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What Color Is Your Church?

The Glory Land

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Ours 30 years ago was a Jehovah Witness Hall.  So boring rectangular building with no windows in the Sanctuary.  We are on a narrow strip of land with barely enough room on one side for cars to get by the building to a too small parking lot.  We have done whatever we could with limited property to make it as beautiful as possible, but we realize Church is the people, not the building.


Bro. Garry

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We met in a fairly new civic center.  The building is brick.  The room we meet in has easy access to the parking lot.  It is very roomy inside our building.  We have the main room where preaching services take place on Sunday morning and Sunday night.  The other rooms include a kitchen, a dining area, a place for junior church, and another room for a nursery.

We own property in the same town, but have not been able to build on it b/c of lack of funds to the "Vision Fund."  We met there in the summer and fall months.

All other Wednesday services are held in a Lutheran church in my hometown.  There is an area for prayer and Bible study, a room for a nursery, and the basement is used for Master's Club.  The Lutheran church is less costly than the civic center.


The white building that Salyan posted is what my old church used to look like, but it was a bit smaller than that.

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Our church building is blue and white. Not a typical church building. It was a racquetball center before it was given to us. Kind of unique as we have a few racquetball courts in the church. 





Given to us, this is good to hear, I like it.   :coffee:

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let's see, I am white and my wife is brown, my children are tan.  I have members that are black, yellow and red.


Well my church is a rainbow color.


Organizations are not the body of Christ the church.


That is why terms like "My church" and "Our Church" or "Baptist Church, AG Church, Pentecostal church, Love and Truth Community Church" etc. . . . are not biblical.


You see the church is not a building or an organization according to scriptures and until people start getting that correct, false teachings of the church and what it is and how it is to be led will continue to abound without true understanding.


Sorry for pinching you guys.  Just making sure you are awake.

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Meh - we all know the church is actually people...and we all know when someone asks what our church looks like, they mean the building.  :smug:

If I was to answer "what color is your church", with the understanding it is body of Christ and some of its supposed members here on earth.  I would say Blackened (iniquitous), Scarlet (adulteress), Yellow(fearful), Blue (emotional), Green (jealous), Black and blue (infighting).


While God may see it from heaven as white pure in Christ, Holy and without spot or blemish, Purple royalty because they are part of the King of Kings, Bloody because the Blood of Christ covers them.


A true rainbow.

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But the OP specifically makes the point that this is about the building, not the people.......

Ours is a cream brick colour with a tin roof, but we have all sorts of people inside those walls.

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let's see, I am white and my wife is brown, my children are tan.  I have members that are black, yellow and red.


Well my church is a rainbow color.


Organizations are not the body of Christ the church.


That is why terms like "My church" and "Our Church" or "Baptist Church, AG Church, Pentecostal church, Love and Truth Community Church" etc. . . . are not biblical.


You see the church is not a building or an organization according to scriptures and until people start getting that correct, false teachings of the church and what it is and how it is to be led will continue to abound without true understanding.


Sorry for pinching you guys.  Just making sure you are awake.


See post #9 Johnny Come Lately!   :bleh:

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