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Can we bring the KJV into 21st century English?

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I love the KJV.

I am evangelist who works among young people who are not very literate.

When I studied theology at a liberal college I realised how the devil has attacked the inerrancy of the Received Text by bringing out heretical modern versions based on the gnostic/papist Westcott Hort edition.

So I am working currently on a KJV version true to the Received Text, a true transliteration of the Word of God, not a free translation. I am looking for people, even those who would disagree with putting the KJV into current English, to peer-review my work. If you would like to peer-review what I am doing, my email address is nigelthomasvibartdixon@hotmail.co.uk. Please contact me, and I will send you what I have done so far.

I am a teachable man, so I am open to any criticism, no matter how hostile.

I dare not compromise God's Word.

Nigel Dixon

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very literate
I am not very literate myself, but I trust the people who study from KJV more than I do people who read modern bible. (I have my reasons why I prefer KJV, and it is pretty much the same as everyone else here) I learned alot from them. I do check my bible and pray about it. There is a verse about a man trying to understand, and another man had to teach him. But I can't find it anywhere.

my pastor told me the hardest thing about the bible are the names, places, and the items that no longer exist or have another name for it. everything else should be easy to understand. I agree with him.

scofield bible helps too.

BTW, I tried the chick companion, and everytime i tried to look up a word, it is not there. I think you need something that have more words than the chick companion. Especially common words in KJV that is not common in today english. The reason for that because people who have learning disabilies tend to forget what they learned.
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But do you think that it would be right or wrong to update the language of the KJB while keeping the word-for-word transliteration,

If you mean explain or say it in a different way without changing the words in KJV.....
I don't think it is not wrong because people do it everyday. Pastors do it to explain something to the church. Mothers do it to explain to her child.
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Can we bring the KJV into 21st century English?

I'm not opposed to it, in fact, I would welcome a modern translation based on the MT and TR.

I'm just hoping you can explain what you mean by "transliteration". Do you mean a "literal translation" instead? As I understand it, transliteration is the changing of alphabet from one language to another while maintaining pronunciation. Similar to how "baptized" is in the KJV and many other translations. I'm not sure how a Bible of transliterations would be beneficial to the 21st century English-speaking world.
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I've wondered this question a lot too. However, I realized recently that the main reason people don't study the Bible isn't because it's too difficult, but rather because they just don't want to. But I've often wondered what should be done with the KJB as the common language changes - especially when you consider there's now ebonics and other inner city slang.

Is this the sort of thing you're doing? http://life-equals-jesus.org/Couric/KJ2Khome.html

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I know it's been discussed before, but I don't remember anyone saying anything concrete about the Comfortable KJV. AFAIK, it has all the thou's, thee's, etc replaced with modern words, and it's true to the TR. Anything else? Anyone actually read it and can can say for sure whether or not it's a good translation?

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What is so hard about reading the KJV? The language is not that difficult to read, my 8 year old daughter understands it and has for several years. She can read it as well as she does her school books, I know people want to do away with the KJV ,for it has cause so many people to change there lives. I'm sorry thee and thou is that really that hard to understand. I'm not triing to be rude but are we not supposed to be smarter than people from the 1600's, but we can't read the english language in its proper form, we have to have it dumbed down, the bible needs to be different. It is different than any other book out there it is the word of God, not just some book to be played with. I do remember that God promises his people understanding, maybe instead of triing to change it maybe we should read it.

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I appreciate what you are saying. I love the King James Bible, which I was taught (I believe, providentially) to call 'the Authorised Version of the Bible', and I believe that the Lord has used it to preserve the inerrant Word of God into our generation and beyond.

The translators of the Authorised Version of the Bible brought into existence a Bible that everyone could read - without the need for any papist intermediary to 'interpret' it for them. All modern versions, by ditching fidelity to a word-for-word, line-upon-line transliteration from the Received Text which is what the Authorised Version of the Bible is, offer instead a typically liberal anti-faith or gnostic-heretical commentary and dress that up as the Word of God.

