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Putin the man…

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Putin doesn't really seek people's attention. He's already had it for a long time being that he used to be the head of the KGB. He's moving to make himself back into a powerful world leader and wants to restore the "glory" of the former Soviet Union. 

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I just read an opinion piece on how Putin has, probably unhappily, resurrected NATO. I expect this is an unanticipated consequence of his saber rattling. Did Putin miscalculate?

The article reads:

PARIS — Barely two years after French President Emmanuel Macron declared it “brain-dead,” NATO has been resurrected by Russia’s threats over Ukraine, leaving the rusty but trusty United States-led defense alliance the only game in town for European security. 

How that serves Moscow’s decades-old strategic goal of pushing the U.S. out of Europe to better dominate the Continent, only Russian President Vladimir Putin knows. But to those of us not privy to his endgame, it seems counterintuitive, to say the least. 

Whatever Putin eventually chooses to do about Ukraine, if his aim was to weaken the Western alliance he has unquestionably scored a number of own goals.  

For one, he has boosted the appetite for NATO membership — or at least the determination to keep that option open — in Sweden and Finland. Both Nordic nations remained militarily unaligned when they joined the European Union after the Cold War but have been cooperating increasingly closely with the Atlantic alliance since Russia’s seizure and annexation of Crimea in 2014. 

Additionally, his public ultimatums have forced even the least enthusiastic NATO members into a corner where they must reaffirm the alliance’s “open-door” policy, despite long-standing misgivings about the wisdom of admitting Ukraine and Georgia. No one wants to appease Putin with 100,000 Russian troops at Ukraine’s borders. 

The recent forced resignation of Germany’s navy chief, after voicing understanding for the Kremlin leader and saying that Crimea would never return to Ukraine — both widely held views among Berlin’s ruling elites — shows this clearly. 

By insisting on a Cold War-style “superpower-to-superpower” negotiation format with the U.S., and disdainfully rejecting any place for the EU at the table, Russia has also pulled the rug out from under those in Paris, Berlin and Brussels who dream of a new European security architecture devised among themselves. 


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38 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Putin doesn't really seek people's attention. He's already had it for a long time being that he used to be the head of the KGB. He's moving to make himself back into a powerful world leader and wants to restore the "glory" of the former Soviet Union. 

There's some truth to what you say but he also doesn't want us lining his border with nukes after the Ukraine becomes a member of NATO. We'd do the same thing.

The industrial/military complex is behind this. Time to generate more government contracts and for the crooked Uniparty in DC to receive political donations for the upcoming Midterms. Just as there were many media outlets being sponsored by Pfizer and Moderna you see the from Lockheed Martin and BAE.

A war with Russia, even a proxy war or an economic/trade war will also be used as leverage to keep Trump from running for POTUS again since the fake news of him being a Putin puppet is still believed by half the country.

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12 minutes ago, SureWord said:

There's some truth to what you say but he also doesn't want us lining his border with nukes after the Ukraine becomes a member of NATO. We'd do the same thing.

The industrial/military complex is behind this. Time to generate more government contracts and for the crooked Uniparty in DC to receive political donations for the upcoming Midterms. Just as there were many media outlets being sponsored by Pfizer and Moderna you see the from Lockheed Martin and BAE.

A war with Russia, even a proxy war or an economic/trade war will also be used as leverage to keep Trump from running for POTUS again since the fake news of him being a Putin puppet is still believed by half the country.

I believe it goes much deeper than the pockets of politicians and the industrial/military complex. Remember, troubles of these kinds are listed in the Bible, "wars and rumors of wars". It's hard to believe so many Christians look at most of this as something that is just for the profit of companies. Satan is hard at work. Regardless, God's still in control.

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On 1/25/2022 at 8:21 AM, BrotherTony said:

I believe it goes much deeper than the pockets of politicians and the industrial/military complex. Remember, troubles of these kinds are listed in the Bible, "wars and rumors of wars". It's hard to believe so many Christians look at most of this as something that is just for the profit of companies. Satan is hard at work. Regardless, God's still in control.

Oh, yeah, it's arm dealers also but Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry are all on the boards of Ukranian gas companies. I'm sure there are others also. 

