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Altar Call for Salvation

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I’ve been attending a Southern Baptist Spanish church for sometime now, I am a independent Baptist, and bilingual, I notice that the last 2 pastors preaching  great messages but are not doing altar calls, like they should be doing, being the Baptist church SHC and it’s teachings. You may ask me, why are you not going to an independent Spanish Baptist church? Well, there’s not many of those around. I do attend both for my wife sake, she prefers attending a Spanish service for now. I also attend and listen to the IBC preaching in English. My questions is, why are pastors preaching and not asking visitors or members, if they will like to accept Jesus Christ for Salvation. This is happening more in the SBC, that I have listened to. Not all SBC churches, but many. I ask, because if people are coming near to God, but not getting Saved, no need for baptisms anymore too. 

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2 hours ago, Napsterdad said:

Noone on this forum can possibly answer this question. Why don't you ask the pastors you actually witness "not asking visitors or members if they will like to accept Jesus Christ for Salvation". Right or wrong, they are the ONLY ones that can give an answer to this. Perhaps you can then help them in some way. I certainly can't. I don't even know them or their church.

Thanks, I can ask the pastor, he is on fire for the Lord. I really did not want to hurt his feelings. He is new with us, but not a new Christian.

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Goodness gracious, TGL. Sin?!? I don't remember a commandment entitled 'thou shalt have altar calls.' Don't be extraneous.
Not all altar calls are for salvation, either.  And in Canada, anyone who wanted to be saved might be encouraged to talk to someone privately after, but would be extremely unlikely to actually walk down an aisle. 

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9 minutes ago, Salyan said:

Goodness gracious, TGL. Sin?!? I don't remember a commandment entitled 'thou shalt have altar calls.' Don't be extraneous.
Not all altar calls are for salvation, either.  And in Canada, anyone who wanted to be saved might be encouraged to talk to someone privately after, but would be extremely unlikely to actually walk down an aisle. 

Good point, let’s take the word sin out. Just altar calls, for salvation, including staying where you are or seated. Should a good Bible preaching church have it?

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15 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

The pastor prior did the same, no atar calls. This should come naturally.

I don't necessarily agree. I've been in churches, both IFB and SBC that have not had alter calls. Remember, the alter call is not a prerequisite for the Holy Spirit to move or the Lord to save. I had a close friend who never walked an aisle, but instead prayed right where he was and came to the Lord during the service. I'm not necessarily against alter calls, as our church has one every Sunday morning. I am, however, against the way many of them are used....the 100 stanza's of "Just As I Am," etc. 

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Ours does alter calls and I love singing and listening to, "Just As I Am". ?


One lady, who had been faithfully attending for several decades suddenly realized her fallen condition and got saved during an alter call and was scripturally baptized soon after.  Some months later, she went home to heaven.

So even a Wednesday night alter call can yield fruit!  

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TGL, you are right, that is referred to as an altar call - and to refer to the front of the church (or some part of it where you deal with your sin or salvation) is based on this passage, as far as I understand it - so it is not a "Catholic" thing:

Matthew 5:23-24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

That being said, there is nowhere in the Bible that it is stated that it is a MUST for someone to go forward to get saved or deal with their sin. Yes, a preacher should exhort applying the Scriptures, receiving Jesus as their Saviour, dealing with their sin and making choices to serve the Lord fully, etc. - but whether that involves a physical "altar" or emphasizing that the people listening take and apply what is being preached, pray where they are at, etc. - that is what is important.

I have been to IFB churches that do both. A problem I see with one side is that people sometimes will not deal with something UNLESS they go forward - like a ritual (and sometimes pride gets in the way), and on the other side, some feel the pastor is not preaching right if he does not have an altar call (which is not in the Bible in the first place). Regardless, we are to take and apply the Word of God as we hear it preached, whether we physically go forward or bow our hearts/heads in our pews.

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On 3/8/2023 at 11:53 PM, Jerry said:

TGL, you are right, that is referred to as an altar call - and to refer to the front of the church (or some part of it where you deal with your sin or salvation) is based on this passage, as far as I understand it - so it is not a "Catholic" thing:

Matthew 5:23-24 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

That being said, there is nowhere in the Bible that it is stated that it is a MUST for someone to go forward to get saved or deal with their sin. Yes, a preacher should exhort applying the Scriptures, receiving Jesus as their Saviour, dealing with their sin and making choices to serve the Lord fully, etc. - but whether that involves a physical "altar" or emphasizing that the people listening take and apply what is being preached, pray where they are at, etc. - that is what is important.

I have been to IFB churches that do both. A problem I see with one side is that people sometimes will not deal with something UNLESS they go forward - like a ritual (and sometimes pride gets in the way), and on the other side, some feel the pastor is not preaching right if he does not have an altar call (which is not in the Bible in the first place). Regardless, we are to take and apply the Word of God as we hear it preached, whether we physically go forward or bow our hearts/heads in our pews.

Matthew 5:23-24 is for the Jewish law and nothing to do with  churches. The altar was where the Jews brought their offerings,  and nothing to do with altar calls which put pressure on people rather than relying on the call of the Holy Spirit who is the one who chooses a bride for Christ.  

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5 hours ago, Invicta said:

Matthew 5:23-24 is for the Jewish law and nothing to do with  churches. The altar was where the Jews brought their offerings,  and nothing to do with altar calls which put pressure on people rather than relying on the call of the Holy Spirit who is the one who chooses a bride for Christ.  

When there is an invitation for those that seek in being born again. This can yes, be in a church or outside the church, invitation for salvation. The altar today is not a Holy spot, but a very nice place, to repent and seek Christ. So it is not wrong to do altar calls, where ever you’re are. For salvation, baptisms, or membership.

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