That type of gnostic-heretical commentary approach is essentially what the Papist Douai-Rheims 'bible' is - a translation of the discredited (but used exclusively by modern versions) Alexandrian and Septuagint texts that the gnostic-heretics developed in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD in Egypt.

So why do I want to see a Bible, and not a 'Bible + commentary' for today's young people? Because when people read Schofield's Bible they sometimes misunderstand the fact that the commentary is not the inerrant Word of God - only the Bible itself is. Therefore while I may agree with the majority of Schofield's interpretations - it is the job of teachers of the Word of God to bring people to a place of maturity in faith where everyone, as much as possible, can actually understand the Word of God and live by it - not be a slave to another man's opinion.

I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with men and women of God's Word - who will know the inerrant Word of God, who stand full-square with the Received Text, but who are still free to disagree about specific interpretations of the inerrant Word of God.

Men and women grounded in God's Word cannot be blown about by every wind of error.

Let me give just one example - a simple one that most defenders of the Authorised Version of the Bible would agree with me on. Take the word 'baptize'. Because this word is not in common everyday 21st century usage, there are many people claiming to be Christians who say that baptism is a sprinkling on the forehead of a person - worse still, of a child who is certainly no disciple of Jesus Christ. Whole books and commentaries have been written on the word 'baptism'. Great arguments have been entered into between conservatives and pentecostals about this verse in relatio to the work of the Holy Ghost, in Matthew 3:11 -

I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:

Why the confusion over baptism? This is simply because the translators took a greek word, 'baptizo' and anglicised it into 'I baptize' without translating it into a word that English people of the day could understand. What does the word actually mean? Is it possible to translate this word into English in such a way that ends the controversy between people who 'sprinkle' adults asnd children (paedo-baptists) and people who believe that baptism is only offered to people who have made a life-changing decision to become disciples of Jesus Christ? I believe that the word 'baptizo' was in common usage in the days of Jesus Christ's walk on earth, and the Gospel writers knew this word meant 'I dip, I immerse, I plunge'.

So why am I speaking about baptism - this is, after all, just one word, but a key word of pivotal importance to faith in Jesus Christ. I am doing this because this word has not been translated into English, and therefore in my opionion a huge range of heretical opinions have emerged about baptism that are contrary to the word of God.

As the whole of my faith in Jesus Christ is founded exclusively upon the inerrant Word of God and neither upon any fables or traditions of man, nor indeed upon any claimed modern-day prophetic oracles, I want others to know what the Word of God says about baptism.

Of the three words used in modern English to equate to what greek-speaking readers of the Gospels would have understood in the first century AD, 'dip, immerse, plunge', I am looking for one word that can be instantly understood by an American or British teenager - without the need for a whole Bible commentary.

That is why I have translated 'baptizo' in the Received text, as 'I plunge'.

In my personal opinion, just that one act of translating a word into actual spoken English can do away with a multitude of commentaries.

You see, the problem in my opinion with commentaries, is they cause factionalism - instead of people digging into the Word of God for themselves to eat the meat of the Word of God - people become like politicians of opposing sides.

I hate to see the mass of ordinary Christians going astray because they actually don't know their Bible versions have been adulterated by the devil with the deletion of key scriptures and the insertion of man's fables.

Let us understand that when the translators were working, they were mightily fearful of adding anything to the Word of God - therefore when they sought to make a phrase easy to understand in 17th century English, they were careful to put a word not found in the Received Text into italics if they judged it necessary for the reading of the Word of God in English, but not actually in the Received Text itself. In this way, the discerning reader can differentiate between what is an actual word-for-word transliteration from the Received Text, and those few words in italics that are not there, but are added to make it flow. The most common example is the use of the verb 'I am/you are/he is' - the verb is not usually present in the hebrew part of the Received Text - but you cannot speak an English sentence without it.

I believe too that the Lord had a divine purpose in releasing the Authorised Version of the Bible and its predecessors into the English language, and I regard it as a great privilege and responsibility to be born into a nation with this spiritual history - a responsibility to preach the Word of God in season and out of season, specifically to a younger generation who has never heard the Gospel, and therefore who have yet to reject the Gospel too.

