My church does tithing, but I have encountered many christians saying it is an old testament, Levitical priesthood thing, and not for today.
My response to them is the NT church needs to cover its expenses, and that is through the congregation paying for some, or all of it. So why would the amount given be different to 10 percent that was what the levites did?
This isn't really showing the Biblical case for tithing now though. What is your understanding of tithing for now?
Ben Shapiro just posted a topic in my Facebook feed about people wanting to stay single instead of marrying etc. and, as I was reading some of the responses, came across this one....
[quote]Men stopped being leaders and naturally women took over. I do know several beautiful Godly single women. I’m not so sure a lot of men are looking for them, they look on the outside. So sad [/quote]
Actually, no; we've all stopped being "leaders". And women "taking over" is the opposite of the way the Word of God tells us women should "lead". 1 Peter 3:1-7 says that wives should "lead" by living Godly and by being in "subjection" to their husbands so that hubby can see the Godly "conversation" and either get saved, or be inspired to do better if he's already saved.. What I see as "leading" is to follow God, in God's order of "leadership". I hear men say "I'll have to talk to the "Boss" about that". Well, there's the problem. Sure, talk it over with the wife, that's good. But who has the final say in your family? We have too many men practicing the "subjection" in the first verse and if we try to "assert" any authority, that's considered a form of "toxic masculinity". So, how are we expected to "lead"? What does that even mean? And if you DO try to "lead" you are going to fall short on something at some point; it's inevitable. Even "leader" husbands are human. So how's this thing supposed to work? I'll give an example of what's NOT working.
My son's wife just gave him an angry dressing down in front of the children. He evidently didn't take that too well, so she either she kicked him out of the house, or he left.(I don't have the whole story because I try not to pry into their business). I just know they're now separated and my grandchildren are caught in the middle. I must say I have seen how angry she can get so, it must have been bad either way. When are pastors going to stop telling young men to "lead" their families while failing to admonish womenfolk about their part? Huh? I've heard 2 different pastors say on multiple occasions "I get onto the men on Father's Day but am nice to the ladies on Mother's Day".(paraphrased) Why is that brother? And I see their church members getting divorces. One just recently divorced and already has her another "feller".
Edited by heartstrings