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Moohamadans get their just punishment!


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I'm not a moderator but,

Worldly, or profane language has no business on this forum. How abont, instead of mocking and scorning, just calling the Muslims what they are: lost sinners on their way to Hell?


In agreement brother

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I see no wordly or profane language, or scorn.  It's written humorously and eloquently.  Remember, Jesus spoke harshly to the heathen.  John 8:44.

There is a word in there that the world invented to "tone down" and "civilize" an existing term already considered offensive (I was around - and lost - long before the new euphemism was coined). No, I'll not highlight, underline nor rewrite it.

I'm also leaving the responses but deleting the OP.


Incidentally, you're doing a good job of wearing out your welcome.

Edited by OLD fashioned preacher
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Insulting Muslims isn't going to win them to Christ. Most, if not all of us here, had we been insulted by a Christian prior to hearing the Gospel would have took offense and paid no heed to any declaration we needed to come to Christ. Insulting someone builds walls, it doesn't open doors to present the Gospel.

Muslims, like all other lost folks, like as we all once were, need to hear the Gospel, not insulting terms or comments and not rejoicing over some of them dying from the heat.

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I didn't know this was a pro-Mooslim web site.  Thanks for making it clear, OFP.

If you will READ my comment then you will realize that it was not for the references concerning Mohammedism but due to language -- NOT insulting language, but vulgar language. It wouldn't matter if it had been a post about a literal 7 day creation, if it had contained the aforementioned word - the result would be the same. Normally inappropriate language gets 1 warning point, however you have been previously warned about such and managed to garner 4 -- congratulations.

Edited by OLD fashioned preacher
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Insulting Muslims isn't going to win them to Christ. Most, if not all of us here, had we been insulted by a Christian prior to hearing the Gospel would have took offense and paid no heed to any declaration we needed to come to Christ. Insulting someone builds walls, it doesn't open doors to present the Gospel.

Muslims, like all other lost folks, like as we all once were, need to hear the Gospel, not insulting terms or comments and not rejoicing over some of them dying from the heat.

Unfortunately Bob doesn't get it. He thinks if someone is predestined and elected, no matter how the Gospel is presented, they will be saved.

Funny though after 30 years of hearing testimonies hard to number, I have never heard of anyone getting saved with the methods he and his "man-idols" spew out.

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Unfortunately Bob doesn't get it. He thinks if someone is predestined and elected, no matter how the Gospel is presented, they will be saved.

Funny though after 30 years of hearing testimonies hard to number, I have never heard of anyone getting saved with the methods he and his "man-idols" spew out.

That's a point I hadn't thought much of before so I'm glad you stirred my mind. Thinking about those I've known who use such methods I don't know of anyone coming to Christ that way. In fact, some even brag that their preaching is so hot the "wicked sinners" don't dare come close.

Even "IF" a person were predestined and elected to salvation it would stand to reason they would need to properly hear the Gospel in order to trigger (as it were) that predestined switch of election.

Hmmm, doesn't Scripture mention something about there will one day be many standing before the Lord proclaiming all they think they have done for Him and yet He will tell them He never knew them before they are cast away...

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That's a point I hadn't thought much of before so I'm glad you stirred my mind. Thinking about those I've known who use such methods I don't know of anyone coming to Christ that way. In fact, some even brag that their preaching is so hot the "wicked sinners" don't dare come close.

That just makes me... :verymad: :verymad:  


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