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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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2 hours ago, Razor said:

I am curious. Will the folk here who refuse to get vaccinated also refuse a hospital bed if they catch COVID and need one?

Will hockey players refuse a bed for playing a violent sport? How about mountain climbers when they fall off a cliff? Or smokers when they develop lung cancer? That’s a ridiculous question that comes from a very nasty place. In Canada, we all pay taxes.m for healthcare - everyone deserves equal access to the services they pay for. Regardless of how risky someone else may deem their lifestyle to be. 

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Are the WHO, the CDC, NIH, and others INVENTING new variants (lying) and trying to keep the world under the thumb of these health terrorists? I don't know, but it DOES seem quite likely that they are. 


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8 hours ago, 1Timothy115 said:

At a Glance

The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection.

The results provide hope that people receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories after vaccination.

National Institutes of Health

The truth REAL SCIENCE is out there for people, but they choose to ignore the truth in favor of Kool-Aid.

What really blew my mind was when I was in the hospital (my third trip not counting a visit to outpatient) I was asked if I wanted to be vaccinated. In other words, do I want millions of more spike proteins pumped into me while I already felt like I was on my way to meet my Maker.

The "eight months mark" was when the study for natural immunity stopped therefore natural immunity could go on even longer. The number was chosen because that's when the subjects stopped being studied.

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15 hours ago, wretched said:

The most pathetic part of this covid-1984 narrative is that even now, after being coerced into taking three shots in under a 12 month period and still getting sick some illiterates continue to refer to these shots as "vaccines".

That is what being raised by public education and the boob-tube has done for society.


And far fewer who have had the vaccine die than those who have not been vaccinated. 

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16 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

While this stat is accurate on the surface, I believe using this stat without giving 100% of the details is very misleading.

I only say that because we recently lost a family member in our church that had stage 4 terminal cancer, and suffered massive kidney failure. He ended up testing positive for Covid while in hospice and even though he was asymptomatic, it was marked a covid death even though it was his kidney's and cancer that was shutting him down. He has NO covid symptoms and was in hospice already for cancer and kidney failure. 

My father-in-law passed away right before Christmas. He was tested for Covid after he passed to see if they could put in on his death certificate. He ended up testing negative. Why test for Covid and nothing else? 

This was not the first in our church to suffer from this. How can I trust that stats when it does not give all the details needed to come up with a logical and scientific conclusion with deaths? He was marked as covid for the $$$.

Here's why...negativity produces fear. This is nothing new. In the Bible we see Caleb and Joshua giving a positive result from spying on the Promised Land...the other spies gave negative report and it caused fear. 

There is nothing new under the sun

You are right on point, Pastor Matt. It is the way the COVID data is being presented (forced) to the public. Not until just recently have we started hearing the truth about natural immunity. Fauci said under oath several months ago that they weren't even looking at those numbers. Why? You would think that would be critical information they would want to have in fighting a pandemic.

Then there are those who die with co-morbidities. Are these people dying OF COVID or merely WITH COVID. I realize my circle is small, but I know of no one who has died with COVID that did not have some significant comorbidity to go along with it. Why don't we see these numbers openly presented ANYWHERE?

Then you have to ask why the CDC does things like changing the definitions. It used to be that a vaccine "produced an immunity to a specific disease.” Now, however, the CDC changed the definition from the word “immunity” to “protection.” Why,...and why now?

I am not an anti-vaxer. I am asthmatic so I have gotten the pneumavax, and the flu shot. I also got the Pfizer COVID vaccine so I could keep my job (no coercion there, huh?); but I will not have my family get the vaccine. They all have had COVID (as have I before the vaccine) and it was no worse than any other flu we have had.

The crux of the issue is the apparent duplicity with which we are being fed information. When the government begins being open and honest with all the data associated with COVID, perhaps they will receive less resistance from so many.

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty." John Adams

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@PastorMatt, I know that with my wife's uncle, when he was released from the VA near Columbus, OH, he had just had Covid, had been on a ventilator, but had recovered. He was released as clear of Covid, yet two days later he had two massive heart attacks. When he was admitted to the hospital through the ER, they tested him for Covid again...and they said he had it. We don't believe it. They listed it as a Covid death, though he had just gotten over Covid. His daughter and ex-wife both threatened to sue the hospital if it wasn't removed. I believe that is still in the process of being straightened out. 

Several of our friends, both having the shot and refusing the shot, have passed away either during treatment for Covid or just after. They ALL were listed with Covid being the primary cause, even those who had recovered within a month of their passing. Those who had just recovered from Covid WERE NOT Covid deaths. Medical professionals (their GP's) have stated this clearly...yet they're listed as such. My wife and I no longer trust doctors...of course, I had very little trust in them in the first place thanks to the way my father brought us up. 

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All I want is clear stats that shows us the whole picture. These "general" stats is just creating needless panic. 

Can't we get a breakdown of everything that has gone on with Covid Deaths?  Underlying condition's Did they die with Covid, or of Covid? Did the vaccinated or unvaccinated previously have covid?

It is like me saying that the majority of Covid deaths happen in hospitals. So stay away from hospitals so you don't die of Covid. If I was to give a stat of those that died in the hospital with Covid, it would only paint a partial picture, but not the whole story. That's what is happening here when people say "Mostly the unvaccinated people die of Covid." It only paints a partial picture.

