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An invitation to join the Roman Catholic Church!


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You may have a good understanding of the Catholic church, but you don't understand how the Catholic church violates Scripture, starting with its organization to its doctrine on communion all the way to its idolatry. Researching the websites Crushmaster posted should open your eyes. And, yes, eternal security is an essential doctrine for Baptists and something to separate over, along with much of RCC doctrine.

I unerstand that there are different interpretations of Scripture. There are different ways to read it and reasonable minds can come to different conclusions. It is why there are different denominations. I'm not defending them or here to debate their doctrine. What I am saying is that they are a fellow Christian church, and that we should not treat brothers and sisters in Christ in such a manner to call them from Satan. That is a very serious charge. How, when a church believes in the one God, believes that Jesus was God incarnate, born of the virgin Mary, was crucified under Pontious Pilote, was crucified died and was buried, and rose again on the thrid day, can we claim they are of the devil?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Whosoever believes in him. Many Catholics place their faith in Christ just as many Baptists do. The outward expression of their faith is a bit different, but the essence of our faith is the same, and that is faith in Jesus Christ. I don't care that they beleive the bread and wine taken at communion actually become the blood and body of Christ. That is not central to our faith. We all come to the same table. All eat of the same bread and drink of the same wine, and remember Christ crucified and partake in the grace that God has shown to us through Christ.

Like I said above, I strongly disagree with some of their doctrine, but the core of their faith is one and the same as mine. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all bought by the blood of Jesus. If a person believes that in his heart and confesses that with their mouth, then they are my brother or sister in Christ.
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I don't care that they beleive the bread and wine taken at communion actually become the blood and body of Christ ... We all come to the same table. All eat of the same bread and drink of the same wine
If Catholics believe in transubstantiation and Baptists don't, then both are not coming to the same table. Both may come to the same physical table, but why they're coming is two separate things.

Now, I don't agree with mocking another religion. Except for the grace of God, go I. I don't want to be drawn into a lengthly debate on Catholicism here on Online Baptist. There is a plethora of information out there for you to do your own research. But I will say that while there may be Christians in Catholic churches, they would remove themselves from it if they truly followed God's word.
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I've got a friend who is a priest, a partner who is a deacon in the church, and a good friend who is a parishoner. I've had many deep conversations with them about theology. I hardly have a misunderstanding.

I was Catholic for many years, I have a very good understanding of what and how they teach and it is NOT from the Bible. What do you mean by partner?
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The Roman Catholic Church is the adulterous whore of Revelation, drunken with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus Christ.

I was on a ferry last Thursday, and at times we had winds to Storm force 10, and as it happened I had taken a book to read, The St Bartholomew's Day Massacre by Ian Paisley. I nearly finished it during the delays on the boat. One thing Ian says is that the TRUE FAITH IS A MARTYR FAITH. This ia true and history tells us that the vast majority of its martyrs were at the hands of the RCC. It has made no secret in the past, although it hides it now, that given the opportunity, it would do exactly the same again. Edited by Invicta
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I wish you all, who are doubtful, could see what the kids who attend a Catholic school are in to. I see it every day :

My cousin attends one and her sister graduated about 2 years ago from the same school. It could be regional but I highly doubt it. Nothing very Godly about anything those children do at school or outside of it. That alone makes me question what they teach in the schools or even at the church.

I'm not at all going to say that everyone who claims RCC as their faith are lost because I can not judge that, but the vast majority of them do not LIVE like they are saved.

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There is a reason Almighty God commands those who follow Him to have no fellowship with false religionists, to separate ourselves from such, to have our close relationships and associations with those who trust and OBey the Word of God.

By having close relations with false religionists, such as those in the RCC, we open ourselves to the sins of ancient Israel. We can't help but be tainted by their sin and eventually we come to accept some of their sin, then to excuse their sin and finally come to view their sin as not being important or even not being sin at all and we claim them as brothers. What an assault against God! An assault that greatly grieves the Lord, and if we are in Christ, grieves the Holy Ghost, something which we ought not to do.

In my teens my best friend was a Catholic. Sadly, he still is and he's still lost in his sins, trusting in his being Catholic to get him to heaven. It's a common teaching in the RCC that if you belong to "the Church", as they see themselves as the one and only true church, you are assured of heaven. Totally false teaching that leads millions to hell.

During my years in university a friend and I helped to bring many Catholics to Christ. EVERY Catholic we led to Christ INSTANTLY saw the wickedness of the RCC and separated themselves from the RCC IMMEDIATELY.

The RCC is one of many false religions used of the devil to lead millions to hell even as they think they are okay with God. Islam and Mormonism are two more such false religions leading millions to hell alongside the RCC.

The teachings of the RCC can't be reconciled with Scripture. No true follower of Christ with any real understanding and trust in Scripture would yoke themselves to the RCC.

If you are born again in Christ you should recognize this and love for the lost should prompt you to seek to free wayward souls so they may be rescued from the clutches of the RCC.

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