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Why is Steven Anderson hated?


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1 hour ago, KountryBaptist said:

Amen, Pastor Anderson is hated among the brethren, and it is disgusting to see. Literally thousands of souls were saved because of him and his ministry, while these lazy pastors will not even take their church soulwinning.


Somebody's late the the party and didn't bother reading anything.....

are you ready with a bag full of insults and unfounded accusations, too, sir?

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Wait for it here or check your inboxes folks, Way of Life has produced a free booklet about Steven Anderson.  How fitting that this man is being discussed here and a ministry that the Lord uses greatly has produced something for the benefit of all, especially Anderson, a warning about the man and his ministry.


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7 hours ago, BroMatt said:

Hold on, I'm taking my church out soul-winning, I'm respond later today when I get back. 

See? They accuse "everyone else" of hating Anderson and spreading false accusations, while they are the ones hating on other preachers and falsely accusing all of us.

And the saddest part of it all is that they do it in the name of Christ and cannot see the problem!

Any honest and objective man can see that reality, but Anderson's followers are blindly marching to the beat of his drum.

Edited by Joshua Agan
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I don't usually get in the conversations about Steve Anderson, mostly because I find them fruitless, but I decided I would put in my two cents.

First, I don't have a lot of respect for a pastor that spends all his time screaming and yelling about the sins of America and very little time preaching on the sins in his church. I have no problem saying that homosexuality is a wicked, perverted, abominable sin and God will judge Sodomites. We all know the world is sinful, that shouldn't be a surprise. But the purpose of the pastor is for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12). Deal with your church's sins, deal with your church's problems, deal with your church's attitudes, deal with your church's walk with God.

Second, why doesn't Anderson talk about the other sins that God said were worthy of death, like cursing one's parents, or adultery, or not taking care of the problem of your ox pushing with its horns? Why only homosexuality? Aren't we supposed to preach the whole counsel of God? God said that the proud look and the lying tongue are an abomination to him. If I've cursed my parents and lied, can I still be saved?

Just some thoughts.

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So many “converts” - yet no repentance taught. Can we say false professions of faith?

The Bible teaches both repentance and faith are necessary for salvation. Repentance is turning from sin in the heart (ie. a change of mind about that sin - previously loving it but now believing that God’s Word says it is wrong) to the Saviour - letting one go to recieve the other. It is not cleaning up one’s life first - it is letting the sin go and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive you and cleanse you of those sins.

On another note, when my sister attended his church shortly after he started it, he told me over the phone that he believed his Bible was Jesus Christ (not that his Bible taught about Jesus Christ). Something wrong there...

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I know. If I had just heard someone else tell me he said this, I probably wouldn’t believe it - though I know there are a few cultists out there who believe weird things like that. I did get him to repeat it for clarification. I wish I could remember the full conversation but that was quite a few years ago now (while he was starting out his church in his own home shortly after finishing his Bible College).

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