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"Ban The Person Above You" Game


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Weird that was the name that was in the place of woolysheep when I posted so ban Salyan for letting such a thing happen and make me look like a fool which I because I knew the last time I saw the sheep I knew it was woolysheep.  


 ( Hi ThePilgrim. Yes what you noticed did happen. I joined OB some years back and alminemine was my login. This was changed a while ago to woolysheep.  I still have to login with the former name. Yesterday I was going through my profile and when I accessed the part regarding login details my password manager automatically logged me in once again.For some reason my username then changed to alminemine. When I noticed the name change I re-entered woolysheep. 'woolysheep' is my current username :) )


Ban Rosie for missing the amazing ability of tongue waggling speed shown by 2bLikeJesus.

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