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Activity on Online Baptist


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It's been a couple years since I have been active on Online Baptist. It seems like the amount of activity on the forum is down significantly from where it was when I was here last. Just curious as to what people think are the reasons. Has other social media taken away from this forum?

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This month has been especially slow for members posting. It seems like once we eliminated the more controversial members, folks don't have much to post about.

Bro. Alan. Your post showed up as a double post. I deleted one of them, but when I did, both of them disappeared. Could you please repost ?

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Y'all could pass for my daughters!  

As for me, it's been a tough couple of years health wise and otherwise.  I grew sick and tired of the heretics, for a while it seemed i was outnumbered, that I was the heathen so I withdrew to spend time in more profitable endeavors.  I miss Jerry Numbers, John81 and Irishman and others.

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Brother Swathdiver,

I understand the frustration with false teaching and false teachers.  I know that you and I do not always agree on every point.  However, I did try (when time permitted) to contend for the faith against such falseness.  I am sorry if I was not able to do so often enough or forcefully enough.  Indeed, I also miss some of the past members who were more prolific and ever edifying in their posting.

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I always found though I got very frustrated with the Ruckmanites that seemed to flock to this forum, Iron sharpeneth iron. As I debated those who held to differing positions it showed me where I needed to further study.

Anyway, I was just curious. It's been a few years since I was active. I hope to be more active.


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I still check in very occasionally. Good to see you again, PastorJ. Was it late 2000s when you were here last? If I recall correctly, back then OB had well over 50 active, daily contributors making something like 100 new posts per day (John81 alone was adding about 10 of those). I remember the 'Current News' and 'Lounge' sections were so busy that new posts would drop off the bottom within a day or so and I used to browse by section and thread because it wasn't realistic to view by recent activity--just too much. On a given thread I'd sometimes have to go back a couple of pages to pick up where I'd left off.

Now the activity level is a dozen or so regular folk and half-a-dozen posts per day, maybe up to 50 per week. It must, at least, partly be down to general trends in web usage, for mailing lists, forums and chatrooms have declined and disappeared all over. Of course, on OB as it once was, the theological/doctrinal discussions were just a subset of all the activity and the spectrum of members was broader, maybe a bit more like church, with all that brings. I expect some would say that God has blessed this forum by ending its heady days and keeping the wheat, but I do rather miss those busier times. I hope this forum is still a blessing to many, since there are always more reading than writing. And thanks to Matt for keeping it running.

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Hello PastorJ. I think time is the biggest reason why activity slowed down. I know my online time has been cut drastically since we started the church. It's nice to see you again.

Sorry I could not make it to your father's funeral, we had another funeral that we had to attend for someone else in our church. I pray all is well.

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