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Daylight Savings Time This Weekend.


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It's that time of year where the government believes you can cut 1 foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of the same blanket and have a longer blanket...For those in states that observe DST, make sure you don't miss it Saturday night or you will miss Sunday School in the morning.


Bro. Garry

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It is earlier now because a few years ago they decided if they started DST earlier that would save money. So far, virtually every study that has tried to measure the economic impact has either shown there is no real difference, or in a few cases an actual negative economic impact.


I wish they would just pick a time and leave it alone.


Not being content with time as God established it, man thinks he can make it better.

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One problem with DST in the Pacific Northwest is that it doesn't get dark enough for fireworks until after 10pm!  The kids don't get home and in bed until around midnight.  If you want to know what a zombie invasion looks like, just look at kids on the morning of July 5th around here.

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We call it Summertime.  During the war, we had Double Summertime, when they took 2 hours off.  I'm not sure when it starts but I believe it is the last weekend in March.  My PC and phone will tell me.

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In the days before the railways, every city, in England at least, had their own time.  Bristol was 11 minutes behind London.  This was no use when the railways came, so we had to have a standardised time to enable the trains to have a timetable, so they based the time on the time at the Greenwich Observatory, which became known as Greenwich Mean Time.  (Mean = Average)  (Greenwhich is pronounced something like "Grinidge")

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In Australia, some states do and some don't.
Standard time we have three time zones - eastern, central, and western.
When daylight savings hits we have confusion.
Not certain about now but at one stage it started at different times in those states that do.
So we have one on eastern standard, two on eastern daylight, one on central standard, one on central daylight, and one on western standard.
5 time zones instead of three, but when each goes on and off is different - or has been at times.

And then every so often, here in the west they trial it - so two years ago we had it, but we don't this year. We will trial it again for two or three years in about another ten years......

I don't care - I just put up with the extra fade on the blinds...... :lol:

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