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Pastor Demands Removal Of Board Member

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Sioux City, Iowa

Friday, 20 July 2013



A Sioux City Pastor is demanding the removal of a newly

appointed member of the city's Human Rights Commission,

saying the man made threatening comments to him online

three years ago.


Pastor Cary Gordon of the the Cornerstone World Outreach,

told Sioux City Council members he felt threatened by comments

newly appointed commission member Scott Raasch that he wrote

on Pastor Gordons' Facebook page in December 2010.


In one comment, Raasch wrote: "...there are many people that

deserve to burn in hell, including you and your entire family."


Raasch admits to having posted the remarks.


Raasch, who is homosexual, said he was angry about Pastor Gordon's

role in urging voters to remove three Iowa Supreme Court justices,

citing their ruling legalizing homosexual marriage in the state. Raasch

apologized for causing Pastor Gordon and his family any stress.


Pastor Gordon said he did not report Raasch's comments to the

Sioux City Police Department, because he felt it would be a waste of



Pastor Gordon wrote a letter about the comments to former Councilman

Aaron Rochester, a Cornerstone member, and asked him to email it to

City Council members.


Rochester, who applied last year to serve on the rights commission

but was not appointed, said he sent Pastor Gordon's letter to four council

members and asked it be forwarded to Councilwoman Rhonda Capron.


Capron said she did not received the letter but defended Raasch's



Councilman Tom Padgett agreed, and but Councilman John Fitch said he

would like Raasch to resign or be removed from the commission.


Councilman Keith Radig could not be reached for comment Saturday.

Mayor Bob Scott said he wants to discuss the matter with Council Members.





"Those who had the most to lose, did the least to stop it."

President Ronald Reagan, 1982






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What struck me is the pastor felt threatned by a person saying he deserves to burn in hell.  Gay people feel like they get that message for preachers all the time.

We ALL deserve to burn in Hell and will do so if we don't repent from thinking somehow we will have some merit of our own and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ instead of our sincerely held beliefs and receive the gift of life from the only mediator between God and man which is available only because the penalty was paid by the ransom payment of His blood.

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What struck me is the pastor felt threatned by a person saying he deserves to burn in hell.  Gay people feel like they get that message for preachers all the time.


If they're not informed, the lost sinners, of what is sin, & what sin will do for them they will never repent & turn to Jesus. I suppose from what you state your against Go, Teach, Baptize, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever Jesus has commanded us. Matthew 28:18-20


Its true, sin leads to death, the 2nd death, & it will be very unplesant.


Eze 18:4  "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Eze 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die..."
Ro 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;
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Sioux City pastor upset with rights panel member


Link to the article, http://www.desmoinesregister.com/viewart/20130721/NEWS/307210053/Sioux-City-pastor-upset-with-rights-panel-member .


"The Rev. Cary Gordon, pastor of Cornerstone World Outreach, has told Sioux City City Council members that he felt threatened by comments newly appointed commission member Scott Raasch wrote on Gordon’s Facebook page in December 2010.
In one comment, Raasch said he thinks “there are many people that deserve to burn in hell, including you and your entire family."
"Raasch acknowledges posting the remarks."
What would happen if a none homosexual posted such remarks to a homosexual on Facebook & that person complained?
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If they're not informed, the lost sinners, of what is sin, & what sin will do for them they will never repent & turn to Jesus. I suppose from what you state your against Go, Teach, Baptize, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever Jesus has commanded us. Matthew 28:18-20


Its true, sin leads to death, the 2nd death, & it will be very unplesant.


Eze 18:4  "...the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Eze 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die..."
Ro 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Ro 6:23 For the wages of sin is death;



No, I am not against delivering the message of Christ to people at all.


I am just very confused as to why this pastor felt threatened.  He probably tells people they deserve hell all the time.  Yet when someone says he deserves hell, he feels threatened.  


I do believe many Christians take a stance against gay people in a very unloving manner that alienates them from God rather than drawing them to Christ.  

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I don't know if anyone else noticed, but we were only given one quote from the fellow's page.  That could actually have been the least inflammatory.  If not, and the comment on Hell was the only one, that isn't a basis to go after someone. If, however, there is more, we aren't getting the whole story.


It is true that, were someone to post that to a homosexual, it would likely be considered hate speech...


I agree that many Christians alienate homosexuals from turning to Christ - but those same Christians alienate most people, not just homosexuals. Regardless, it's wrong. 

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I don't know if anyone else noticed, but we were only given one quote from the fellow's page.  That could actually have been the least inflammatory.  If not, and the comment on Hell was the only one, that isn't a basis to go after someone. If, however, there is more, we aren't getting the whole story.


It is true that, were someone to post that to a homosexual, it would likely be considered hate speech...


I agree that many Christians alienate homosexuals from turning to Christ - but those same Christians alienate most people, not just homosexuals. Regardless, it's wrong. 

Good points.


Unless there is more to the story, this pastor shouldn't be raising a fuss like this.


We do indeed, pastor or laity, need to present the Gospel in love and kindness, regardless of whether we are addressing homosexuals, adulterers, gossips or any other sinners. I've known some over the years who seem to think that when addressing homosexuals (some have other "pet sins" they apply this to as well) they are justified in being harsh, confrontational, accusatory, angry and unnecessarily loud. Such an approach does nothing to advance the Gospel, and most often serves to hinder the Gospel.


Yes, homosexuals deserve hell, but so do you and I and all others, and there is only one Way for any of us to escape being cast into hell one day, and that's through Jesus.

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No, I am not against delivering the message of Christ to people at all.


I am just very confused as to why this pastor felt threatened.  He probably tells people they deserve hell all the time.  Yet when someone says he deserves hell, he feels threatened.  


I do believe many Christians take a stance against gay people in a very unloving manner that alienates them from God rather than drawing them to Christ.  


And just wait, the day will come when it will be unlawful to preach that homosexuality is a sin, likely in church or out of church, that's its even an abomination against God. And likely even telling someone that being a homosexual is a sin against God will be unlawful. Yet for many that will have no effect on them for they never reprove lost sinners telling them or their wayward ways.


Remember, our Savior, He came to His own yet they rejected Him, they hated what He taught, what He stood for, & of course they platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews, them they crucified Him, & he was a very loving person.


And if you stand firmly with Jesus & carry His message to the world many of those who refuse to repent will do you the same way they did Jesus. Of course if you go along with them telling them how nice, loving, sweet, kind, good they are, & that they should enjoy their sin they will not treat you as they did Jesus.

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Sioux City pastor upset with rights panel member


Link to the article, http://www.desmoinesregister.com/viewart/20130721/NEWS/307210053/Sioux-City-pastor-upset-with-rights-panel-member .


"The Rev. Cary Gordon, pastor of Cornerstone World Outreach, has told Sioux City City Council members that he felt threatened by comments newly appointed commission member Scott Raasch wrote on Gordon’s Facebook page in December 2010.
In one comment, Raasch said he thinks “there are many people that deserve to burn in hell, including you and your entire family."
"Raasch acknowledges posting the remarks."
What would happen if a none homosexual posted such remarks to a homosexual on Facebook & that person complained?



I should have said "What would happen if a Christian posted such remarks on a homosexuals Facebook page?" 


What would happen if a Christian posted that being a homosexual was an abomination? And of course the Bible says that very thing.


Le 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Le 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.


What would the reaction be if the Christians posted on a homosexuals go to Hell? And of course the Bible says that very thing.


1Co 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,


Yet it seems most homosexuals claims there's nothing in the Bible against being a homosexual.

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