As I am reading the Authorised Version of the Bible (So far I have been transliterating from it with reference to the Received text up to Genesis chapter 29, Matthew Chapter 3, and the whole of Ephesians and Galatians), I have been keeping a written record of every word that I would propose to put into current American English. Why American English when I am English? because more people (and I believe this is providential from the Lord) speak English in its Americanised form than do any other language - so we have a greater opportunity today than in any prior period since Pentecost to make disciples of Jesus Christ among all nations, in our own tongue.

Here is a list of the words that I would propose to alter. Please bear in mind that I am teachable, open to correction and rebuke. I am fearfully aware that the material that I am working with is the inerrant Word of God, and I am only too aware that, in the words of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ,

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book
Revelation 22:18-19.

Please correct me where I am in error, or where you believe it is possible that I may be in error. Here are the words I am proposing to change, Nigel Dixon

?abundance? instead of ?store?
?accepted? instead of ?received?
?accidentally? instead of ?lightly?
?according to? instead of ?after? as in ?after his kind?
?accumulated? instead of ?gathered?
?actions? instead of ?works?
?alive? instead of ?living?
?amen? instead of ?verily? - ?amen? is a Hebrew word meaning ?I agree?, ?let it be
done?, truly?, ?in truth?
?angry? instead of ?wroth?
?another? instead of ?yet other?
?apart from? instead of ?without? or ?than?
?appropriate? instead of ?convenient?
?around? instead of ?round about?
?artist? instead of ?artificer?
?as? instead of ?for? as in ?for signs?
?asked? instead of ?badest?
?avoiding? instead of forbearing?
?away? instead of ?forth? as in ?forth from the garden?
?away from? instead of ?against?
?bad? instead of ?grievous?
?bearing with? instead of ?forbearing?
?became less severe? instead of ?assuaged?
?because? instead of ?for?
?because of you? instead of ?for your sake?
?begged? instead of ?entreated?
?behind? instead of ?after?
?be joyful? instead of ?rejoice?
?bend? instead of ?bow?
?between? instead of ?betwixt?
?beyond? instead of ?above?
?big time? instead of ?greatly?
?birth? instead of ?nativity?
?blade of grass? instead of ?herb? occasionally, but sometimes ?herb? means ?herb?
?blameless? instead of ?perfect?
?bore? instead of ?bare?
?bound? instead of ?girt?
?boundaries? instead of ?borders?
?box you in? instead of ?constrain you?
?bread without yeast? instead of ?unleavened bread?
?bring? instead of ?do to? as in ?will this do to me?
?brought to life? instead of ?quickened?
?building up? instead of ?edifying?
?built? instead of ?made?, sometimes
?butcher? instead of ?dress?
?calling? instead of ?vocation?
?can? instead of ?may?
Capital letter for the definite article, instead of the, i.e. ?Heaven? instead of ?the
?carefully? instead of ?circumspectly?
?carry? instead of ?bear? as in ?bear his judgment?
?chiefs? instead of ?princes?
?chopped? instead of ?clave? or ?hewn?
?churns me up? instead of ?repenteth me?
?clean; instead of ?cleanse?
?clean out? instead of ?purge?
?come back? instead of ?come again?
?company? instead of ?presence? as in ?in the presence of his brethren?
?compulsive desire? instead of ?lasciviousness?
?congregation? instead of ?church as in ?churches of Judaea?
?conman? instead of ?deceiver?
?continue? instead of ?speak on?
?contract? instead of ?covenant?
?cooked? instead of ?sod? as in ?sod pottage?
?could? instead of ?might? or ?should?
