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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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35 minutes ago, 1Timothy115 said:

Applauding This Woman.


I applaud this Doctor! I tried to post a word of support on YouTube, and it was blocked. Go figure. They too have swallowed the government kool-aid and are part of the moral and political wheels that want to stamp out the truth!

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1 minute ago, Salyan said:

The definition of trolling is: someone who intentionally disrupts online communities.
This may describe some on this board, but I do not believe this matches BrotherTony's behavior. However, this argument between the two of you is disruptive to the board and I am requiring you both to stop. If one makes an inflammatory personal remark, the other is to ignore him, or you may both end up in OB jail.

I am going to delete the argumentative comments in this thread to get us back on track.

Yes, Ma'am. I agree, I have gotten a little off track. Thanks. ?

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It seems strange to me that the monoclonal treatments would be halted by the FDA about the same time that the Pfizer people want to start testing an Omicron "vaccine".  I don't buy the reasoning that the treatment doesn't work any longer, at least on the omicron variant. 


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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

It seems strange to me that the monoclonal treatments would be halted by the FDA about the same time that the Pfizer people want to start testing an Omicron "vaccine".  I don't buy the reasoning that the treatment doesn't work any longer, at least on the omicron variant. 


I got the treatment but I was too far into my infection for it to matter much. I qualified by the ER doctor but she said her "hands were tied" in treating me. I had to wait four more days for my doctor to open up since it was during Thanksgiving closure. Then he stonewalled me even more saying he never heard of such a thing. Fortunately, his nurse did and she set me up with a treatment after I signed a release form for my hospital records. Then there was the wait to get scheduled. By that time I was well into my infection and you are supposed to get a treatment within 3-4 days of diagnoses. 

The hospitals DO NOT want to treat sick patients because of the CDC Covid policies and the fact they receive more government funding for the use of Fauci's authorized viral treatments which are only given when you at on death's door. They sent me home three times with barely any treatment. They were hoping I'd die because they also receive more federal funding not just for diagnosing more Covid cases but also for reporting more Covid deaths.


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1 hour ago, SureWord said:

I got the treatment but I was too far into my infection for it to matter much. I qualified by the ER doctor but she said her "hands were tied" in treating me. I had to wait four more days for my doctor to open up since it was during Thanksgiving closure. Then he stonewalled me even more saying he never heard of such a thing. Fortunately, his nurse did and she set me up with a treatment after I signed a release form for my hospital records. Then there was the wait to get scheduled. By that time I was well into my infection and you are supposed to get a treatment within 3-4 days of diagnoses. 

The hospitals DO NOT want to treat sick patients because of the CDC Covid policies and the fact they receive more government funding for the use of Fauci's authorized viral treatments which are only given when you at on death's door. They sent me home three times with barely any treatment. They were hoping I'd die because they also receive more federal funding not just for diagnosing more Covid cases but also for reporting more Covid deaths.


Yes, the doctors here have given my wife and I the run around as well. We've been told we'd have to go either to Atlanta, GA or as far away as Louisville, KY to get them. When we had the delta variant back in August/September last year, the doctor told me in the ER where I went (Vanderbilt affiliated hospital) that he couldn't treat me, just keep an eye on me. What a ludicrous bunch of hogwash. He was treating another person from our church who hadn't been vaccinated who was in the room two doors down. Our GP's wouldn't treat either one of us. Thankfully, we've found a new doctor and will be going to see someone in his practice on Valentines day. Still, it'll be impossible to get "the treatment" now. Hospitals in this area have long seemed in denial of it's existence. UGH!

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Hospitals, physicians, surgeons, and those who control the distribution of organs for transplant have all become ridiculous in their worship of "the shot" that is supposed to help keep people safe from the coronavirus. Now that it's been proven that they don't keep anyone from getting the virus, and don't stop the transmission of the virus, it's ludicrous for the doctors to just ASSUME that someone who isn't vaccinated and in need of a transplant will suffer ill effects and have wasted an organ if it is transplanted into the unvaxxeds body. They are intentionally creating a two tiered society with government backing. Sad, really. And they wonder why people no longer trust the medical establishment.


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I read a report this morning and was going to post it, but we had an emergency, so it wasn't posted. Yet, this is in regards to the same proposal by the Federal Government to track people who are unvaccinated that work for the Federal Government in a "pre-trial" fashion for future prosecution. The government is tipping their hand here and letting people know that it won't just be Federal workers, for what they do with the Federal workers, they're also doing with those who AREN'T Federal employees. Shameful that we're truly starting to live out the movie "1984". 



Here's one that is related to the story I referred to in the beginning of this post. It's not the actual article I read, but it's close enough.