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5 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

While this stat is accurate on the surface, I believe using this stat without giving 100% of the details is very misleading.

I only say that because we recently lost a family member in our church that had stage 4 terminal cancer, and suffered massive kidney failure. He ended up testing positive for Covid while in hospice and even though he was asymptomatic, it was marked a covid death even though it was his kidney's and cancer that was shutting him down. He has NO covid symptoms and was in hospice already for cancer and kidney failure. 

My father-in-law passed away right before Christmas. He was tested for Covid after he passed to see if they could put in on his death certificate. He ended up testing negative. Why test for Covid and nothing else? 

This was not the first in our church to suffer from this. How can I trust that stats when it does not give all the details needed to come up with a logical and scientific conclusion with deaths? Our church member was marked as covid for the $$$.

Here's why...negativity produces fear. This is nothing new. In the Bible we see Caleb and Joshua giving a positive result from spying on the Promised Land...the other spies gave negative report and it caused fear. 

There is nothing new under the sun

I expect it is a zero-sum game. If an inoculated person has such sever underlying conditions that they die, then most assuredly they would have died if unvaccinated. 



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17 minutes ago, Razor said:

I expect it is a zero-sum game. If an inoculated person has such sever underlying conditions that they die, then most assuredly they would have died if unvaccinated. 



And yet it seems that regardless the severity of the underlying condition if they had COVID at the time of death the cause of death is COVID (not the stage 4 cancer or the failed heart). Doesn't that give you cause to wonder why? Seems rather duplicitous to me.

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Here in this state GUNSHOT deaths and MOTORCYCLE deaths were marked as covid. NO COVID at all involved, but marked that way anyway. Why? $$$.  Anybody that believes the narrative coming from Fauci, JB, the media, CDC, etc., is simply not interested in thinking for themselves. They take manipulated data and try to make pithy, nice-sounding statements to try and induce guilt on those who will not succumb to the stupidity. An over 98% survival rate speaks quite loudly, if only the ignorant would listen.

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33 minutes ago, Razor said:

I expect it is a zero-sum game. If an inoculated person has such sever underlying conditions that they die, then most assuredly they would have died if unvaccinated. 

My question to your reply is then, how do you know they would have lived if they were vaccinated? Unless you can show me, I believe there is no way to know.

I never mentioned if the person was vaccinated or not, you're assuming that they were not vaccinated. I believe that is the problem with the stats we are getting, it's all based on assumption.

  • If you don't wear a mask we all can die regardless if your vaccinated or not. (assumption)
  • If you don't social distance you can die (assumption)
  • If you leave your house you can die.  (assumption)
  • If you are unvaccinated you can die. (assumption)
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can die (assumption)
  • If you don't have a booster shot you can die (assumption)

Unlike some here, I am not against the vaccine. I'm against the propaganda to get people to take it, which does cause legitimate questions about the vaccine. 


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16 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

My question to your reply is then, how do you know they would have lived if they were vaccinated? Unless you can show me, I believe there is no way to know.

I never mentioned if the person was vaccinated or not, you're assuming that they were not vaccinated. I believe that is the problem with the stats we are getting, it's all based on assumption.

  • If you don't wear a mask we all can die regardless if your vaccinated or not. (assumption)
  • If you don't social distance you can die (assumption)
  • If you leave your house you can die.  (assumption)
  • If you are unvaccinated you can die. (assumption)
  • If you are not fully vaccinated you can die (assumption)
  • If you don't have a booster shot you can die (assumption)

Unlike some here, I am not against the vaccine. I'm against the propaganda to get people to take it, which does cause legitimate questions about the vaccine. 


I doubt that is any way to accurately predict who will or won't die. I believe there are indicators that would lead us to believe that one person is more likely than another to die. But, to make an absolute prediction every time it, I believe, impossible. 

40 minutes ago, Napsterdad said:

And yet it seems that regardless the severity of the underlying condition if they had COVID at the time of death the cause of death is COVID (not the stage 4 cancer or the failed heart). Doesn't that give you cause to wonder why? Seems rather duplicitous to me.

Rather like cancer. From what I have read almost no one actually dies of cancer, but from a result of the cancer. We say they died of cancer but technically they did not. An example, I knew a man whose cancer ate through an artery. So, in actuality he died of loss of blood, but the death certificate labeled the cause of death as cancer.

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17 minutes ago, Razor said:

Rather like cancer. From what I have read almost no one actually dies of cancer, but from a result of the cancer. We say they died of cancer but technically they did not. An example, I knew a man whose cancer ate through an artery. So, in actuality he died of loss of blood, but the death certificate labeled the cause of death as cancer.

And yet if that same patient had COVID at the time they would likely have listed COVID as the cause of death, not the Cancer which actually ate through the artery. The cancer did kill that patient by eating through the artery. 

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Seems Biden has been tracking religious exemptions for Federal employees for a while...he's an untrustworthy, lying politican who says he's a Christian...yet, he doesn't believe in freedom of choice but would rather push poison into the citizenry of the country he's president of....sick...just plain sick! 


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