All those weapons being ship through Benghazi up to the "freedom fighters" (aka ISIS) in Syria we're about fighting a proxy with Russia and that was, again, about a gas pipeline going through Syria.

Weapons have to be sold to a nation for a reason and the reason here is natural gas.

Remember, James said wars are fought over the lust for gold and natural gas is a resource that translate I to money.

There's nothing new under the sun.

Edited by SureWord
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There was a report recently that Russian POWs have been told that when they get home, they will be shot. They said that their families have been told to arrange funerals for them. 

Our church is arranging collections of food and warm clothing and blankets for Ukraine into be sent to Poland by the Barnabas fund and money to be sent to Ukraine churches by a Unkrainian church in London..

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On 2/28/2022 at 2:30 PM, HappyChristian said:

There is nothing, nothing at all, that justifies Russia's invasion of Ukraine...not even if the media supports Ukraine. Putin is a demagogue dictator that wants to re-create the former USSR. He's in league with China and North Korea, all 3 countries manned by megalomaniacs, with North Korea planning to subjugate S Korea and China to subjugate Taiwan...showing the world that they are a new triumvirate to be feared.

I don't care what the UN or NATO think about this invasion, nor what the media says. I believe we need to pray for the protection of the Ukrainian people, who don't deserve this, and especially for the Ukrainian Christians and missionaries over there. 

I read an email from Lviv...they believe God is answering prayer because rockets that are being shot at cities are disappearing...literally nobody knows where they are going. Russians are running out of fuel and getting lost. Many missionaries have made it to Romania safely. I say let's keep praying. 

What makes you think he wants to recreate the USSR? Who told you that? FOX News?He's a demagogue but I doubt he thinks he can pull that off.

True, Putin is a thug like most world leaders but there's a lot more going on here meets the eye. 

Did you know that the Nazi party in Ukraine affiliated with Zelensky has been shelling the ethnic Russians in east Ukraine for the last 8 years (the War in Donbas). Or that there are 25 US funded "biolabs" on the Russian border with Ukraine. Or that the democratically elected  President of Ukraine (a Putin stooge) was violently overthrown for a pro UN/NATO stooge? Or that Biden signed a charter with Zelensky assuring they would become part of NATO. Experts warned back in the 90s expanding NATO to the Russian borders would eventually lead to world war especially if you plan on lining the Russian border with nukes and "biolabs". 

This proxy war has been in the planing since 2014. Hillary herself was on TV saying Ukraine would be basically the sacrificial lamb to "drain Russia" as she put it.


If you continually meddle with and poke a bear he will attack.

"The New World Order Worships Satan"- Putin



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On 3/14/2022 at 8:11 AM, SureWord said:

What makes you think he wants to recreate the USSR? Who told you that? FOX News?He's a demagogue but I doubt he thinks he can pull that off.

True, Putin is a thug like most world leaders but there's a lot more going on here meets the eye. 

Did you know that the Nazi party in Ukraine affiliated with Zelensky has been shelling the ethnic Russians in east Ukraine for the last 8 years (the War in Donbas). Or that there are 25 US funded "biolabs" on the Russian border with Ukraine. Or that the democratically elected  President of Ukraine (a Putin stooge) was violently overthrown for a pro UN/NATO stooge? Or that Biden signed a charter with Zelensky assuring they would become part of NATO. Experts warned back in the 90s expanding NATO to the Russian borders would eventually lead to world war especially if you plan on lining the Russian border with nukes and "biolabs". 

This proxy war has been in the planing since 2014. Hillary herself was on TV saying Ukraine would be basically the sacrificial lamb to "drain Russia" as she put it.


If you continually meddle with and poke a bear he will attack.

"The New World Order Worships Satan"- Putin



Do you have proof of your many assertions here? DOCUMENTED proof? I hate when people just throw out junk like this with no actual links to PROOF....I totally believe that Mr. KGB  (Putin) wants to bring back the glory of the USSR. He may be a demogogue, but why would he go and birng himself into a position of "President for Life" if he didn't believe he could dictate a New USSR into being. It's clear that he won't stop at just Ukraine. Putin's a deceiver...a chameleon. He presents as one thing while he's really another. 

Edited by BrotherTony
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