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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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After telling us that the "spike protein" of Covid is harmless now they are saying it is harmful. The vaccine is the code that creates this spike in your body.

I've also read where two top molecular biologists, a Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who said the vaccine will require endless boosters or you will get sick and a Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay who said the vaccine will cause "immune escape" where our immune system will fail to recognize the virus anymore. 

Of course, you will be banned if you mention these possibilities. These two doctors are already being labeled crackpots by those trying impose this vaccine on everyone. $$$



I read also where the most vaccinated nation in the world, Seychelles, who also stopped all tourism, is presently having a huge outbreak.

I am not an anti-vaxxer but I have grave concerns about this vaccine especially because of the psychopaths behind it, i.e. Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci.


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We decided to have one thread about Covid instead of having countless threads covering the same topic. 

Since this still a hot topic in the world today we don't want not talk about it regardless of beliefs.

Whatever you opinion is on covid, this is where you we'll talk about it.  All new threads will be closed so please post covid-19 related topics in this thread.. 

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Thanks Bro. Matt.

As part of my security job I deal with a lot of the government covid regulations and securing pharmaceuticals here in MI and the vaccine process. I'm Pro-mRNA Vaccines and social distancing/quarantining but Anti-Lockdown. 

A lot of miss-information is being passed around on both sides who don't understand the science and the mechanics of actually researching, producing, marketing, logistics, and regulations of pharmaceuticals. I deal with the business end of this stuff everyday so if anyone has technical questions I can probably answer a lot of them.

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Everything I quote came from 

1 hour ago, John Young said:

Thanks Bro. Matt.

As part of my security job I deal with a lot of the government covid regulations and securing pharmaceuticals here in MI and the vaccine process. I'm Pro-mRNA Vaccines and social distancing/quarantining but Anti-Lockdown. 

A lot of miss-information is being passed around on both sides who don't understand the science and the mechanics of actually researching, producing, marketing, logistics, and regulations of pharmaceuticals. I deal with the business end of this stuff everyday so if anyone has technical questions I can probably answer a lot of them.

Everything I've posted came from scientific/medical community. 

Maybe you are wrong, brother.

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4 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Everything I quote came from 

Everything I've posted came from scientific/medical community. 

Maybe you are wrong, brother.

Within the pharmakeia system he may be proven right.  (but in God's Kingdom, that is all wrong)

Problem is,  pharmakeia is always deceiving - it is the deceiving power noted by the Creator in Revelation Chapter 18.

Thus,  with all the world's credentials, with all the world thinks is good (God calls an abomination),

whenever anyone puts their trust in science in the world,  they already failed.  They cannot be helped nor corrected until they repent .  (turn to the Creator as Jesus Says,  ONLY the Creator,  away from the deception of the world science and technology and knowledge that is falsely called knowledge.

The Wisdom that is from above always rejects the worldly wisdom and the worldly knowledge,

but who knows this ?   Who accepts God's Word ?  Who will receive our report (from above) ? 

Or in the vernacular to them "you're not ready for truth!"   They cannot believe they have been duped completely and utterly by the system they put their trust in .

1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

We decided to have one thread about Covid instead of having countless threads covering the same topic. 

Since this still a hot topic in the world today we don't want not talk about it regardless of beliefs.

Whatever you opinion is on covid, this is where you we'll talk about it.  All new threads will be closed so please post covid-19 related topics in this thread.. 

No one's opinion will change the Truth, btw.   What the Creator Declares and what He Reveals is truth.  No worldly opinions nor science nor such should even be considered - He says that is wrong.

1 hour ago, John Young said:

Thanks Bro. Matt.

As part of my security job I deal with a lot of the government covid regulations and securing pharmaceuticals here in MI and the vaccine process. I'm Pro-mRNA Vaccines and social distancing/quarantining but Anti-Lockdown. 

A lot of miss-information is being passed around on both sides who don't understand the science and the mechanics of actually researching, producing, marketing, logistics, and regulations of pharmaceuticals. I deal with the business end of this stuff everyday so if anyone has technical questions I can probably answer a lot of them.

"a lot of miss-information" is putting it lightly.

THe information from pharmakeia is pernicious on purpose - death dealing and they are trying to bring everyone in the world to destruction, period.   (Galatians Clearly Shows this ,  help understanding via Wuest's Pdf Study from the Greek in Galatians specially: society is pernicious).

i.e. society is not good.  Society is not helpful.  Society is not life-giving.  Society is not right.  Society including science and medicine and politics is pernicious.

2 minutes ago, John Young said:

Not looking to fight or argue with you. I'm just looking to help those who want practical information on the subject rather than speculation on "what could be possible".

Yet God's Word does not say to speculate sinfully on "what could be possible",

rather seek from Him the Truth and acknowledge it, tell it from the roof tops,  testify of God's Truthfulness and man's wickedness and sin.

All the information that is from society, from and of the world,  practical or not,  is pernicious according to God's Own Word.    The source being evil,  it spreads evil,  from the father of lies, the prince of the power of the air, satan. 

