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KJV-ER: Thoughts and Opinions

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Sure, we've had to add words to the language. Words like computer, telephone, television, etc., weren't needed back in 1611. But, I have seen the devolution of the English language is my short 45 years on this Earth.


Going to = Gonna
Looks as if/Looks as though = Looks like
I want to = I wanna
Got = Gotten
An except from = Excerpted from

There, Their and They're, all mixed up.
You = u
No capitals, especially from some who should know better.
Yes = Yeah or Yep.

A French girl once said to my wife and I, "We are taught in English lessons to say 'Yes', but the English never say 'Yes' "

Just some regularly used on TV and the net.
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The point is that while English may have 250,000 words with 600,000 definitions, the actual everyday usage is roughly 9,000 words. The perfect example is the word "you." At its heyday (Shakespearan era), English speakers used "thee," "thou," etc., that delineated specific meanings. Nowadays, we simply use the word "you." The reason foreigners have such a difficult time learning English is because English grammar does not follow any grammar rules of most languages. We tend to make it up on our own. You could argue that English is simpler nowadays, but it's less precise while other languages are more precise.

Precisely my point. Thanks, chev1958
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who couldn't put a simply subject-verb-object sentence together.
And, then, of course, there are typos ... arghhh! :ooops

But think about how fluid our language is. The "Gay '90s" had nothing to do with homosexuality! Many words that were acceptable in the past (deaf and dumb, and the word for female canines (rhymes with Mitch), for example) are no longer acceptable in polite society. And then you have some words that a segment of the population is allowed to say, but other segments aren't. I'd like to know who gets to decide the rules.
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How about "The People's Proverbs Bible".

The People's Proverbs Bible is a newly released tool that communicates God's Word through the language of the heart: poetry. This unique, contemporary version of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon, Job, and Esther is written in a rythmic, poetic prose that heightens the dramatic appeal and engages all who love language.

Example passages:

The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters;
When I'm tattered and cold
And the world has taken a toll
He restores my soul
His 'surely goodness and mercy' blessing
Shall follow me all of my days,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Forever and for always. (Psalm 23)

Put all heart into it
When in the Lord you trust,
For your own understanding
Should never be enough;
In all your ways acknowledge Him
For a fresh directive word,
And He will give your path direction;
His ways are not like ours. (Proverbs 3:4)

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Um' date=' what about it? It certainly is not Bible... It does not say the same thing. Nothing like taking the Bible then winging it.[/quote']

That was kind of my point, I just wanted people to read it without comment first.

I found it interesting that the Psalm 23 example starts out sounding so much like the KJB but then takes an odd turn.

This is just another example of how the Bible is constantly being changed for the sake of "easy reading" or "target audiences", mostly in the name of profits, with very little or no real concern for the actual Word of God as this is done.

Not long ago I saw an advertisement for the "Green Bible", that's meant to appeal to environmentalists. Other similar "Bibles" have been discussed here, such as the ones geared towards women where they basically remove most "male aspects", especially with regards to God, or the "Bibles" put into contemporary teen magazine format, etc.
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  • 3 months later...
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Thank you for this post, Mitch! It is very well stated. :clap: I don't know whether this was said or not...but, there are also 40,000 word changes in modern Bibles. Satan is a "Master Deceiver" as we all know to be true. My belief is that the NKJV is too close to the "Real truth" - The KJV 1611 Authorized Version. This is frightening from my perspective. It wasn't that long ago that man...IN ORDER TO MAKE MONEY...came up with that Modern Version.

1 Timothy 6:10...For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. KJV 1611 AV.

Revelation 22:19...And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy. God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. KJV 1611 AV.

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These new versions of the Bible not only take out "The blood" scriptures...they also take away the beauty of the Bible. We know what taking away "The blood" means. My pastor has given an analogy where someone might need a blood transfusion to keep them alive. Imagine the power in having our sins cleansed by the shed blood of Jesus Christ? That is unbelievable to me! :amen:

Romans 5:9-10...Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from the wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. KJV 1611 AV.


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