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Why are Christians voting for Donald Trump?

John Young

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If Trump simply apologized to Cruz for slandering his wife and father then not only would he get his endorsement but also thousands if not millions of independent, undecided, and disenfranchised Republican voters, and maybe even many Bernie Democrats. If Cruz refuses to endorse after Trump apologies then he would get the extra votes and Cruz will be seen for the man many Trump voters claim him to be. Its an all win situation for Trump but he won't do it. Why?

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It seems we are at an even worse situation than last election. Last time it was the choice between a wicked Muslim race-baiting, communisitic, baby-killing, America-hater and a Mormon. Nobody wanted to vote for the conservative because he was a Mormon. I'll be honest, I didn't want to vote for a Mormon either. But there are an awful lot ofBaptists, even "Fundamental" ones who are willing to overlook "reformed doctrine" but wouldn't think of voting for a Mormon when one is just as heretical as the other.

Nobody is going to be a perfect leader; David wasn't, Hezekiah wasn't. Solomon even went from being wise to being a foolish failure.. But Hillary Clinton is a vile, wicked Jezebel of a woman who will take over the reins from Barack Obama and finish driving our country over the cliff to oblivion. I didn't like having to vote for the Mormon, nor do I like the idea of voting for Trump. But if we "vote our conscience" this time, it seems we're going to make the same stupid mistake as last time. I see no other choice than to vote for Trump.  If Hillary gets in there, we're sunk.


Edited by heartstrings
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I'm sorry, but principle trumps (no pun intended) for me. I cannot and will not vote for either of them.  It will either be a write-in for Ted or a vote for Darrell Castle  (Constitution party). While I don't agree with all that Darrell stands for, at the least he truly supports the Constitution. Unlike either Hillary or Donald.

(and, really - Ivanka promises that in January all things will be possible with her dad? That surely isn't what my Bible says)

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While I understand the need for many Republicans to vote Hilary over Trump, many more are not loyal to either and evoking either name does nothing for them. Its now about the general election and Cruz's speech and points were directed to making the case to those not sold on Trump himself as to why they should vote for the party. If Trump and his voters can't see that then they will lose. Fear of Hilary alone will not win the day. Extending this olive branch to Cruz would be the fastest way for the party and Trump getting the best base of voters going forward. Not just to "pacify" Cruz or get his endorsement for Trump but mainly to unify the voters.

Edited by John Young
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1 Tim. 2:1-4

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Well as an outsider, I think at least Hillary is an "honest" reprobate. She is open about her support for immorality etc.

Trump to seems to be saying he is more moral, but I just can't help but not believe him. Overwhelming feelings that once he gets the job (if, of course) he will conveniently 'forget' what he is pretending to be during the campaigns. 

I am just glad I don't have to make that decision. 

In our elections "voting is mandatory", but we also don't actually vote for our PM. In our own area vote we had something like 78 candidates on the sheet and about 12 parties.

But ours is also a "preferential" system where you vote 1 to 78 in the order you like them, and if your number 1 doesn't win they look at your number 2 and so on.

In reality mostly the two big parties win once this convoluted count is done, so you must consider which one of biggies you put higher as that is most likely where you vote will end up.


Upshot of all of that.......

I don't envy your choices..........


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19 hours ago, DaveW said:

Well as an outsider, I think at least Hillary is an "honest" reprobate. She is open about her support for immorality etc.

Trump to seems to be saying he is more moral, but I just can't help but not believe him. Overwhelming feelings that once he gets the job (if, of course) he will conveniently 'forget' what he is pretending to be during the campaigns. 

I am just glad I don't have to make that decision. 

In our elections "voting is mandatory", but we also don't actually vote for our PM. In our own area vote we had something like 78 candidates on the sheet and about 12 parties.

But ours is also a "preferential" system where you vote 1 to 78 in the order you like them, and if your number 1 doesn't win they look at your number 2 and so on.

In reality mostly the two big parties win once this convoluted count is done, so you must consider which one of biggies you put higher as that is most likely where you vote will end up.


Upshot of all of that.......

I don't envy your choices..........


So were Stalin and Hitler...

she reminds me of Jezebel.

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  • 3 months later...
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Well Donald Trump will be our 45th president. I did not vote for him but I accept that he will be our president. I will be praying for him and our country. Please pray with me that he will seek God's face, lead in a godly way, and that he will gather to himself, and listen to, wise counselors. 

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