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Ever seen this kind of church?


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Recently, when chatting with an aquaintance they mentioned that they do "fire tunnels" at their church. They were kind of surprised that we didn't do them at ours. Never heard of them before, have y'all?

Anyhow, I finally found their website and discovered that they are an Independent, Fundamental, Southern Baptist Convention, Florida Baptist Convention, Pentecostal and More Light Presbyterian Church. Got that?

In the past two years they've reported 35 baptisms while membership holds at about 75. Can a "pastor" wallowing in this much error really be saved himself? What can an outsider do? What should one ask the Lord's help for? What do the Scriptures say?

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OK, I just watched a video on Youtube of "fire tunneling". It's basically an insane asylum off their meds.

Bingo! LOL

How about the More Light Presbyterians?

With shenanigans like this posted on the internet, it's no wonder why so many of my relatives are resistant to the Gospel.

Wonder how many bottles of Nitrous Oxide it takes to set off a room that big??? Edited by swathdiver
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Looks like a Pentecostal-style laying-on-of-hands-to-receive-the-spirit thing (which spirit, we would have to question). I remember the laying on of hands in my old Pentecostal family camp, but they weren't quite that crazy...

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The "spiritual" leaders form a gauntlet and lay hands on and "bless" those who walk through. It is a combination of laying on of hands and the laughing revival. It's supposed to bring joy by being touched by God. Here's a link from a church that says a bit (a very small bit) about it. http://www.riverrock...firetunnel.html

Some of the actions on that video (and another I saw) look like the laughing revivals...this seems to have originated in Toronto.

Here's another video.

Interesting comment to this one about making sons and daughters pass through the fire....

My dad's family is almost all charismatic. This looks like what happens in one of their services when the members go up to speak in tongues. Some genuinely go into a trance - I watched as my sister did one night almost 40 years ago. And I heard her "speak in tongues." It was creepy, and, sad to say, her life has not been a happy one...I believe it is due to the demonic influence she allowed into her life on that night. I also watched as cousins of mine mimicked being in the trance and speaking in tongues. These videos have both: people who genuinely are under the power of something (and that something is not God nor good) and people who are putting on. Sad that "Christianity" has swallowed this kind of nonsense.
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Yes, I believe this originated in the 1990s at the Toronto Airport church and in a Redding, California church if memory serves. They claim a Biblical basis for this nonsense too!

Even Calvary Chapels do something like this but it's low key. They have a separate place called an "after glow" room where they can jibber jabber, jump around and play rock music. Any of you former heathens out there like me know that "after glow" is a sexual term, and these folks use it to describe something supposedly spiritual!

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There is more than one understood meaning of that term, though, swath. Years ago, the Southern Baptist church had youth meetings after the regular service on Sunday nights. They called them after glow, referring to basking in the glow of the Lord. A church I attended while in my early 20's (this was 30 years ago) was pastored by someone who had come out of the SBC. He did like the youth meetings after Sun. p.m. services (he had attended them in his youth, and he was in his 40's at the time), so he instituted after glow meetings at the church.

I actually never heard the term applied sexually while in my teens - and running in the world. I do know that it is one connotation of it, but I don't think that's what these folks had in mind.

It is sad, they are deceived because so many of them do believe that it's truth.

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Charismatic practices have infiltrated their way into many churches. There are even Charismatic Catholics!

Such a shame to see so many churches infected with this work of the devil. Sadly, I've known some folks who have been drawn into this.

In the early 80s there was an Assemblies of God church in a nearby small city that I went to with a girlfriend. At that time this church wasn't one that exhibited anything overtly charismatic. The pastor was over-focused upon the end-times but solid on the Gospel. That's where God finally got through to me almost 30 years ago. However, a year or so after that a new pastor was hired. This pastor and his wife were very charismatic oriented. At first it was just the two of them "speaking in tongues" after the new stage band played. Then other in the church began doing this, some under demonic influence, some who seemed to be faking it for show and approval. Amazing just how quickly that church was taken over by the demonic charismatic influence.

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John, it happens so fast.

We went to a baptist church in France some years ago. We stopped goingbthere when a new pastor who said he was charismatic got every one to stand in a circle, holding hands while they prayed.

Recently a visiting preacher tried that at our church. My wife and I did not join in on either ocassion as we considererd it similar to a seance or a spiritualist service. (not that we have been to either.)

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Laughter is contagious. I'd be willing to bet that many who are laughing in those videos are doing so because of others laughing.

That said, these kinds of services are not of God. Did these people rip 1 Corinthians 14:40 out of their Bibles?

Let all things be done decently and in order. (1Co 14:40)

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Interestingly, if you look up the word "laugh" in the Bible the majority of the times it's used it's in a negative sense. And God is mentioned laughing only four times. Here they are:

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.

But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.

I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; (this last case is "wisdom" laughing).

Seems the Lord has a pretty harsh sense of humor. I'm not saying that laughter isn't of the Holy Ghost but you really can't find any scripture to support this. Joy is of the Holy Ghost but they aren't necessarily the same thing as I see it.

Edited by Wilchbla
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