Only the Redeemed in Jesus,  cleansed by His Blood, Reborn by the Will of the Father in heaven ,

are set free from the world power/ deception and control.    Those still remaining in the world's power,

are still remaining in the world's deception.

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@jeff_student_of_Jesus.....Strange, I recall a Bible verse that says that only the sick need a physician...SCIENCE! Luke was a physician....SCIENCE! Science is not necessarily bad in and of itself. Medicine (pharmaceuticals) are not necessarily a bad thing. I'm diabetic and have to use insulin. I wouldn't die if I didn't take it, being type II, but it is necessary to regulate m my blood sugar, as are the other two medications for the diabetes. I use an inhaler for my asthma and COPD. Again...medication that is necesary for me to breathe. I believe you're incorrect in your assumptions that people who put their trust in science are wrong. There are some scientific breakthroughs that have been very beneficial to mankind. Maybe you need to be rethinking your premise.

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Many of the unvaccinated are stating that they believe the C-19 virus is less of a danger than the vaccination! Of course, the government line is that this is "hooey," but we all know that our government isn't honest. Below is the article for anyone who wishes to read it.


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40 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Many of the unvaccinated are stating that they believe the C-19 virus is less of a danger than the vaccination! Of course, the government line is that this is "hooey," but we all know that our government isn't honest. Below is the article for anyone who wishes to read it.


How many people have died from COVID?

How many people have died from the vaccination?

How many people have died from COVID after being vaccinated?

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17 minutes ago, Bouncing Bill said:

How many people have died from COVID?

How many people have died from the vaccination?

How many people have died from COVID after being vaccinated?

This is the question I keep asking and I believe we all want to know the real answers to. In my state they don't tell us how many died because "of" Covid, instead they say how many died "with" Covid. I know people that left the hospital employment because they were pressured into putting down covid as the result of death when it wasn't Covid. I know people that have lawsuits to change the cause of death when they got covid in the hospital and was already in ICU

For the record I believe...Covid is real, Covid has killed people, and vaccines can help. What I question is the real numbers that are put out by the government/hospitals in order for the government to have more control. I also question why I'm being pushed to be vaccinated when I already have had Covid. All I want is cleat cut answers from our government on what is going on. No more misleading information. People can post links all day long, it doesn't change the fact that we DONT know where those numbers are really coming from.

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Since Covid has a 99.8% recovery rate, it is safe to say that almost no one has died from Covid alone. By the way, the 99.8% recovery rate includes those that died from complications brought on by Covid and/or pre-existing conditions.

Most that died died from complications brought on by Covid, would likely have also died from the seasonal Flu; of which, over time, many more have died from than Covid.

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11 minutes ago, Jim_Alaska said:

Since Covid has a 99.8% recovery rate, it is safe to say that almost no one has died from Covid alone. By the way, the 99.8% recovery rate includes those that died from complications brought on by Covid and/or pre-existing conditions.

Most that died died from complications brought on by Covid, would likely have also died from the seasonal Flu; of which, over time, many more have died from than Covid.

I'm not sure what your point is. Regardless that does not help the 4 million who have died. Also, you do not mention the people who suffer long term effects. That is about 10% of all cases. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210407174321.htm

If you want to read about the long term effects go to;


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3 hours ago, John Young said:

Thanks Bro. Matt.

As part of my security job I deal with a lot of the government covid regulations and securing pharmaceuticals here in MI and the vaccine process. I'm Pro-mRNA Vaccines and social distancing/quarantining but Anti-Lockdown. 

A lot of miss-information is being passed around on both sides who don't understand the science and the mechanics of actually researching, producing, marketing, logistics, and regulations of pharmaceuticals. I deal with the business end of this stuff everyday so if anyone has technical questions I can probably answer a lot of them.

Forgive the skepticism John, but please explain how a security employee of the MI state government or big pharma or both would have any real idea of what is going on? Unless you are at their highest echelons which somehow I doubt unless you want to correct that and tell me you are a chief virologist whom developed these shots? 

By your own admission you are on the back end of this list you provide, somewhere behind researching and producing which is all that matters in these discussions. The rest of the list is simply moving product and regulating profit which would give you no more insight above the public except of course that you hear the repetition of their narratives more often. Please explain how you could possibly answer technical questions while being on the business end? Unless you simply repeat what you are told? That is no expertise at all my friend and it seems disingenuous that you would pretend it is.

Any information you have been given would match the same propaganda big pharma, government and the mass media collaborate on. Please don't present yourself as something you are not in these discussions. Everyone already knows what our reprobate government and media repetitiously pushes.  

The main issue here is suppression of information by the government and big pharma you work for and there is plenty of evidence on that if you know to look to independent news not owned by the same people that own big pharma and our governments. The biggest take away from this is that these same independent news outlets are not driven by the reprobate agendas of our satanic governments and global conglomerates. You won't see, read or hear anything promoting Godless agendas on these sources but rather the denunciation of them. Can you say the same from your place of employment or the Michigan or federal government?

Would you believe any words out of the mouth of a guest preacher in your church whom pushed abortion and the globohomo, population control initiatives?  I hope not.

So then why would you imagine your workplace would provide you the truth?  



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