?coveting? instead of ?covetousness?
?crafty? instead of ?subtle?
?Day One? instead of ?the first day?
?Dad? instead of ?Abba?
?deception? instead of ?subtlety?
?definitely? instead of ?certainly?
?delay? instead of ?hinder?
?delightful? instead of ?goodly?
?deposit? instead of ?earnest?
?demonstrate? instead of ?show?
?designer clothes? instead of ?raiment?
?dip? instead of ?baptise?
?discipline? instead of ?admonition?
?disrupt? instead of ?confound?
?does? instead of ?worketh?
?drunk? instead of ?drink wine?
?dog-tire? instead of ?faint?
?done? instead of ?made? as in ?work he had made?
?don?t? instead of ?doest not?
?down to? instead of ?toward? as in ?toward the ground?
?dusk? instead of ?the time of the evening?
?edible? instead of ?for meat?
?effective? instead of ?effectual?
?embrace? instead of ?bosom?
?entered? instead of ?came unto?
?enthusiastic? instead of ?zealously affected?
?everthing? instead of ?altogether?
?exactly? instead of ?diligently?
?extreme? instead of ?exceeding? as in ?exceeding greatness?
?even if? instead of ?though?
?Earth? instead of ?the earth?
?Egypt? instead of ?Mizraim?
?end? instead of ?cease?
?even so? instead of ?nevertheless?
?everlasting? instead of ?perpetual?
?everything? instead of ?every thing?
?extreme? instead of ?exceeding?
?fearful? instead of ?dreadful?
?feed? instead of ?nourish?
?feed? instead of ?provender?
?fell pregnant? instead of ?were with child?
?fit? instead of ?meet?
?fitted snugly? instead of ?fitly framed?
?flattering? instead of ?vain?
?flattery? instead of ?vanity?
?fooling around? instead of sporting?
?forced? instead of ?compelled?
?formed? instead of ?made? as in ?made of a woman?
?fought? instead of ?struggled?
?foul? instead of ?corrupt?
?free? instead of ?clear?
?friendship? instead of ?fellowship?
?fresh living? instead of ?springing?
?from? instead of ?of? as in ?of that land?
?from there? instead of ?thence?
?front door? instead of ?door of the house?
?further? instead of ?still?
?garden? as in ?to garden it? instead of ?dress? as in ?dress it?
?gave birth to? instead of ?gendereth?
?generational root of sin? instead of ?iniquity?
?get? instead of ?take?
?get on? instead of ?go to?
Going down? instead of ?descending?
?go into labor? instead of ?travail in birth?
?gotten? instead of ?become?
?got up? instead of ?rose up? or ?gat up?
?gross? instead of ?a shame?
?groveling? instead of ?beggarly?
?grow? instead of ?bring forth?
?had? instead of ?begat?
?halted? instead of ?tarried?
?happen? instead of ?be done so?
?happened? instead of ?was so?
?hard? instead of ?sore? as in ?pressed sore upon the man?
?have his foreskin cut? instead of ?be circumcised?
?held back? instead of ?withheld?
?help-mate? instead of ?help meet?
?here and there? instead of ?to and fro?
?hid? instead of ?hidden?
?hit? instead of ?smite?
?hob? instead of ?hearth?
?holy ones? instead of ?saints? as the original Greek is ?hagioi? meaning ?holy ones?
?home? instead of ?dwelling?
?household? instead of ?house?
?how come you said? instead of ?how saidst thou?
?hugged? instead of ?embraced?
?hundred-times multiplication? instead of ?hundredfold?
?hunter using a bow and arrows? instead of ?archer?
?hurried? instead of ?hastened?
?hurtful? instead of ?grievous?
?idol worship? instead of ?idolatry?
?i don?t get to? instead of ?lest i?
?in? instead of ?within?
?in an extreme way? instead of ?exceedingly?
?increased? instead of ?magnified?
?infertile? instead of ?barren?
?in front of? instead of ?before?
?in private? instead of ?privately?
?instead of? instead of ?and not?
?in which? instead of ?wherein?
?in the heavens? instead of ?in heavenly places? from the Greek ?en tois
