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I'm late to the game on this thread, but for me, we had some challenges that absorbed every fiber of our being, and as such, internet contributions dropped off the list.  Then, time is always a consideration.  I do think that if we all commit to working at it, we could make it more active.  I was very active on the ladies' forum, less so here.  (I wish we could access some of the old studies we had on the ladies separate forum.)

If everyone would reach out to a member through private message or email, you could gather back some of the contributors you are missing.  I know for sure when we had our challenges, I would have welcomed knowing someone missed my presence, and I would have asked them to pray for me, even if I couldn't get back to contribute here daily.  Happy Christian, you may remember when we private messaged every member on the ladies' forum to invite them to some of the studies.  It did generate a bit more traffic.  Just a thought. :)

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When I first joined OB, there were a lot of friendly and astute folks who knew their bible very well, and they contributed so much to this website, and I also missed them. I know that I have personally left several bible based website forums because they didn't want to here the truth. It was basically, "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up, let me continue to stick my head in the sand.". I've noticed this type of mentality among MANY website forums.  And as a result, I left these forums. There are several reasons why some "Christians" refuse to be corrected in their false beliefs, and I believe that they are because of arrogance, or their mind is made up; or like others here have said in this thread, because of time. I am in several ministries, and I still believe that the Lord wants me to go out and preach to the lost FACE to FACE, or in person. One cannot grow in the knowledge of the truth if one is not willing to be rebuked by another forum member who has clearly showed their error using hermeneutics and exegesis. I use to believe that one can lose their salvation until a friend of mine opened my eyes showed me using scripture how I was wrong...this was almost 30 years ago, and now I have grown in the knowledge of the truth of the Word of God . Time is too short in this life to engage in debates with someone who has shut their eyes and closed their ears to the truth of the sacred scriptures. This website also use to have a chat section where folks could chat live here on OB, and for some reason, there were no dissensions, and the members would work out their differences. It's also difficult to tell if someone is raising their voice at you, or that you can perceive their voice inflections and their tone, so someone elses words can be misinterpreted as them being indignant towards you, or if they're trying to communicate in a friendly manner. We who are spiritual should restore such one in the spirit of meekness (Gal.6:1). I am now currently seeking more ministries to get involved in. As I said, life is too short, and we only have a one shot deal in this life, and how we serve the Lord in this world will result in rewards that will last for eternity, so we should make the most of it, and use our talents wisely. We all want to here the Lord say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant." (Matt.25:45), when we meet Him face to face. I would encourage everyone on this board to engage in some type of ministry. Even the smallest amound of good works that we do for the Lord is significant to Him (cf Matt.24:45; 10:42). And again, it's either hearing these words from the Lord, "Well done faithful and good servant; or, thou wicked and slothful servant." Lets us use our talents wisely. I won't be posting too much here on OB, because I believe that I have other duties to fulfill in this world, and I want to make the most of it, because the ramifications are eternal once we enter the Eternal state.

Edited by (Omega)
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On 11/17/2017 at 4:12 AM, BroMatt said:

I know my online time has been cut drastically since we started the church. It's nice to see you again.


On 11/17/2017 at 3:27 PM, Alan said:

I found out that I have the same problem.

Same thing here. Its a good problem to have I guess!

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On 11/15/2017 at 9:34 AM, Alan said:



That little feller looks like a Pond Apple Snail.  We have them here too.  Had a whole swamp named after them that was a favorite hideout for drug runners during the 1980s and now a major highway runs over it.  Somewhere we have a photo of a bunch of them all over our youngest daughter's hand and arm after a good rain.  Thank God for these little creatures!

Edited by swathdiver
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On 4/21/2018 at 2:51 AM, swathdiver said:

Somewhere we have a photo of a bunch of them all over our youngest daughter's hand and arm after a good rain.  Thank God for these little creatures!

Edited yesterday at 02:51 AM by swathdiver


If you ever find the photo of the Pond Apple Snail on your daughter's arm, and you feel led to,  can you upload it so we can see?


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11 hours ago, swathdiver said:

Well here's the photos but I don't think they're pond apple snails now, that's what my memory told me.  We do find them empty along the shore lines though, eaten by the wading birds.  Time flies, this was ten years ago!

Do you eat them?

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On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 7:51 AM, Pastorj said:

It's been a couple years since I have been active on Online Baptist. It seems like the amount of activity on the forum is down significantly from where it was when I was here last. Just curious as to what people think are the reasons. Has other social media taken away from this forum?

I've been filling my time with a lot of reading. I want to stay away from TV, internet, and all other forms of electronics noise. I'm attempting to concentrate on Bible and Christian authors. I'm behind on a couple of book reviews I intend to post later. There is another situation I'll mention in another thread. 

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4 hours ago, swathdiver said:

No, we're not French!  I reckon they're edible, though those little fellers were pets for a few days and then let go if memory serves.

Not only the French.  My daughter, after a visit to Crete, brought me back a Cretan recipe book. There were a number of recipes for snails.  One was Holy Thursday Snails.  I didn't keep the book.

Some years ago, in a supermarket near here, I saw two lots of canned snails.  A French one which also had a net containing shells, and one which was imported from Taiwan which was half the price but didn't come with the shells.

When I have seen them in France they have always been frozen, except when an old French farmer invited us into his house and said, excuse me, I need to attend to my beasts.  I followed him and in his grange (barn) he had a large pot of snails cooking.  They looked like common or garden snails to me,

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I am not squeamish about foods generally. But I don't know if I could do snails. Bugs just don't appeal to my appetite.

The closest I have come to eating anything like a snail was when I was just a kid. I come from a small fishing village on the east coast called Gloucester. People there eat salt water snails called Periwinkles. I can remember going with my mother to collect them off of the rocks at low tide. She always brought a jug along to bring back salt water to boil them in.

Hey, kids will eat most anything and we did. I have no idea how long to cook them, but I seem to remember she didn't cook them too long. As I remember it they were actually very good with a hint of ocean flavor. They are eaten with a pin. You have to remove the flat "cap" that covers the shell opening, then spear the snail and pull it out. It can be very tiring eating much of them because of their small size and the work involved to getting them out of the shell.

I have to admit that they look very nasty, but will refrain from saying what they looked like.  :laugh:

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Perriwinkles are more like tiny oysters than snails.

I have not enjoyed the snails I have tried, and they have been at restaurants, so I assume they were cooked well (although that is an assumption! ? ).


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10 hours ago, DaveW said:

Perriwinkles are more like tiny oysters than snails.

I have not enjoyed the snails I have tried, and they have been at restaurants, so I assume they were cooked well (although that is an assumption! ? ).


Bro. Dave, this may be a case of the same name for two different species. An oyster has a shell very much like a clam and they are bi-valves. What I know as a periwinkle is a true salt water snail. Their shell is more like a land snail.

Periwinkles have soft bodies and a head inside the permanent univalve shell (as opposed to bivalves like clams, scallops and mussels). South of New England there are tremendous varieties of periwinkle kin, from whelks, cowries, conchs and murexes, to wentletraps, tritons and augers. 


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Yeah I did wonder about that after I posted.

The perriwinkle I know is not a bivalve, but is quite flat, and the critter inside is more like an oyster.

Anyway, I have not enjoyed snails when I have had them...........

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