Edited by BrotherTony
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26 minutes ago, Salyan said:

Don't know how many of you have heard about the Freedom Convoy heading to Ottawa. It started as a few truckers (vaxxed & unvaxxed) who decided to drive to Parliament to protest the closure of the US/Canada border to essential unvaccinated workers - which means a futher disruption of our supply chains, as an estimated 20% of Canadian and 45% of American truckers are unvaccinated. (We nonessential unvaccinated have been barred from driving across the border since Covid started. We are also now barred from flying unvaccinated in Canada - so we actually can't leave the country.) It.... EXPLODED.  It turned into a massive, record-breaking convoy with over 50,000 truckers, plus many other supporting vehicles, coming from both coasts - truckers from both Vancouver & Prince Rupert, BC  and St John, Newfoundland are driving to Ottawa to meet at noon on Saturday, January 29. Their aim is to protest mandates of all sorts and demand a return to freedom (and some say they'll stay in Ottawa until that happens). The convoy is so long that it both entered and exited Manitoba at the same time. (For context, that's wider than Utah). The highways and overpasses have been lined with Canadians showing their support - I've never seen such a unity of purpose from Canadians from both ends of the country. Even the Hutterite colonies - which usually keep to themselves - are coming out by the dozens to support and feed the truckers. Over 6 million dollars has been raised to buy gas and supplies for the truckers.  Multiple local convoys have been run to show support by those who can't make the cross-country trip. Hundreds - some say thousands - of American truckers are also convoying in support - some made it across the border to join the Canadians. At least three border crossings will have smaller convoys from both sides of the border meeting at noon on Saturday in support.  (That I really want to join! The Sweet Grass border crossing is only 6 hours away.)

The media is spinning this as 'dozens of trucks', 'anti-vax protesters', and trying to paint the truckers as racists and white supremists. Our Prime Minister is condemning it and has decided to (unnecessarily, his rules don't demand it) quarantine at home from a supposed Covid exposure. There is genuine concern that the Convoy's intent will be hijacked by violence on Saturday (media keeps fearing a 'Jan 6' event - which we know was staged - this could be too). 

Please pray for this. I don't know what will or can come of it - but this is the largest demonstration that Canada has EVER had. Watching the videos of support - of people lining the highways, sometimes at night, in -22F weather - just makes me cry.  Pray for the media to represent it honestly, and for the government officials to respond uprightly, and for God to use this somehow - that we might return to freedom.


There are so many things concerning the coronavirus that are going on that are aimed at the unvaccinated...ALL discrimintory in nature...that have had me praying for months. I can't believe I am seeing these actions in my lifetime. It seems as if the whole world has gone crazy and has a "god" they want to follow and worship...the vaccine. We can only pray, witness for the Lord, and continue to be good, Christian examples to those around us. WE can't change what is going on, but, we can pray it out of existance if that is what the Lord chooses to do. If Christians would band together and pray...I mean, TRULY PRAY, and ask God to change our leaders hearts and minds, we could possibly see revival in both countries, and other countries around the world. I'm praying for you in Canada. I know it must be harder for you right now than for us. 

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Totally THRILLED about this convoy, and the one beginning to take shape in the US.

And Spotify was given an ultimatum by Neil Young - remove Joe Rogan from Spotify or lose my music. Happily, they removed Young's music last night.


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2 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

Totally THRILLED about this convoy, and the one beginning to take shape in the US.

And Spotify was given an ultimatum by Neil Young - remove Joe Rogan from Spotify or lose my music. Happily, they removed Young's music last night.


Yeah, I found the Neil Young thing funny. 

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4 hours ago, Salyan said:

Don't know how many of you have heard about the Freedom Convoy heading to Ottawa. It started as a few truckers (vaxxed & unvaxxed) who decided to drive to Parliament to protest the closure of the US/Canada border to essential unvaccinated workers - which means a futher disruption of our supply chains, as an estimated 20% of Canadian and 45% of American truckers are unvaccinated. (We nonessential unvaccinated have been barred from driving across the border since Covid started. We are also now barred from flying unvaccinated in Canada - so we actually can't leave the country.) It.... EXPLODED.  It turned into a massive, record-breaking convoy with over 50,000 truckers, plus many other supporting vehicles, coming from both coasts - truckers from both Vancouver & Prince Rupert, BC  and St John, Newfoundland are driving to Ottawa to meet at noon on Saturday, January 29. Their aim is to protest mandates of all sorts and demand a return to freedom (and some say they'll stay in Ottawa until that happens). The convoy is so long that it both entered and exited Manitoba at the same time. (For context, that's wider than Utah). The highways and overpasses have been lined with Canadians showing their support - I've never seen such a unity of purpose from Canadians from both ends of the country. Even the Hutterite colonies - which usually keep to themselves - are coming out by the dozens to support and feed the truckers. Over 6 million dollars has been raised to buy gas and supplies for the truckers.  Multiple local convoys have been run to show support by those who can't make the cross-country trip. Hundreds - some say thousands - of American truckers are also convoying in support - some made it across the border to join the Canadians. At least three border crossings will have smaller convoys from both sides of the border meeting at noon on Saturday in support.  (That I really want to join! The Sweet Grass border crossing is only 6 hours away.)

The media is spinning this as 'dozens of trucks', 'anti-vax protesters', and trying to paint the truckers as racists and white supremists. Our Prime Minister is condemning it and has decided to (unnecessarily, his rules don't demand it) quarantine at home from a supposed Covid exposure. There is genuine concern that the Convoy's intent will be hijacked by violence on Saturday (media keeps fearing a 'Jan 6' event - which we know was staged - this could be too). 

Please pray for this. I don't know what will or can come of it - but this is the largest demonstration that Canada has EVER had. Watching the videos of support - of people lining the highways, sometimes at night, in -22F weather - just makes me cry.  Pray for the media to represent it honestly, and for the government officials to respond uprightly, and for God to use this somehow - that we might return to freedom.


The race card has been so overplayed that it has no more effect on people outside of Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the corporate MSM.

As a former trucker this warms my heart to see these guys band together. They attempted this in Australia but it failed. 

God protect the Canadian convoy from violent men.

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