ep-ouranois? meaning ?in the heavens?
?issues? instead of ?things?
?its? instead of ?his? referring to objects and plants
?Jewish? instead of ?Jews??
?join? instead of ?cleave?
?joking? instead of ?jesting?
?just as? instead of ?according as? translating the Greek ?kathos?
?keeping watch? instead of ?watching?
?kill? instead of ?slay?
?land? instead of ?rest? as in ?to rest?
?language? instead of ?communication? or ?tongue?
?large? instead of ?great? as in ?great lights?
?larger? instead of ?greater?
?left? instead of ?departed?
?like? instead of ?as?
?listen? instead of ?hearken?
?live? instead of ?dwell?
?look? instead of ?behold?
?look after? instead of ?keep? as in ?keep it?
?look down on? instead of ?despise?
?loose? instead of ?leave?
?made edible for? instead of ?given for meat to?
?made him sorrowful? instead of ?grieved him?
?made it? instead of ?caused it to? as in ?caused it to rain?
?made it holy? instead of ?sanctified it?
?made tight? instead of ?justified?
?make holy? instead of ?sanctify?
?make my case? instead of ?entreat for me?
?makes it rise? instead of ?leaveneth?
?make sure? instead of ?beware that?
?main? instead of ?chief?
main verbs at the beginning of sentences instead of at the end
?maybe? instead of ?perhaps?
?message of good news? instead of ?gospel?
?mistress? instead of ?concubine?
?mountain range? instead of ?mountains of?
?mounting up? instead of ?ascending?
?moved away? instead of ?removed?
?multi-faceted? instead of ?manifold?
?near? instead of ?at hand?
?news? instead of ?tidings?
?next to? instead of ?by?
?no longer? instead of ?no more?
?non-Jewish people? instead of ?Gentiles?
?not? instead of ?neither?
?now on? instead of ?henceforth?
?nude? instead of ?uncovered? or ?naked?
?off? instead of ?away?
?offspring? instead of ?seed?
?on? instead of ?in? as in ?in earth?
?on their own? instead of ?by themselves?
?ordered? instead of ?ordained? or ?bidden?
?out? instead of ?forth? as in ?break forth?
?over there? instead of ?yonder?
?perhaps? instead of ?peradventure?
?plain? instead of ?manifest?
?plead with? instead of ?beseech?
?pleading? instead of ?supplication?
?please? instead of ?I pray you?
?plunge? instead of ?baptize?
?plunged? instead of ?baptized?
?plunging? instead of ?baptism?
?Plunger? instead of Baptist? as in ?John the Baptist?
?prayed? instead of ?lighted?
?precise? instead of ?set?
?prepare? instead of ?make ready?
?prevent . . .from? instead of ?lest . . .should?
?private parts? instead of ?loins?
?proclaiming? instead of ?preaching?
?prohibited totally? instead of ?forbad?
?protection? instead of ?shadow?
?pulled out? instead of ?removed?
?purpose? instead of ?errand?
?put? instead of ?set?
punctuation marks ?.? and ?,? instead of ?:? and ?;?
?put? instead of ?set'
?quarter-mile? instead of ?good bow shot?
?quit? instead of ?departed out of?
?reached out? instead of ?put forth?
?really? instead of ?of a surety?, ?indeed?, ?very?
?reason? instead of ?cause?
?recommended? instead of ?commended?
?region? instead of ?parts?
?relatives? instead of ?kindred?
?relayed? instead of ?told?
removing ?and to? in a list i.e. ?and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing?
removing ?eth? from the ends of verbs in the present tense i.e. ?he builds? instead
of ?he buildeth?
?reject? instead of ?reprove?
?resist? instead of ?withstand?
?restricted? instead of ?restrained?
?revere? instead of ?reverence?
?right-standing? instead of ?righteousness?
?room for? instead of ?place to?
?rules? instead of ?ordinances?
?rushed? instead of ?hasted
?school teacher? instead of schoolmaster?
?secretly? instead of ?privily?
?secured? instead of ?made sure?
