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How Old Is The Earth


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It takes "detective work" with the help of the Holy Spirit to uncover a lot of truth that is in the Scriptures.

How many times have I seen folks just "gloss over" a truth as if it wasn't even there.

Being creatures of habit, many often just "parrot" what they have heard others say.


The Bereans were more nOBle than the Thessalonians because they diligently searched the Scriptures.

Boy, if that isn't the truth.


I have met more parrots than eagles when it come to the word of God.

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The six-day creation did not start at Genesis 1:3... it started at Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The beginning of what?  Not the beginning of eternity?  Eternity has no beginning, nor does it have a ending. 

So Heaven and Earth had a beginning that did not start in eternity.

I submit that the beginning referred to in Genesis 1:1 was the beginning of time... the first day.


I agree, for there was no 'measured time' before creation. 

Yet that 'time' before Genesis 1:1, though un-measurable, was eternal in itself, I believe, for God has no beginning.

A beginning denotes a measure of time, one that we could understand.

Therefore God is eternal, even without the measure of time as we know it.

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What does "the earth was without form, and void;"  mean?


I think it means, that all 'matter' was existent, in one formless 'blOB', to perform the division that the Lord would do, of the elements, into all the creation of...everything!

The origin of the 'concentrate'.


Not what the 13th century(?) Jewish Rabbi taught about 'destruction of the 'other' earth', commonly called 'the gap theory'.

Edited by Genevanpreacher
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It means, unfilled and unformed-it seems to have been a mass of water, and even science is figuring out that there was water on earth before anything else, or at least, that it was older than the sun-their numbers are waaay off, but they are esentially correct, since the water was first, and the sun on, what, day four.

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There is not enough sediment on the ocean floor to support an old earth, neither is there enough dust on the moon to indicate an old universe.

I know that NASA expected an issue when the astronauts landed on the moon, that they might sink into the dust, due to their assumption of the great age leaving many hundreds of feet of loose dust, when in reality it was about 1/8" deep.


Of course, then you have things like the massive amounts of diatomaceous earth in various places on the planet, which scientists say if proof of billions of years of collection of the microscopic diatome fossils it is comprised of...until the find whale fossils stretching through 80' of it, upright, which means the dead whale had to have laid there without decomposing for billions of years as it was slowly covered in the tiny fossils as they died, which would accumulate mabye 1/4" per thousand years. They conveniently tend to forget such things.

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I know that NASA expected an issue when the astronauts landed on the moon, that they might sink into the dust, due to their assumption of the great age leaving many hundreds of feet of loose dust, when in reality it was about 1/8" deep.


Of course, then you have things like the massive amounts of diatomaceous earth in various places on the planet, which scientists say if proof of billions of years of collection of the microscopic diatome fossils it is comprised of...until the find whale fossils stretching through 80' of it, upright, which means the dead whale had to have laid there without decomposing for billions of years as it was slowly covered in the tiny fossils as they died, which would accumulate mabye 1/4" per thousand years. They conveniently tend to forget such things.


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It means, unfilled and unformed-it seems to have been a mass of water, and even science is figuring out that there was water on earth before anything else, or at least, that it was older than the sun-their numbers are waaay off, but they are esentially correct, since the water was first, and the sun on, what, day four.

I do not believe the earth is millions of years old.  I believe it is no more than and equality of one day or a thousand years older than Gen. 1:2.


Having said that the quote above says, "science is figuring our that there was water on earth before  anything else."  According to Gen 1:2 water was on the earth before the six day work of God in the beginning of this current world and the creation of man.


However Science does not believe there was water on the earth in the beginning.  They believe a comet brought building blocks of life and water to the earth.


here is a quote from the recent failed comet landing prOBe scientist, "One of the things they are most excited about is the possibility that the mission might help confirm that comets brought the building blocks of life — organic matter and water — to Earth.


Again, I believe God's preserved word is true no matter what ANY man, saved or unsaved says, if Proverbs 8 is giving us a correct chronological view from everlasting about the exaltation of the wisdom of God (Jesus being that wisdom), Earth, the depth, the fountains of water, then there was no water on the earth when God first created it.  Sometime between the creation of the earth and Gen1:2, which would be between 1 day and a thousand years, iniquity was found in Lucifer and God judged that iniquity by allowing the waters to break forth from its ordained place and flood the earth not killing anything but destroying the throne Lucifer was trying to exalt above God.  Thereby bringing sin and darkness into the depths of God's heaven.


God solved the resulting darkness by calling for light, establishing the 24 hour time calculus on day one, and stop the darkness from expanding into his holy heaven by placing a firmament around the darkness encapsulating the waters below from those above on the second day.  Once done he could move on into his will for this earth which ultimately is for the exaltation of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his throne forever (see Revelation 21-22).


No death before Adams sin, no pre-Adamic life, all fossil records are from the flood of Noah, no dust on the moon from billions or millions of years, no deep sediments on the ocean floors from billions or millions of years of erosion. 

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I do not believe the earth is millions of years old.  I believe it is no more than and equality of one day or a thousand years older than Gen. 1:2.


Having said that the quote above says, "science is figuring our that there was water on earth before  anything else."  According to Gen 1:2 water was on the earth before the six day work of God in the beginning of this current world and the creation of man.


