vax being two cases in point) I agree that we shouldn't run off half-cocked and claim all kinds of stuff until there is proof. However, knowing what we DO know, I would not be surprised if we found out JB has been dead for a while (one of my hubs' cousins believes it's been 2 years). Jill has been running things (not Obama, as so many people claim). Her ex husband is convinced that the reason JB was running again was because Jill wanted to be POTUS. Now, again, there is no proof. But he lived with her for a number of years, so... I watched him walk from a car to the airplane...almost with a bounce in his step. Something he hasn't done for quite a while. AND he almost ran up the plane steps. Again, something that hasn't happened in a long time. So, if it ISN'T a body double, he's on some good drugs. lol (I'm not saying he's dead nor that there's a body double...but something's way off). And isn't it interesting that the DAY AFTER JB steps down from running, the Justice Dept. finds transcripts that point to JB's criminality.
  5. TGL, AI has nothing to do with this. There are far too many questionable things coming out for anyone with right-thinking to not realize this was so much more than a 20 year old goofball shooting at someone. I do fully believe this was an inside job and no amount of dum and dumer - ing (and it's dumb, dumber, btw ) changes that.
  6. My friend's mom is very sick. Her name is Mrs. Delano. Please be in prayer for her. And for her daughters. @Pastor Matt, it's Andy Teesdale's MIL.
  7. HIllary and Bill endorsed Kamala as well. Obama has called for an open contest, probably because he wants to seat his wife in the White House. Kamala is not liked by the rank and file Democrat, which is why she dropped out of the POTUS race first back before she and Biden were selected. Two people in our church have said they will never vote for either Hillary or Kamala. They likely wouldn't vote for Michelle either, but I don't know (yes, they are Democrats; yes, we pray for them lol). My brother's estranged wife is a dyed-in-the-wool Trump hater. She told my bro tonight that she is voting for Trump because she absolutely hates Kamala (because Kamala sent quite a number of black men to jail for marijuana). I think BO knows Kamala doesn't have an honest chance to win but he knows that Michelle could. Now, if Biden passes before the convention, it is quite likely Kamala will get the nod because she'll be a sitting POTUS. Gag me at that thought!
  8. I'm not thrilled with their individual religious beliefs - any more than I am Trump's. But Vance respects and supports the Constitution (I know he's not perfect) more than many Christians I know.
  9. I have to chuckle because this subject has come up in conversation the last couple of days for reasons I'll explain below. I will first state that we are very like Pastor Matt. IOW, hubs wears suit and tie, and those who teach/preach from the pulpit are so required. Ushers are required to wear a dress shirt/tie (or a sports shirt since many of them look like a dress shirt). Jacket not required for them. Hubs has not preached that men must dress thusly and women must dress thusly. Rather, his focus is on holiness. We have seen many changes - including dress - as the Holy Spirit has worked on folks in regards to holiness. (explanation:) That said, I found something interesting Sunday afternoon. Photos of William and Catherine (the British royals) and their oldest son and their daughter were taken as they arrived at different events (his in Germany, hers in England). William and his son (and all the men around them) were in suit and tie. Throughout the entire game. Catherine and her daughter were in dresses. I mentioned to my husband how interesting it is that they attended SPORTS events dressed like that - and were comfortable doing so, as pictures made obvious - and yet here in America, a broo-haw-haw is made about folks wearing what has always been termed "dress" or "church" clothes to church. (now, I understand that not everyone can afford fancy duds, and I am not advocating that...I'm sure William's suits cost more than my hubs' and I know Catherine's dresses cost more than mine lol) Now in our culture folks that WANT to dress nicely (you know, not in ripped jeans, tee shirts, mini-skirts, shorts, etc) are reviled. My husband was told by a gentleman who attended for a while that he needed to stop wearing suits because it would make people feel unwelcome...my hubs told him he dresses the way he believes God would have him do, and he doesn't tell anyone else how to dress (unless involved in ministry). Many folks I know like to throw around the words "pharisee" and "legalist" when talking about folks that wear traditional church clothing. Regardless of whether or not those folks try to force/guilt/manipulate others to dress the same. IOW, so many folks who stand against suits/ties and dresses are actually hypocritical. They want to wear whatever they want yet don't extend that grace to others. Could it be that seeing folks dressed "traditionally" brings conviction and instead of submitting to the Holy Spirit they attack to justify their own desires? Not saying it's always the case, but I do have to wonder. I know that a suit and tie do not make a man holy. Nor does a dress make a woman so. I think it's legitimate to bring to light that there are churches that teach (or at least SEEM to) that holiness only comes if you dress just so. That is a product of the 1970s, when churches began really pushing dresses on girls and short hair on guys. Don't get me wrong...long hair on guys is unbiblical for sure. But when the external became the basis for holiness, true holiness didn't happen. And I think we're seeing the fruit of that today. Ugh. Wrote more than I intended, and I'm tired, recuperating from several days of sickness. So I don't know if this even makes sense. Hope it does.
  10. Gotta say I don't think TGL is far off...people have sold their votes for cigarettes, why not chicken? Although KFC is nowhere near as tasty as it used to be.