?seized? instead of ?taken away?
?send away? instead of ?put away?
?sent one? instead of ?apostle?
?separate? instead of ?divide?
?serve? instead of ?minister?
?serving? instead of ?the ministry?
?set free? instead of ?redeem?
?sex outside marriage? instead of ?fornication?
?shout? instead of ?cry?
?shoved? instead of ?pressed?
?sign? instead of ?token?
?sincerely? instead of ?in sincerity?
?skill? instead of ?sleight?
?slammed shut? instead of ?shut to?
?slave? instead of ?bondservant?
?slavery? instead of ?bondage?
?slept? instead of ?lain?
?smaller? instead of ?lesser?
?snake? instead of ? the serpent?
?so? instead of ?therefore?
?so close you can touch it? instead of ?at hand?
?soup? instead of ?pottage?
speech marks ? instead of beginning a quotation only with a capital letter
?split? instead of ?parted?
?stayed up? instead of ?tarried? as in ?tarried all night?
?still? instead of ?yet?
?struggled? instead of ?wearied themselves?
?stunning? instead of ?fair?
?suits? instead of ?becomes?
?surrounded? instead of ?compassed?
?surrounding regions? instead of ?coasts?
?switched direction? instead of ?turned aside?
?take away from? instead of ?diminish?
?teaching? instead of ?doctrine?
?test? instead of ?tempt?
?that? instead of ?which?
?the Anointed-One? instead of ?Christ? which means ?Anointed-One? - this is because
?Christ? or ?Christos? in the Greek is a description of his operation not merely a
title, and Christians today say the phrase ?Jesus Christ? too glibly with the word
?Christ? tacked on as an afterthought, but Jesus is ?the Anointed-One?
?think? instead of ?be minded?
?threats? instead of ?threatening?
?throw off? instead of ?put off?
?to? instead of ?unto?
?to begin with? instead of ?at first?
?today? instead of ?this day?
?to it? instead of ?thereunto?
?to the east? instead of ?eastward?
?to the eyes? instead of ?pleasant to the sight?
?too? instead of ?also?
?towards us? instead of ?to us-ward?
?tramp? instead of ?vagabond?
?traveled? instead of ?journeyed?
?treated? instead of ?entreated?
?trials? instead of ?tribulations?
?tribal area? instead of ?nation?
?tribes? instead of ?families?
?tricked? instead of ?beguiled?
?trickery? instead of ?wiles?
?turn over the soil? instead of ?till the ground?
?turn right around? instead of ?repent?
?turning right around? instead of ?repentance?
?types? instead of ?manner? as in ?manner of people?
?unlimited anger? instead of ?wrath?
?understand? instead of ?comprehend?
?undeserved favor? instead of ?grace?
?unsaddled? instead of ?ungirded?
?upright? instead of ?righteous?
?upset? instead of ?grieve?
?utterly stunning looker? instead of ?very fair to look upon?
?waited? instead of ?stayed?
?was intimate with? instead of ?knew? as in ?he knew her?
?watch? instead of ?behold?
?way of talking? instead of ?conversation?
?way of thinking? instead of ?persuasion?
?wealth and possessions and livestock? instead of ?substance?
?what? instead of ?according as?
?what is happening to me? instead of ?my affairs?
?will? instead of ?shall?
?wonder how? instead of ?marvel at?
?won?t? instead of ?shalt not?
?worked? instead of ?wrought?
?wounding and pain? instead of ?affliction?
?wrong? as in ?what?s wrong? instead of ?aileth?
?wrongdoings? instead of ?trespasses?
?yeast? instead of ?leaven?
?yes? instead of ?amen? and instead of ?verily? which the
Authorised Version of the Bible translates from ?amen? in the Greek
?yo? instead of ?yea? as in ?yea hath God not said?
?you? instead of ?you? or ?ye? or ?thee? or ?thou?. The Authorised Version of the Bible
makes a distinction between when an individual person is being addressed
(?thee?/?thou?) or when a group are addressed (?ye?/?you?)

