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Global trading, Biblical or not?

Guest "I am chief"

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We (ME) have voiced concerns over free trade and global trade agreements. I wonder if the Bible speaks for or against trading among the world's nations.

Anyone recall scripture which might help form an answer?

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I don't think international trade is unscriptural. But I do think it is wrong to hurt the nation in order to have "free trade."

True. One really has to look at basic biblical principles in order to determine if the trade is right or wrong. What are the motives behind the trading; are the goods received something needed and does it come without ungodly accessories; etc.

Since Solomon was mentioned we can look to him for examples. There were good relations between Israel under King David, and then Solomon, and Lebanon. Trading between the two was mutually beneficial. Then there was some of the trading Solomon did with Egypt where he violated God's law by putting his trust in the horses and chariots he was gaining rather than in God alone.
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I'll have to look up Solomon with trading in mind and also the heathen nations and trading.

I know there is One Good we are supposed to transact with all nations.

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I don't know about trading with heathen nations being wrong: God works with individuals, and individual Christians live in heathen nations.

Solomon didn't trade only with godly nations - Israel was the only godly nation around, so if God didn't want trade with the heathen, Solomon was wrong...but we know that God gave Solomon more wisdom than any man...and his wisdom was surely seen in the enrichment of Israel via trade (not so much in his choice of women....)

Egypt was his ally - he specifically got horses and linen yarn from them.

He got gold, trees and precious stones from Ophir, which is believed to have been in Arabia...definitely heathen.

When the Queen of Sheba came, she brought some stuff, and left with other stuff. Likely some sort of trade agreement was made. She was Queen of the south, which was in Arabia...again, heathen.

Every three years, his ships returned laden with goodies - it is believed his ships went all the way to what is now modern Spain (Tharshish is thought to be in Spain...although I always heard it was England - close enough, I guess)...not a godly nation.

He got a lot of stuff, and the Bible says "Beside that he had of the merchantment, and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia..."

Sounds to me like Solomon cast a wide net trade-wise.

1 Kings 7-10 details much of Solomon's trading - and it is all done with heathen nations...

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