  11. Sadly, we do not have one. Yet. We don't have the room nor the kids. But one day we will. I look forward to that.
  12. Remember I said God allows...that is because God is sovereign. He knows the beginning from the ending. In His sovereignty, He allowed our founders to create the absolute best political system of any country in the history of the world...with the exception of the theocracy that Israel was under during OT times. Now, let's take a little rabbit trail. lol The Puritans wanted a theocracy here in America. That was their entire goal when they came over from England. They considered it their manifest destiny (which term came to represent American expansion, not just a theocracy). They believed that they were supposed to create a new Israel. To do this, they would need to (and intended to) re-implement the law as God gave it to Israel. It's a long story, and one worth learning, so I'll just cut to the chase. The problem with creating a theocracy is manifold. First, we cannot re-implement the OT law because Christ died and rose again. The law was fulfilled and is done. Resurrecting it is anti-biblical. Second, even if we could re-implement the OT law, who would decide which law to obey, how far to go, etc., etc. IOW, it would not be a theocracy, it would be a man-controlled religious oppression. Which is what existed with the Puritans here in what would become the US...MEN decided what would happen to whom. Men who claimed to understand the sovereignty of God. Baptists came along and presented the idea of soul-liberty, religious liberty, and true freedom. These Baptists understood the sovereignty of God and also understood that governmental law was necessary because man is evil. However, they and our founders understood that because man is evil, government needed to have boundaries. Which is what the Constitution is all about. This knowledge that man is evil was a nod to the sovereignty of God, who allowed what became the USA. A perfect country? Oh, no, no! Because man is not perfect. Our founders intended a Constitutional Republic, with each state being its own Republic, guided by individual Constitutions (check them out...just about all, if not all, of them have Bills of Rights that mirror the federal Bill of Rights...for which we can thank Baptists). Now, this was, again, because man is evil and the founders knew that law and boundaries were needed to keep chaos and oppression at bay. This was done under God's sovereignty, His allowing of the founding of this country. As time went on, folks began to try and undermine (it actually started very early on) the Constitution and destroy the beautiful governmental system God gave us. God fully knowing this, allowing it because He gave man free will. Now, because the imaginations of man are evil from his youth up, even a great system began to crumble. Slowly, slowly. Until now in our day we see it snowballing. None of this took God by surprise, because He is sovereign. Yet, He continues to ALLOW us to choose. Please note, when I speak of choosing our leaders, I am referencing only the US. I do not claim to know how other countries are run. Yes, there are elections in many other countries, but each country was set up differently. Again, choice of man (even if the rank and file citizenry did not choose, like in N Korea). So, fulfillment of prophecy...how can it be if we are allowed to choose? Again, look at the history of the country, the choices made, the evil growing. Because God is sovereign and yet allowed man to choose, man largely chose to do evil. Hence the beginnings of our downfall...prophecy will be fulfilled because God is always true. It is in God's timetable, again because He is sovereign, and will happen. Because man is evil, and his choices - by and large - are evil. There are people who choose to do right, but evil has a way of growing larger and larger. Ignorance sets in. And along with ignorance comes oppression and troubles. One day there will be no choice here in America. One day VERY soon. And so we vote NOW to try and stem the tide. We KNOW the end is coming, but Jesus told us to occupy til He comes. When we vote, we are occupying - a military metaphor that is both defensive and offensive. Will that stave off the inevitable? Of course not, but we are to occupy nonetheless. Until He comes and prophecy is fulfilled. Hope that makes sense. =D
  13. Well, here's where we disagree a bit: the Lord does not "decide" who goes into office. Far too many people crowed about God ordaining Trump, yada, yada (they forget if that's the case then He also ordained Biden - which He did not...he ALLOWED the evil that is there because of US allowing evil to flourish in this country). But here's the thing: our system of government is not a monarchy. God allowed our founders to set up a system where the PEOPLE decide who goes into office. All through our history one can see the condition of the electorate by those who obtain the office of public servant. Telling ourselves that God ordained POTUS and other offices completely removes our responsibility to do what we should: keep ourselves informed, inform others, and vote. God ALLOWS our selections, HE does not decide them. We do reap what we sow and that is why the "choices" become more and more icky. As to voting for someone we don't trust: I don't trust anybody, honestly. There are few people who have proven themselves to be consistent in their public service. Those few, if they were to run, I might be able to wholeheartedly endorse. However, there are those who I distrust LESS than others. Not a perfect, nor even happy, situation, but it is what it is and we work with what we have. Let's not blame God by claiming He decides who's there. It sounds spiritual to say we get what we deserve and God ordains it to teach us a lesson, etc. But what He ordained is the sowing/reaping process. Harvest often takes a while, but it comes...and, sadly, we are reaping now. That is why I will vote for Trump. Because there's a little less reaping, more chance of some decent sowing. At least for a little while. Heh - you posted the cop out idea while I was writing, Tony. Absolutely true, but folks don't realize it...we've been trained, like seals, to accept that it's out of our hands so why bother.
  14. https://notthebee.com/takes/christians-we-need-to-talk-about-robert-morris? This is a good article (if this kind of stuff can be written in a "good" article). I do not agree with their statement, though, that Jesus is the rockstar. He is primo, and I understand that's what that is supposed to mean. But Jesus is so much more.
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