However Science does not believe there was water on the earth in the beginning.  They believe a comet brought building blocks of life and water to the earth.


here is a quote from the recent failed comet landing prOBe scientist, "One of the things they are most excited about is the possibility that the mission might help confirm that comets brought the building blocks of life — organic matter and water — to Earth.


Again, I believe God's preserved word is true no matter what ANY man, saved or unsaved says, if Proverbs 8 is giving us a correct chronological view from everlasting about the exaltation of the wisdom of God (Jesus being that wisdom), Earth, the depth, the fountains of water, then there was no water on the earth when God first created it.  Sometime between the creation of the earth and Gen1:2, which would be between 1 day and a thousand years, iniquity was found in Lucifer and God judged that iniquity by allowing the waters to break forth from its ordained place and flood the earth not killing anything but destroying the throne Lucifer was trying to exalt above God.  Thereby bringing sin and darkness into the depths of God's heaven.


God solved the resulting darkness by calling for light, establishing the 24 hour time calculus on day one, and stop the darkness from expanding into his holy heaven by placing a firmament around the darkness encapsulating the waters below from those above on the second day.  Once done he could move on into his will for this earth which ultimately is for the exaltation of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his throne forever (see Revelation 21-22).


No death before Adams sin, no pre-Adamic life, all fossil records are from the flood of Noah, no dust on the moon from billions or millions of years, no deep sediments on the ocean floors from billions or millions of years of erosion. 


I do not believe in a 'Lucifer', as pertaining to some 'high angelic being' over one third of the angels.

I know I will get opposition on this, but to 'create' an existence of a creature that man has added

the attributes and 'honor' that only our Lord should have, but from the opposite view of course, in my opinion

is just wrong.

Historically the name Lucifer, in whatever language spoken, was meant to name the planet we call Venus. I do not get this from modern sources.

The notes alone in my bible explain this name as meaning "the morning star, that goeth before the sun, is called lucifer to whom Nebuchadnezzar is compared"

I go to work at 5:30 am everyday, and most days I get to see that morning star: Venus. By the way, sometimes it is the 'evening star' too. 

Yes, some 'non-Baptists' in centuries of old, did refer Lucifer's one verse in Isaiah as an example of the devil we call Satan.

But their thoughtline was based on and in their other 'doctrines'. Which we know as unbiblical. Why Baptists have taken this up I do not know

But I do know that, as a bible believing Baptist, and I am one, that no matter what any other 'baptist' teacher or preacher says,

you go on scripture, and the scripture does not teach Lucifer as the Head Devil of biblical teaching. It is a made up doctrine using other verses

that appear to support it yet don't clearly.

Jesus Christ never once named the devil Lucifer. He referred him to other names, of which we all know.

I have received plenty of 'flack' concerning this thought, yet is it destructive to our beliefs at all?

I don't think so.


As pertaining to the age of the earth...

Adam was created 'with age' was he not?

He was not created in the form of a baby, was he?




Adam was created 'aged'. The earth was created 'aged'.

So I see no prOBlem with the so-called 'age' subject.

The earth could appear 'millions' of years old, yet be very young in the timeline of existence.

Time, it's existence, is only about 6000 years or so, depending on your view I guess, but time 'existed not' before God created it.

We humans live 'inside' of time, whereas God exists, and existed, outside of time.

So, in my opinion, time is not a factor when it comes to the truth of the scriptures when discussing

the age of the earth.

If you don't add to scripture, you can't get a 'gap theory', you can't get 'evolution', you can't get 'a turtle carrying the whole of creation on it's back'.


God created, in time, everything that exists, and nothing happened outside of scripture to add anything of importance to what we should know.


And, not one alien in the whole bunch either!

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God established the 24/7 time encapsulation for man in Genesis 1:3-5.  and then placed it in a firmament to which that time works well for man after his creation.  God created the 24/7 before he set the sun and moon in revolution around the earth.  


Anytime existence before that is known in scriptures as eternity, eternal, from everlasting to everlasting.   It is said that the high and lofty one inhabits eternity that means from beginning to end (hence the alpha and Omega identification in scriptures) of it this is why he is eternal and why he can be everywhere and know all things.  That is because he is the almighty God.


Both David and Peter say a day is as of a thousand years.  they both speak from within the 24/7 time quantum to express something they did not understand at that time in their earthly existence, which is eternity.


I do not deny the existence of a time quantum before the 24/7.  But our current time quantum of the 24/7 was established in Gen 1:3-5 on day one of God's six days of work.  god's time quantum is from everlasting to everlasting.


You will notice in the scripture below, preserved for us in Gods word that the Earth and the World were two separate creations.


 Ps 90:2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.

Edited by AVBibleBeliever
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Sorry AVBB, but time began at verse 1,... Not verse 3.

In the beginning, god created the Heaven and the Earth.

Exodus 20:11 tells us the Earth was made in the six-day time frame.

Eternity is the begining it is from everlasting.  From everlasting to everlasting is the time quantum of God, however the 24/7 according to scriptures, God's words on this, is that he established the 24/7 on the first day of his six day work.  Gen 1:3 ¶ And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Edited by AVBibleBeliever
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