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Why are Christians voting for Donald Trump?

John Young

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6 minutes ago, HoneyBear said:

Honey Bear say Trump is the man. Trump 2016!

Greetings, HoneyBear.

How about going to the introduce yourself section and tell us about yourself including whether you think you'll go to Heaven when you die and why you think you will or won't.

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22 hours ago, heartstrings said:

Really?  smh

Yeah, his "reasoning" seems to be that he thinks since Bernie is so far radical Left that he won't be able to accomplish anything and after four years of that he will be voted out and hopefully someone worthwhile will be running then.:blink:

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26 minutes ago, OLD fashioned preacher said:

Greetings, HoneyBear.

How about going to the introduce yourself section and tell us about yourself including whether you think you'll go to Heaven when you die and why you think you will or won't.

Why? I must not be saved since I'm voting for Trump. 


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On 4/6/2016 at 10:35 AM, Blessed Christian Wife said:

I don't ike trump at all he scares me and I hope he don't win it creeps me out thinking if he would win he is just making a big fool of himself.... I cannot believe he is running in the GOP... I scares me..

Let not your heart be troubled...

God is on the throne no matter who sits in the oval office.

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All of you are off to a certain degree. The point is and always will be who is saved. Folks, here is the simple truth, because of the majority of our country are still LOST. I refer to Matthew 7:14,"  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." I don't care what others say. If this website is truly KJV IFB only, then you have to assume that everything the Bible says is true, period. In other words, it's the non-Christians who are voting for Trump. The Lord in that verse didn't say that the U.S. would be mostly saved. Remember our country is only 200 years old. The Lord said in general there would be few. That's an unfortunate fact, but it's Bible. :wink

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No doubt most of Trumps voters, as is true of the other candidates, are unsaved, but there are also a significant percentage of Christian voters who have already cast votes for Trump and many more who likely will.

The very fact unsaved voters outnumber saved voters means any major candidate will receive a larger percentage of unsaved votes compared to votes from those saved.

There are saved people voting for each of the major candidates. Whether a person is saved or unsaved doesn't indicate who they will vote for.

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I agree there. However, my point is the minority is us saved, born-again, washed in the blood. The majority is going to vote by their flesh. The problem isn't why aren't the Christians voting. The problem is why aren't people getting saved. If they were saved, they would be making better decisions. I agree that there are Christians who are voting for everyone, but that is not who the majority of the voting public. It is not the rule, and never will be. We will always be the minority.

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No matter who your preferred candidate is, there is something going on which should trouble EVERY American citizen. The subversion of the will of the people shown in the blatant disregard of the voters in Colorado just recently. Should our voting process be contingent upon who can woo (or bribe) delegates? Is that not raqueteering?

No matter what the GOP caucus inner circle "decrees" as a supposed "law" within their group, it makes little different WHAT they "decree", there are laws which ARE in place which supersede whatever the policitcal parties "decree". 
The civil rights act of 1964, the Jim Crow law, the voting rights act of 1965 (and I am sure there are MORE laws such as these). 
These voting rights don't just cover blacks or minorities, they cover discrimination for ALL people. 
When party caucus appointees are the only ones supposedly "permitted" to DECIDE who can be nominated as the person we (the American people) can vote for, it's no longer an election... it's an appointment or "decree".

When the party caucus appointees are the people who appoint who can RUN for president that IS just like communist "elections".
At LEAST communist nations have a "token" vote of people (with the same corrupt ending).

I saw many videos yesterday of some VERY UPSET Colorado residents. There were BOTH republican AND democratic peoples whowere irate that they weren't even ALLOWED to vote in the primaries!
The republican party GAVE 34 delegates to Cruz.
I saw many people's video from Colorado who were even previously supportive of Cruz (and had intended to vote for Cruz in the primaries in Colorado) who ALSO were seriously upset that their own votes didn't get to count either.
This is about fairness and RIGHTS. Not about who your favorite candidate is.
Do you want to live in a communist nation? When someone is "decreed" not only who the nominee is, but who the president is?
Not a far stretch. 
No matter what side of the aisle you are on, and no matter who your favorite candidate is... (and even if this illegal action is working in his/her favor), this SUBVERSION OF THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE should very much upset you.
Rigged elections. 
Once again "decrees" should NEVER supersede LAWS already on the books. 

If you ARE a Cruz supporter, let me ask you this? What IF the tables were turned and they GAVE the delegates to Trump? Would you THEN feel it was unfair?
And the flip side of the coin, If you ARE a Hillary supporter, What IF the tables were turned and they GAVE the delegates to Sanders? Would you THEN feel it was unfair?
I am by NO MEANS a Bernie Sanders supporter, but what the democratic party is doing to him as well, is also unfair and is also subverting the will of the American people.
What IF the republican party then turns around and steals Cruz's delegates and GIVES them to another person? Will you be upset about this then? They are already discussing how Rubio's delegates won can be used on a candidate of their choice... what if it's NOT Cruz?

And before you answer, think of this... It might be working in your favor THIS TIME (currently for any Hillary or Cruz supporter), but what about WHEN it's NOT working in your favor? It's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN.
This voter discrimination is going to work to HURT the republican party as a whole. 
I can't count the videos of Colorado republicans who were so very upset that they vowed that after this "election" they would never again be a republican.
This is only going to work in favor of the democratic party. Hillary will win the election if the people feel they had NO CHOICE in the primaries, they will also feel their vote in the general election doesn't count. Many republicans won't even bother to vote in the fall.
What a shame that the GOP would rather hand over the votes to the democratic party rather than to allow the will of the American people to decide the nominee.
The lack of votes for a republican candidate will hurt the party.
The same is true on the democratic side of the coin. Those who support Sanders are also outraged at how the dem. party is also subverting their will and their dislike of Hillary. There will be far less voter turnout come November (if there even IS an election in November) because people now feel their vote doesn't "count". 

What do you want? "Decrees" or laws already on the books?
The brokered situation of delegates was only specified to be when there was a close race of the popular vote. There was in no way supposed to be an entire CANCELLATION of a public primary, and delegate votes just handed over to whomever the delegates themselves chose. They are even breaking their own "decree" by cancelling Colorado citizen's rights to vote!
Subverting the will of mankind is what the devil would like to see happen. The antichrist is going to need complete control over the populous, this is one HUGE step towards that.
I've heard many Cruz supporters say he is a constitutionalist. If that's true, how can he support the GOP "decree" over the laws already on the books?
Should our voting process be contingent upon who can woo (or bribe) delegates? Is that not raqueteering?
There was once freedom and justice in this land. 
It's now subversion and corruption.
Welcome to communism.  


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