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Lousy Hymns


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My former IFB pastor told me that we can pray directly to the Holy Ghost........  :puzzled3:

I haven't studied that one out yet.


I don't agree.  I know of no such case in the bible, many in hymnbooks, though.


Lu 11:13  If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

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This goes along with a discussion I had earlier today with someone. Just as we are selective about the hymns we sing or listen to, so some are also selective about the Southern Gospel, Bluegrass Gospel, CCM and other forms of music they listen to. They call it "not throwing out the baby with the bathwater".

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Wow, what a negative thread.   Don't you think we pick apart too much already as it is, without picking apart our hymnbook too?  I'm not saying all hymns are great...I certainly do not like them all...but none of them are bad or sinful IMO.  There's lots of wickedness to avoid without taking away things that are good as well.

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You brought me this far

So why would I question you now

You have provided

So why would I start to doubt

I've never been stranded, abandoned

Or left here to fight alone

So I'm giving you control


I lift my life, lift my life up

I give it all in surrender

I lift my heart, lift my heart up

You can have it forever

All my dreams, all my plans

Lord I leave it in your hands


Have your way in me.


If peace is a river

Then let it run over me 

If I'm under fire

Then let it keep refining me

When I hear you calling out

I follow now

Wherever the road may go

I know you're leading me home


Take my life and let it be all for you

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Wow, what a negative thread.   Don't you think we pick apart too much already as it is, without picking apart our hymnbook too?  I'm not saying all hymns are great...I certainly do not like them all...but none of them are bad or sinful IMO.  There's lots of wickedness to avoid without taking away things that are good as well.

While on one hand I understand what you're saying, on the other hand Col_3:16 ( Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.) says that we teach via hymn. Therefore, what are we teaching within the message (words)?

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While on one hand I understand what you're saying, on the other hand Col_3:16 ( Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.) says that we teach via hymn. Therefore, what are we teaching within the message (words)?

How does one teach another through singing? Now I have finally found out why singing is becoming more dominate in our services than preaching the Word!!!!!

Whats the difference between Hymns and Spiritual Songs?


An online forum is no place for teaching. It is virtually impossible to fully teach without the Teacher and the Student being physically together in one place. Simply quoting Bible verses is not teaching.

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How does one teach another through singing?



I don't know about other areas, but where I live, there's an awful lot of folks who get their theology from the song-book rather than the Bible. I don't agree with it, but it definitely happens.


We have folks in my area that will break a leg to get to an all-day singing, but they'll miss church for various insignificant reasons.


♪ At the crossing, of the Jordan. 

  Why should I be afraid? There'll be someone who loves me.

  To guide me, 'cross the river,

  To endless joys above. ♪


Song Theology 101 - Crossing the river Jordan means going to heaven.  


And many people in my area believe that...cause they sing it in church.   :offended:

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What really irritates me is when people "gets in the spirit" from singing some old sob song about mama and papa; than when the preacher proclaims the Word of God.

I've heard that singing get you ready for the worship service. As we say down here in the South; HOGWASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really don't blame the singers; the problem is standing behind the pulpits where we have a bunch of weak knee, spineless individuals who call themselves Pastor. And they scared to death they're going to hurt someone's feelings or lose a high tithing member.

May God have mercy on us.

Instead of receiving the blessing from God; what we really need is a good old fashioned, out behind the shed, whoopin!!!!

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How does one teach another through singing? Now I have finally found out why singing is becoming more dominate in our services than preaching the Word!!!!!

Col_3:16  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.


I didn't say that --- THE BIBLE does!!!


Incidentally, we spend MUCH more time in preaching and memorizing Scripture than singing.


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What really irritates me is when people "gets in the spirit" from singing some old sob song about mama and papa; than when the preacher proclaims the Word of God.

I've heard that singing get you ready for the worship service. As we say down here in the South; HOGWASH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really don't blame the singers; the problem is standing behind the pulpits where we have a bunch of weak knee, spineless individuals who call themselves Pastor. And they scared to death they're going to hurt someone's feelings or lose a high tithing member.

May God have mercy on us.

Instead of receiving the blessing from God; what we really need is a good old fashioned, out behind the shed, whoopin!!!!

This is one of the latest to bring some tears to my eyes........It's Biblical and sure isn't about mama or papa.

Sometimes a song can lift us up when we need it most. I believe God designed us that way...

I really like this song........


Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage;

Your mighty Defender is always the same. 

Mount up with wings, as the eagle ascending;

Vict’ry is sure when you call on His name. 

Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;

And be of good courage, for He is your guide. 

Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord;

And rejoice for the vict’ry is yours. 


So put on the armour the Lord has provided;

And place your defense in His unfailing care. 

Trust Him, for He will be with you in battle,

Lighting your path to avoid every snare.


Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage;

Your mighty commander will vanquish the foe. 

Fear not the battle, for the victory is always His;

He will protect you whereever  you go

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If a person is pretribulational and premillennial in doctrine, why sing a song with an amillennial setting (The King is Coming)? See chorus in relationship to 2nd verse:


The King is coming, the King is coming
I just heard the trumpet sounding and soon His face I'll see
The King is coming, the King is coming
Praise God, He's coming for me


I can hear the chariot's rumble, I can see the marching throng
And the flurry of God's trumpet spells the end of sin and wrong
Regal rolls are now unfolded, heaven's grandstands all in place
Heaven's choir is now assembled, start to sing "Amazing Grace"



Why sing a song giving 2nd coming events in remembrance of the 1st coming (Joy to the World)? See verse 3 (the others are in same time context but 3 is glaringly obvious. I actually doubt Handel had the 1st coming in mind with this song at all but rather the 2nd):


No more let sin and sorrow grow
Nor thorns infest the ground
He comes to make
His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found
Far as the curse is found
Far as, far as the curse is found

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