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Do any of you use Bible tracts when you are witnessing? If so, which ones? Why?


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One tract that I  am using at present comes from "Grace to You" ministry...John McArthur. It's called "STOP: Who Do You Think I Am?" It's been a pretty effective tract for me. I use several others as well, but I like this one. 

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On 7/20/2021 at 4:00 PM, PastorMatt said:

Do you by any chance sell copies of these? 

On 7/20/2021 at 5:15 PM, BrotherTony said:

I'd like to know that myself! ?

Brother Matt & Brother Tony, are you interested in receiving a sample copy of the booklet?  If so, let me know your mailing address through private message.  Sample copy would be sent with no cost to you.


Edited by Pastor Scott Markle
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I started out using Mark Cahills tracts. They are rather lengthy and well made but they are meant to really help break down the Gospel. They are more like small booklets.

I've talked to Mark through email and he told me he was IFB and always uses the KJV. He gives a lot of talks on soulwinning and has written books on the importance of it. My favorite book of his is "The One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven" which is save the lost so making it a priority during our lifetimes.

Mark is probably most famous because of his friendship with Charles Barkley who he played college basketball with and his attempts to share the gospel with people like Micheal Jordan (who rejected it)and whoever crosses his path. Mark tells a story in the book I mentioned above about how Charles Barkley's brother flatlined  and during the time he was dead he says his body went to a place that could only be described as hell before he was brought back to life. Mark tried to use that experience to try to get him saved but even then he refused Jesus.


Edited by Disciple.Luke
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9 hours ago, Disciple.Luke said:

I started out using Mark Cahills tracts. They are rather lengthy and well made but they are meant to really help break down the Gospel. They are more like small booklets.

I've talked to Mark through email and he told me he was IFB and always uses the KJV. He gives a lot of talks on soulwinning and has written books on the importance of it. My favorite book of his is "The One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven" which is save the lost so making it a priority during our lifetimes.

Mark is probably most famous because of his friendship with Charles Barkley who he played college basketball with and his attempts to share the gospel with people like Micheal Jordan (who rejected it)and whoever crosses his path. Mark tells a story in the book I mentioned above about how Charles Barkley's brother flatlined  and during the time he was dead he says his body went to a place that could only be described as hell before he was brought back to life. Mark tried to use that experience to try to get him saved but even then he refused Jesus.


Yes! I've heard of Mark Cahill. I believe my mother has used some of his tracts when she goes out to restaurants. My mother always over-tips and leaves a tract, no matter how good or bad the service is. That way the server knows that the action was done out of concern for their eternal souls, and not just as a bribe to read. My mother usually talks with the server and brings the Lord into the conversation. She's always been great about telling how the Lord has worked in her life. I'm truly blessed to have a Godly, consistant mother with a wonderful tesitmony. 

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On 7/20/2021 at 12:13 PM, Pastor Scott Markle said:

Also a 12 page booklet entitled "God's Way of Forgiveness for Your Sins" that I have compiled myself and that our church has printed by Bethel Baptist Print Ministry in London, Ontario.  This booklet contains two primary sections: 

I. The first five pages - God's Way of Forgiveness for Your Sins
   (with the following subpoints, and corresponding passages typed out)
     1. You must believe the truth of God's Word that you need God's forgiveness for your sins.
          You must acknowledge that you have sinned against God.
          You must acknowledge that you deserve God's judgment.
          You must acknowledge that you cannot save yourself.
     2. You must believe the truth of God's Word that God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the only way of forgiveness and salvation -- through His shed blood, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection.
          You must believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for you and for your sins and sinfulness.
          You must believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is God the Son, and that He rose again from the dead.
          You must believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only way of forgiveness and salvation from your sins.
          You must believe that the Lord Jesus Christ can and will save you from your sins.
     3. You must obey the commandment of God's Word to believe and call upon God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your personal Savior from sin.
          You must personally choose from you heart to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.
          You must personally and purposefully call in faith from your heart unto the Lord Jesus Christ, asking Him to save you from your sins.
          You should call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in faith and receive Him as your personal Savior right now.
          (After a few corresponding passages to the last truth, a "Sample Prayer" is included along with the following note: "This prayer is not magical.  If you do not mean this prayer from your heart, it will do you no good.")

II.  The sixth page - My Decision for Christ
     (An explanation that the decision to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior makes one a child of God.  A place to record their spiritual birth date.  And some corresponding passages to the above truth.)

III.  The seventh through tenth page - Counsels to The New Born Child of God
     (with the following subpoints, and corresponding passages typed out)
     1.  Know that you have eternal life and that you are secure forever in the Lord's hand.
     2.  Joyfully obey your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in being baptized Biblically as a believer.
     3.  Give yourself as a living sacrifice to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to live your life wholly for Him.
     4.  Speak to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ every day in prayer.
     5.  Read from and meditate on the Word of God every day.
     6.  Faithfully obey the counsels and commands that your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gives to you from His Word (the Bible).
     7.  Attend a Biblically faithful church (a church that preaches, teaches, and stand for the truth of God's Word) whenever it has services.
     8.  Confess your sins in prayer to the Lord and ask His forgiveness, whenever you disobey the counsels and commands of His Word.
     9.  Tell others how the Lord Jesus Christ saved you from your sins, and seek to lead them to receive Him as their personal Savior also.

IV.  The eleventh page - An invitation to Melvin Baptist Church.

V.  The twelfth page - a blank page.


Front Cover


I received a copy in mail yesterday, thank you. You did an excellent job compiling Bible verses and put them together in an easy way to understand. 

Obviously, it's a booklet so how do you use these? You pass them out? You place them on doors?

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1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

I received a copy in mail yesterday, thank you. You did an excellent job compiling Bible verses and put them together in an easy way to understand. 

Obviously, it's a booklet so how do you use these? You pass them out? You place them on doors?

Brother Matt,

Our primary way of usage is through door hanger bags.  We pack a door hanger bag with a booklet, a tract (usually God's Simple Plan), and a church business card.  Then we distribute door to door in our local towns and mailbox post to mailbox post (not in or on the mailbox, since that is illegal) throughout our rural areas.  Since we live in a primarily rural area, we have found this to be a most profitable way of distribution.

Also, some do hand out these booklets to those with whom they have a little more contact/relationship than simply a "cold contact."  They would not likely be used at the check-out counter, but more likely with neighbors, friends, co-workers, family, acquaintances, etc.

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5 hours ago, Jerry said:

Chick Tracts present some wacky theology in some of their tracts, as well as contain images of God/Christ which the Bible forbids.

It wasn't Bro. Chick this guy dressed up kind of Amish, he had some interesting tracts. I think at one point someone reccomended his tracts on this site.

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9 hours ago, KJV1611BELIEVER said:

It wasn't Bro. Chick this guy dressed up kind of Amish, he had some interesting tracts. I think at one point someone reccomended his tracts on this site.

When I was a young Christian I used a LOT of Chick tracks, but I grew out of that as I saw more doctrinal soundness in other tracts. I no longer use his tracts. 

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We get some tracts from Mercy and Truth Ministries in KS. Brother Scott Hanks puts most of them together, and those we have gotten are very sound doctrinally.  https://mercyandtruthministry.com/

We also order from Help4U ministries in IN. Doctrinally sound and attractively compiled. We've liked all that we have ordered, but my personal favorite is the Amazing Grace tract.  When we hand that one out, people immediately recognize the song and seem pleased to receive the tract. https://www.help4upublications.com/

We also order from Moments with the Book. They will imprint addresses as well. We have ordered Christmas tracts from them which are well done. My husband especially likes the Why Did Jesus Die tract. https://mwtb.org/


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