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All Preachers Should Have A Conceal Weapon Permit

The Glory Land

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Psalm 91, as well as other precious promises from Scripture, makes it clear the Lord is more than able to protect our pastors, churches and ourselves.


I've read enough cases of the Lord protecting His own to know He is faithful and trustworthy. The Lord's angels had no problem dealing with an entire city of homosexuals when they rescued Lot.

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Psalm 91, as well as other precious promises from Scripture, makes it clear the Lord is more than able to protect our pastors, churches and ourselves.


I've read enough cases of the Lord protecting His own to know He is faithful and trustworthy. The Lord's angels had no problem dealing with an entire city of homosexuals when they rescued Lot.



The apostle carry swords, they will cut your ear off too. 

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All preachers do carry concealed weapons, the primary one is between the ears.


Oh, if you mean physical defense - now you're in another territory --- anyone (lost or saved, regardless of theological feelings concerning physical defense) who thinks they may hesitate to use physical means should not carry, period.


That said, everybody carries a means of physical defense -- a body (or portion thereof) and keys (at a minimum).

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Oh, btw -- any preacher who was a convicted felon before salvation CAN'T get a CCW permit and rare is the person who can get one approved in Ma, NYC, Chicago, or R.I.  Also -- NONE can get one in P.R., US Virgin Is, or Guam.

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All preachers do carry concealed weapons, the primary one is between the ears.


Oh, if you mean physical defense - now you're in another territory --- anyone (lost or saved, regardless of theological feelings concerning physical defense) who thinks they may hesitate to use physical means should not carry, period.


That said, everybody carries a means of physical defense -- a body (or portion thereof) and keys (at a minimum).

Don't forget about calling upon the Lord. I've experienced the immediate intervention of the Lord in my own life when I called out.

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The apostle carry swords, they will cut your ear off too. 

Then the Lord rebuked them and healed the man who had his ear cut off.


We read from Acts on of the apostles and other Christians being attacked, beaten, robbed, stoned, imprisoned, left for dead and such and they didn't swing swords but rather trusted in the Lord. The Lord received glory in all this and Christianity spread far and wide.

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Don't forget about calling upon the Lord. I've experienced the immediate intervention of the Lord in my own life when I called out.

That comes into play from the "between the ears" one. Doing what is in the heart is initiated from the brain acknowledging the need for the body to follow the right direction.

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Matthew 10

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


Are you fighting flesh and blood? Look at what all happened to Paul put he remained a man of peace.

Edited by MountainChristian
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I don't know... I think we have clear permission to defend ourselves/families in case of attacks by those with evil intent, BUT if the attack is not just a random act of violence, but rather actual persecution for the cause of Christ (like might take place in a church setting), I am not at all sure that we have the right to defend ourselves then.

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