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Creation Museum


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Has anyone heard of/been to the new Creation Museum here in Kentucky (it's only about 20 mins. from my house). I went today, and it's really an amazing place to see! The plan of Salvation is the basis of the entire museum, and you really walk away with a lot of knowledge about how science supports creationism.

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I was there a couple of weeks ago. Did you see Men in White? My kids got a kick out of that.

Overall, I was amazed at the quality of the Museum. :thumb

Yes, I saw the Men in White show (that was actually the first thing we did). My mom and I were both impressed at the quality and excellent planning of the museum.

are you thinking of http://www.answersingenesis.org/?

I haven't been to it yet

Answers in Genesis is the organization that runs the creation museum.

The museum's website is http://www.creationmuseum.org

Watch out for the book store at the museum, it can eat up your wallet. :freak:
Also, the gardens are not finished yet, but they look close to being ready for next year.

Maybe I'll post some pictures from the museum.

Fortunately, I did not take any money along with me, so I was not tempted to spend any. I think it's interesting that to get out of the museum, you have to go up stairs that take you into the bookstore. :lol:

Since it was 105 degrees out when we left, we did not venture out into the gardens, but they looked pretty nice.
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I'm not sure on the rules of photography there, but if I'm able I'll post some pics of my trip.
I do not remember any places that you can't snap pictures other than the film "Men in White". Once I get all my pictures organized I'll post some of them.
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I live maybe an hour to an hour and a half and have not been there yet but I would say we will probably go on a field trip with school. Our former science teacher always wanted to do that. Mom really wants to go.

A couple years ago we used some of answers in Genesis materials for our science class.

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