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Yep It's Spring Alright!


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We had 70F today.  Plum tree full of blossom with bumble bees, wasps one or two honey bees.  Perhaps we will have a good crop of plums this year.  Last year the plum blossom was out when it was very cold and we had a very poor crop.  Honey bees seem to be dying out due to diseases.  We have had a very mild winter only a slight frost on our car on about three nights.  


We have bad air pollution today.  To our home grown pollution the wind has blown in pollution from Europe. On top of that. for the last few days we have had dust blown in from the Sahara where there have been fierce sandstorms.  This is so bad that the Govt. has advised people with chest and heart complaints to stay indoors.  Our car is covered in sand each day. It should be better by the weekend when the are forecasting rain.

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Getting ready to set my shrimp poles and do some much needed fishing, gardens ready to plant, seeds are coming up and will be in the ground by May, all the fruit tree's are blooming out. thank you Lord for spring  

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Yeah it's spring again and I have had my raised beds covered to collect a little of the warm sun (when it shines).  We've had a lot of clouds and rain lately, not much sun.

I have had this miserable cold the last week and don't want pneumonia, so staying out of the garden.  Sure would like to plant some seeds though.   

As it says in the good book, "and it came to pass". . .  . whoops, out of context, it wasn't mentioning my cold. 

Anyways that's the news from here in Lake Woebegone er Hillsboro.


God bless,


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Warm again today.  Overwintered lettuces doing well and have picked some. Garlic, onions, and shallots coming through.  First asparagus shoots ready to pick. First early potato shoot has appeared. First tomato seeds sprouting in my greenhouse.  Yes it is spring.  


Weather forecast is for some rain tomorrow (Friday) with winds coming fro the South west.  This should clear the pollution of the last few days, which the Gov't said has reach the maximum of 10 on the scale of 1 to 10.

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Checked 30 Blue Tit boxes yesterday. Some half-built nests, and a clutch of eight eggs!

I heard birds singing this morning!  Usually we hear them mid March or earlier, but it's still so cold here I wasn't expecting them until late April.


My mom lives on the peninsula in WA state, and it's warmer there than here. She has been watching the hummingbirds all winter.  But there are about a dozen coming to her feeders now.  She loves to watch them.

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