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Near Confrontation During House To House


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I walked down the driveway to the house. A gentleman was outside. I greeted him and offered him the tract. He said "get off my property or I will call the police" , I said "yes sir" then to my back as I was leaving he yelled at me "I said get off my property or I will call the police" (he might have said "I'm calling the police"), ..... since I was already walking ... I stopped, turned around, said, "yes sir" ... and turned back around while he was yelling "I'm calling the police" and calmly walked off his property. What was my legal responsibility? Anybody suggest how to handle a situation like that?


Edited by 2T3:16
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When asked, or told, to leave the right response is as you said, "yes, sir" and then leave. The only thing different I might have done was add "have a good day" along with the "yes, sir", and then I would have walked away with no further comment and no stopping.


Some folks are going to be gruff and antagonistic toward us. Best to leave them be, pray the Lord will send someone they will hear, and move on.

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I agree with everyone else, you did the right thing. If someone is so vehemently opposed to the Gospel, Jesus said simply dust your feet off and walk away; take it to someone who's heart hasn't been so hardened. There's no use standing there to argue with someone like that because it just would have gotten worse from there.

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Yep, I'm in agreement that you did the right thing.   I think even the turning around and answering was good, because speaking as one is walking away is, to me, disrespectful.  He was not courteous, but you were.  


I remember one time we knocked on a door.  A voice from inside yelled, "I've got a gun pointed right at you. Get off my porch or I'll shoot."  We didn't say good day, good-bye, yes sir, or anything.  We got off the porch.  :nuts:

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About the worst I ever had was when a man angrily told me to leave and not come back. Then there was the woman I handed a tract to, who tore it up and dropped it on the ground. But then a friend of mine, I used to go on visitation with, had a man answer a screen door stark naked! :bigshock:

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That's how many look at it around here too.

In all fairness, I'm not thrilled when someone shows up at MY house unannounced, either.  :knuppel:  I do; however, try to be nice about it.  Our family knows me, though, it's like, "If you want me to put aside what I'm busy with (with soon to be 7 kiddos at home again, believe me, I would have stuff to lay aside!) then just give me a little ring first so that I can plan on wrapping up what I'm doing.  I'll make much better company that way, I promise."  When I've been out door-to-door I try to remind myself of that and keep it brief if the person seems busy......if I can just invite them to church and get a track in their hand, the Lord is able to work on the rest. 

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I've had a woman answer the door in a towel, a man in underwear, a dog turned loose on me, a pistol in my face and a bunch of people once run out the back of the house thinking we were the police!


Some of our guys once had a fellow answer the door without his shirt on. When asked whether he was good enough for heaven, he pointed at himself and said, "Well, of course - I'm perfect!"  :bigshock:  I always thought it was a good thing we girls hadn't got that door... I'm sure I would have broken out laughing at him. :lfpop:  

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     I may be considered a heretic when I say this but I believe that door-to-door "soul-winning" is a very ineffective method of witnessing (and I might add that it is not Biblical). You heard me right: I believe that there is no Biblical basis for door-to-door "soul-winning." The only verse that even comes close to being a proof-text for it is Acts 20:20 - "And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house," The only problem is that this verse applies to home Bible studies, not to witnessing.


     Here are the verses that we should be using: Luke 24:13-15 - "And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.  And they talked together of all these things which had happened.  And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them." As we travel in this life we are to talk publicly of the things of God to one another and to those that cross our paths. This is the most effective way of witnessing.



Bro Steve Smith



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