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Words that give me a nervous jerkdown...

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I've probably shared my disdain for the word "selfie" here before...

But this latest verbal assailment (photobomb) spawned from the pits of the unquenchable fires and deepest-darkest crevices where the worm dieth not certainly is giving it (selfie) a run for its money. Instead of...

Giiirrrrlll, let me tell you...I's takin' a selfie, and my little brother done slipped in and photobombed me!

Why can't people just say...

Hi friend! May I share my recent experience with you? I was attempting to take a narcissistic photograph of myself with my Nikon d5500; however, during said photo session, my younger male sibling took it upon himself to intrude upon my self-modeling by inserting himself into the picture; thereby, desecrating the artistry that was intended to draw praise and adoration from others!

Now...doesn't that sound better?  :yeah:  :nuts:

...and don't get me started on "giiirrrlll"!  :offended:


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1 hour ago, No Nicolaitans said:


Hi friend! May I share my recent experience with you? I was attempting to take a narcissistic photograph of myself with my Nikon d5500; however, during said photo session, my younger male sibling took it upon himself to intrude upon my self-modeling by inserting himself into the picture; thereby, desecrating the artistry that was intended to draw praise and adoration from others!



Thank you, now I know what "photobomb" means. Yeah, I know -- I must live under a rock. Before anyone seeks to inform me as to the purpose of dictionaries, I use them for "real" words that I'm unfamiliar with -- but not selfie, photobomb, dork, nerd, etc.

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1 minute ago, OLD fashioned preacher said:

Thank you, now I know what "photobomb" means. Yeah, I know -- I must live under a rock. Before anyone seeks to inform me as to the purpose of dictionaries, I use them for "real" words that I'm unfamiliar with -- but not selfie, photobomb, dork, nerd, etc.

You have my deepest regret for exposing you to such foul language.

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I agree, and on the even more absurd side... it's now supposedly RACIST to say "ALL lives matter".  "Hater" and "Racist" seem to be terms with which liberal socialists do not comprehend the meaning of, but use frequently since they have no better (or even realistic) jabs to throw against the truth. Men desiring to use the women's restroom? The next word I would like to vomit on is "self-identify".  What if I "self-identify" with being the president and decide I want to march into the white house and take over? That thought is far less preposterous than men wanting to dress up as women (and vice-versa). Common sense would dictate that there are MANY more pedophiles and would-be rapists who would use this opportunity to commit their wicked acts, and with the liberal socialists blessings it seems. The world has gone stark raving mad.

Over the last year, this one verse comes to mind at least a dozen times a day when I watch/read just about ANY main stream media article these days, since 99.9% of them all have such a liberal/biased slant:

Isaiah 5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

And 2 Tim. 3:1-5 characteristics have never been so prevalent.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

"Selfies", "photobombs", and all of the backwards uses of the words "hater" and "racist" can all be seen in those verses. So are we going to see things get better? I think not. A few short verses later we read verse 13 " But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

No doubt in my mind, these are the perilous last days Paul was telling Timothy would come. God won't be mocked, His righteous wrath will soon fall upon this evil wicked unbelieving world.  For me, the only peace of mind that comes from knowing this is having His assurance that we're not appointed to God's wrath (1 Thes. 5:9) and we've been delivered from the wrath to come (1 Thes. 1:10). Those are mighty comforting promises in these evil and perilous last days.

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That did cause quite an uproar when "all lives matter" came out. Like you indicated, this is the "me" generation, and only what I want is what matters.

...My wife is 44, and I'm almost 50, but we have a 17 year old daughter and a 6 year old son who will have to grow up in this avalanche of craziness. Our daughter is saved, and I pray to God everyday that our son will be saved as soon as he possibly can. It both scares me and breaks my heart to think what they'll have to grow up in. The world is tumbling head-long into hell, and one of their biggest worries is whether someone photobombed their selfie.

Now look at that...there I go using the two words that I'm a "hater" of. :hide:

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11 hours ago, OLD fashioned preacher said:

Thank you, now I know what "photobomb" means. Yeah, I know -- I must live under a rock. Before anyone seeks to inform me as to the purpose of dictionaries, I use them for "real" words that I'm unfamiliar with -- but not selfie, photobomb, dork, nerd, etc.

OFP, all kidding aside and despite my dislike of the word, I feel obligated to give further explanation of the term. Whereas, a photobomb can be purposeful (as my example above), it can also happen by chance or mistake; such as, an animal could be in the picture doing something funny. A passerby could appear, a natural phenomenon could get photographed at the moment a picture wad taken. In other words, anything that is in a picture that draws attention away from the intended subject, is considered a photobomb.

I just miss the days when people would simply say, "Look at what else is in my picture! " instead of using the new-hip-fad speak. ;)


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51 minutes ago, No Nicolaitans said:

"I just miss the days when people would simply say, "Look at what else is in my picture! " instead of using the new-hip-fad speak." ;)

I'm with you here NN. What's wrong with just saying what you mean, it's called "communication."

In this respect I also feel like OFP when he says he is,"living under a rock." Things like this take me totally by surprise.

While I also dislike the word "selfie", I had never heard of a photobomb until I saw it written here.

There is another word that seems to have originated with the younger generation and spread to older folks that I dislike because of its misuse. The word is "Awesome." To some people this word is casually used to describe everything remotely good, or if they simply agree with what has been said.

The real intent of the word is found in synonyms such as:  exceptionalextraordinarymagnificentoutstandingpreeminentrareremarkablesingulartoweringuncommonunusual.

There is also a single word I dislike when it is used in an "unfinished sentence." It is the word, "with."
Some time ago it became popular to use this word in a sentence that left the sentence unfinished, such as:

"Oh, you are going to the store, can I come with?"  "I am going to a movie and my son is coming with."

Of this I can only say, "what is so difficult about finishing a sentence that only needs the word "me" to be complete?"

There, now I got that off of my chest.  :unsure:


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1 hour ago, Jim_Alaska said:

There is also a single word I dislike when it is used in an "unfinished sentence." It is the word, "with."
Some time ago it became popular to use this word in a sentence that left the sentence unfinished, such as:

"Oh, you are going to the store, can I come with?"  "I am going to a movie and my son is coming with."

Oh dear...that's a new one on me. With this grammar gutting, the world has just become even more bleak than I ever imagined.


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It's also annoying when after every sentence or two the person keeps saying/asking, "know what I mean"?

All those irritating animal pictures where people write on them in ghetto baby talk. A cat crawling under a hooded sweatshirt with words saying "dis be my hood" (example).

How about those who speak text talk?:rolleyes:

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