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Kids These Days....


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...are so bad! This year is the final year I will ever teach school...ever...in my life. I refuse to ever do it again. Some days are a disciplinary nightmare.....in "Christian" school, too! We have the worst generation of spoiled rotten, entitlement mentality kids I have ever seen......sooo disrespectful.

And yes, I had a bad day today. Why do you ask? Haha.

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We have a couple of older ladies in our church who are public school teachers who can barely stand the wait to reach retirement.


There is so much more trouble with students these days and what makes it worse are their parents which not only refuse to help, but often make things worse and even blame the teachers for why their children misbehave. On top of that, there is a growing trend of school administrators not giving the teachers good support, but instead laying blame on them.


It's little wonder in cities across the land groups of youth go around attacking people and rOBbing stores; but we can't talk about that since most of them are black so whenever those crimes are pointed out there are always cries of anti-black racism. Never mind it's typically whites they attack and Jewish or Korean stores they plunder.


The boys that come to pick up our neighbors oldest daughter stop their car at the edge of their driveway and honk the horn until she comes running out. Youth cut in front of elderly folks so they can rush through doors ahead of them and then let those doors slam shut upon the elderly folks. I hear children in stores literally cussing their parents, demanding products they want, screaming, even throwing things.


Yet when teachers, cops or even when parents actually try to do what is right and needed, they find themselves under attack, investigation, supervision or even arrest.


Bad parents get away with it and their children and all society suffers because of it and good parents are forced to hide their good parenting or risk criminal charges and arrest.

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The worst paddling I ever got was for not paying attention in class.  It was 7th grade, Georgia History.  Mr. Brown would call on a random student to read out of the book.  Of course I was looking outside, and he called on me.  I was paying enough attention to know what had just been read, so I tried to find it real quick...juuuuust not quick enough.


I paid attention after that.   :knuppel:

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...are so bad! This year is the final year I will ever teach school...ever...in my life. I refuse to ever do it again. Some days are a disciplinary nightmare.....in "Christian" school, too! We have the worst generation of spoiled rotten, entitlement mentality kids I have ever seen......sooo disrespectful.

And yes, I had a bad day today. Why do you ask? Haha.

A lot of this has to do with the schools and parents. Especially the mothers. They defend their children's bad behavior.


I have to say though, I drive a public school bus and the kids on the bus are not as bad as when I rode a school bus in the 80's. Not even close. But this is because the school will not tolerate the disrespectful behavior like the school did I went to.

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The worst paddling I ever got was for not paying attention in class.  It was 7th grade, Georgia History.  Mr. Brown would call on a random student to read out of the book.  Of course I was looking outside, and he called on me.  I was paying enough attention to know what had just been read, so I tried to find it real quick...juuuuust not quick enough.
I paid attention after that.   :knuppel:

Oh, wow. That's like a normal every day occurrence now (not paying attention)...hardly even worthy of mention. Sigh.
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So sorry for the bad day. But totally agree that kids are waxing worse and worse...

yes, kids gettin' worse and worse...then you try to bring these kids to youth group at church and they display the same bad manners...you try to show them love and share a Gospel message with them, but alot of times it's at the expense of the youth leaders and the Christian children.  Hard to get youth workers anymore because of the bus kids.  Hard to get your home-schooled, sheltered kids to have an interest in church because of the roudy bus kids.  Or they come home thinking they can act like the bus kids. 


It's not hard to have a yearning for the return!!

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...are so bad! This year is the final year I will ever teach school...ever...in my life. I refuse to ever do it again. Some days are a disciplinary nightmare.....in "Christian" school, too! We have the worst generation of spoiled rotten, entitlement mentality kids I have ever seen......sooo disrespectful.

And yes, I had a bad day today. Why do you ask? Haha.


Open or closed enrollment?  Does the Pastor address such behavior with the church?

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A lot of this has to do with the schools and parents. Especially the mothers. They defend their children's bad behavior.

I have to say though, I drive a public school bus and the kids on the bus are not as bad as when I rode a school bus in the 80's. Not even close. But this is because the school will not tolerate the disrespectful behavior like the school did I went to.

My mom tried driving a bus for two years. She discovered we had been much better behaved children than she used to think! : lol:
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Sadly, far too many parents, that includes me and you, are allowing the world to influence us and our children.  The hellavision is our worst beloved enemy.  Devilish things come right into our homes with a receptive audience just waiting to see them!  Too many parents forgo the word of the Lord and let the government indoctrinate their children rather then protect them and bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  Too many choose idols such as sports to be their god which either prevents or stunts their sanctification.  And let's not get forget the hand held electronics!  A family dinner is 2 parents and 3 children sitting at the table all with their heads down and faces glowing, barely looking up to place their order or sip their soda, while they indulge themselves in whatever is glowing on their little computer screen, absolutely pathetic.


Children in such households crave attention from adults, crave stability, consistency and discipline for the most part.  Little brats who come to our home and quickly set straight when they step out of line and they respond to our correction, even wanting to come over and spend time with my wife and children and surprisingly, even me!  It's sad that they'll misbehave in front of their mom and dad but not before my wife!  She won't put up with nor allow it.

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My father went into teaching after WWII & of course was concerned with maintaining discipline & teaching the children formally. He was well respected & liked by the children. At a school inspection in the 70s, he was criticised BECAUSE the children were all sitting down & learning quietly .....


He (& his colleagues) realised he was too good a teacher to get promotion. The head put him to teach the first year juniors (7), who after 2-3 years playtime in the infants' school had to learn how to learn & to behave.


Now, of course, the focus is on their hand-held games.


In my schooldays, we passed a pocket chess set to each other. I learnt really well - I played for the county. I lost one game in about 4 years before retiring at 21. Courting, marriage & raising a family meant I had no time for a time-consuming & expensive sport like chess. Another serious prOBlem with chess is that as it is played in the mind, it takes over our thoughts - at bed-time & even in sermons.

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