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Cowboy Churches


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I know it is not a lot but it has this place on lock down


No schools, no postal service, no snowplow


Y'all must be down there in the South... :lol:

Although, to be fair, 6 inches in one drop would slow things down up here until the snowplows get out. How do you not have any snowplows?! :wink

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I have seen these cowboy churches in action on a few occasions at cowboy action shooting matches. The ones I have seen are held when a championship takes place partially on a Sunday. They are not denominational and align with no one that I could tell. Although Jesus is mentioned and the Gospel hinted at, no real Bible preaching was done (at the ones I saw anyway). it is just religious with a conservative republican push mainly. You know, God, guns, guts and lets send all those Mexicans back to Africa type deal. 

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Anyone ever hear of "Biker Churches"?



We've had gigs at two biker churches...The oil drum, in front of me, is the 'pulpit' and just off camera to your right, is a chair with a real skeleton. Nobody brought their bikes inside though.



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Y'all must be down there in the South... :lol:

Although, to be fair, 6 inches in one drop would slow things down up here until the snowplows get out. How do you not have any snowplows?! :wink

Rural roadway in the county


they were saying a light dusting up to and inch or so. 


Go figure

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We've had gigs at two biker churches...The oil drum, in front of me, is the 'pulpit' and just off camera to your right, is a chair with a real skeleton. Nobody brought their bikes inside though.



Is this (a real skeleton) demonstrating what a "dead church" really is?  :scratchchin:

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looks like urban cowboys to me, don't got enough respect for the Lord to even remove that 10 gal. hat off their head, i was in Texas for a while and the cowboys their at least got enough respect to remove their hats when they entered Gods house. if their preaching the cross and lost souls are getting saved they're fine with me ,but I don't thank that's what their about. ??


I had my rounds with the biker church guy's and they didn't like what I had to say.I watched a video a while back showing that a lot of the biker gangs are trying be a good example in the towns they want to control and keep the feds off their backs .some of the gangs have become Christians just for this reason. the biker church that I had some words with was not any different from the gangs on the video. A change on the outside but the same within.


Pray that the Lord will remove the blindness from their eyes so they may come out from such and be saved. 

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There are some Christian biker clubs in this general area. Every so often I'll see one or two in Wal-Mart, or rarely some of them riding on the road. One has to get close to them in order to see what their patches say before it's clear what kind of club they are members of.


There is a small city nearby that holds a rodeo event and they have Cowboy Church there during the event.

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Is this (a real skeleton) demonstrating what a "dead church" really is?  :scratchchin:

I don't know; the skeleton was holding a sign about repenting and being saved or burning in Hell....don't remember exactly how it was worded. As far as a dead church, all I know is that the people were loving and kind to us.. I'm not so sure about the biker thing because it seems like "conforming to the world" in my own judgment. To me, a dead church can be one with all spirit but no truth, or all "truth" but no spirit.


1And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. 2Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.


We actually passed a church sigh, once, named SARDIS Baptist Church...I'm not kidding.

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