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Do any of you use Bible tracts when you are witnessing? If so, which ones? Why?

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2 hours ago, HappyChristian said:

We get some tracts from Mercy and Truth Ministries in KS. Brother Scott Hanks puts most of them together, and those we have gotten are very sound doctrinally.  https://mercyandtruthministry.com/

We also order from Help4U ministries in IN. Doctrinally sound and attractively compiled. We've liked all that we have ordered, but my personal favorite is the Amazing Grace tract.  When we hand that one out, people immediately recognize the song and seem pleased to receive the tract. https://www.help4upublications.com/

We also order from Moments with the Book. They will imprint addresses as well. We have ordered Christmas tracts from them which are well done. My husband especially likes the Why Did Jesus Die tract. https://mwtb.org/


I greatly appreciate that input! I will definitely be checking these out. 

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I realized I didn't answer the part of the topic regarding using them. lol. We do pass them out  all the time. My hubs encourages folks to do so on a consistent basis. Every Christmas time, we order a bunch and put them together in groups of 25, banded together. Everyone is encouraged to hand them out, and we like to see how many are actually done that time of year (more people really are receptive to receiving the tracts then). The folks enjoy that.

We send them with bill payments, etc. Any way we are able to, we pass them out. It is a good way to get the gospel out if you aren't able to talk with the person (like at the grocery store or fast food place).

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