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Invicta last won the day on December 11 2023

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About Invicta

  • Birthday 03/21/1938

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  • Location:
    Ashford, Kent, England
  • Type
    Independent Baptist

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  1. I read most of this many years ago. I have a couple of notes to make. 1. Historicism goes back much more than 500 years. At least till 1200 when the Waldensians published their Treatise on Antichrist. It was also taught by John Huss and the Lollards, who were frequently in correspondence with each other. In fact the early Church writers taught an orderly fulfillment of prophecy. 2. Darby got his ideas of dispensationalism from Edward Irving who first preached on Dispensationalism on Christmas day 1825. He wrote in his Morning Watch magazine. The Irvingites then held annual prophetic conferences in Albury, Some of which Lady Powerscourt attended. She then held similar conferences in her home in Powerscourt in Ireland. Darby and Irving both attended some of these. 2a The lrvingites prophecied that the Rapture would occur July 15 1835. They gathered together to await the event. Basil Atkinson, Irvingism in its Rise, Progress, and Present State. 1836 Atkinson was formerly one of Irving's prophets. According to H. H. Rowdon, The Origins of the Brethren, Darby didn't fully formulate his idea of Dispensationalism till 1841-2.
  2. We had. Church lunch today, plenty of choice. I was gong to make a dish, but decided not to as there is always plenty left over.
  3. Nobody hungry these days? I had roast beef dinner with veggies today.
  4. The 70 weeks were completed in the ministry of Christ. Great tribulation in the gospels was on the Jews in The 3½ year Roman War, AD 66-70. Great tribulation in Revelation was on those who had washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, ie Christians.
  5. Where in scripture does it say any time for tribulation other than 10 days?
  6. I have never heard of coffee being drunk during the Services. Our church has a time of fellowship with coffee or tea in the back hall after the service. I did go to a church in France once where they had a break before the sermon and had baguettes, but I can't remember what else.
  7. Where does it say the tribulation is seven years? I think that is adding to scripture.
  8. The tribulation on the church has been going on from the founding of the church. John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Revelation 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
  9. As far covid goes, our! Church has not had special cleaning since the covid lock down. Perhaps we should start again as the week before last, one family of six, had covid, and last Sunday our pastor and his wife and five of his children had covid. One of our former foster children became a member of a church in Liverpool which refused to lowdown. They had only 12 members before and 40 after the lock down.
  10. I stopped using socks several years ago, except when i am gong to buy new shoes. I always use slip on shoes which I put on with the aid of a long handled shoe horn.
  11. I did spicy roast chicken today with crinkle cut fries and baked beans, my wife had a cauliflower cheese grill with hers instead of chicken .
  12. I did chicken chips and runner beans today. The runners are a bit prolific at present in the garden. I should have taken some to church this morning to give away, but I forgot.
  13. We don't have a "music portion" in our church. We have hymns interspersed through the service. The pastor or preacher choose the hymns, appropriate to the sermon. We can only use the hymn books approved by the pastor and deacons. Pastor will not allow guitars due to their association with rock music. I did wonder if he has heard any rock or boogie pianists. Pastor does use some dreary hymns. He always reads a psalm the sings a hymn dashed on the same psalm. In the morning it is usually a much mangled version of the psalm, which I don't think most people understand. I did mention it to him and he asked if I didn't like singing psalms. I said I do but I dont think most people actually think what they are singing. I think it is more inappropriate as we have a number of immigrant asylum seekers attend the church and they are mostly people that my daughter teaches English lessons in the church. Some of them only understand a little English. The immigrants are housed in a local Holiday Inn and a couple are also attending lessons at the mormons which are just across the road from there. The mormons have been canvassing their lessons on the local residents Facebook page, but the don't say they are mormons, just give the address.
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