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I am amazed at the response.

To answer a question from someone about 'transliteration' - what I mean is a translation that actually translates every word present in the Authorised Version of the Bible (I was brought up to call the KJB the Authroised Version, and I happen to think that the Lord agrees).

So, instead of translating a phrase in the Authorised Version into something that sounds easy to read in current English, each word is specifically translated.

Nigel Dixon


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Thanks for your post. I've just had a look at the 'King James 2000 Bible'. Although I have not had the opportunity yet to read it from cover to cover, the home page focusses on keeping the 'poetry' of the Authorised Version of the Bible. I do not know at this stage if there are any changes of meaning between the Authorised version of the Bible, and this one on the web site you mentioned.

I saw just one or two verses quoted on its home page. For example, the word 'pertain' - how many young people below the age of 18 know what 'pertain means'?

I want to see Christians fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ - not simply communicate faith in Jesus Christ to a Christian ghetto. I want to see Christians break out of just communicating among ourselves and our children, and communicate the full counsel of the inerrant Word of God to a hungry generation of unsaved young people who are currently mixed up and running after all kinds of terrible occult deviations.

I hope to come into contact with a group of men who believe in the inerrancy of the Word of God, who stand by the Authorised Version of the Bible and who will make only minor conservative changes to a small number of words without affecting in any way the meaning - and who will submit such a work for peer-review to other men of God who stand full-square with the Authorised Version of the Bible.

Nigel Dixon

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I am responding to a post saying that the Authorised Version of the Bible (also known as the KJB) is not too difficult for an 8 year old to read. I agree!

So why am I seeking to transliterate the Authorised version of the Bible into current English?

My wife of 19 years and I, we have 5 children. Our oldest is 18, and our youngest is 4. All our children love the Lord Jesus Christ and are seeking to live as his disciples. All our children read, and love the Authorised Version of the Bible. They love the Authorised Version of the Bible for one simple reason - their father and mother do, too!

Simply put, your 8 year old daughter, and our 5 children, love the Word of God because we do too! Our children walk in our footsteps. As we walk as disciples of Jesus Christ, not seeking to stray from the inerrant Word of God, so our children choose to walk in the example they see.

But what about the vast number of young people growing up outside of Christian Bible-believing God-fearing families?

For these young people to encounter the Word of God, they do not have the benefit of being raised in Christian homes.

How do we fulfill the Lord's Great Commission -
Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye, therefore, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

So how do we fulfill the great Commission?

For me to evangelise my own family is simply not enough. For me to see my father who was a liberal Episcopalian, suddenly following at a lunch with me 3 months prior to his sudden death from a brain tumor, in April 2001 providentially hand his life over to Jesus Christ his Lord and saviour - even that is not enough.

Why - because there is a hungry generation of young people who are getting into all sorts of witchcraft and fornicating and idolatry - who are in my experience in England more hungry for the Gospel than any generation I have read about since the days of the Great Awakening.

But where are the preachers of the inerrant Word of God?

We need to get out of our Christian Corrals, our Christian Ghettos where just about everyone we meet or do business with is already saved - and storm the gates of hell to plunder satan's camp for lost souls before they die and go to an endless tormenting hell of a lost eternity.

These young men in our inner-city black ghettos, where even in England now gun-crime and gang murders are normal in our big cities - these guys are not simply ineligible for salvation just because their unmarried mothers and absent fathers were never saved.

Salvation is not something you inherit genetically - you have to personally become a disciple of Jesus Christ.

So how do we fulfill the Great Commission?

You know, it's not enough for us to baptize them in thed name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost - we have to teach them too - to observe all things whatsoever our Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us. That means we have to teach the whole councel of the Word of God.

Sorry guys, I'm getting passionate.

Nigel Dixon

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The silence from the the usual posters is deafening. I know you are trying to do something good. IMO, we really don't need another translation of the Bible. My kids are bright, but not gifted....my kids could read the KJB in 2nd grade, and understand a good majority of it. When there are words that sound funny or we don't understand, we don't pick up a commentary.....we pick up the concordance. For instance, the simplest example you gave "baptize" says (ie. fully wet). Well, that gets rid of a sprinkling notion, and a kindergartener can understand it too. I'm not trying to be harsh or critical (or a discouragement), I've not even been a KJV person for a long time, but even I am sick of all the "versions" out there--they just cause more confusion. BTW, I did not come from a Christian home and I did not attend Bible college. I understand what I read because the Holy Spirit teaches me and because of good discipleship within the church, not because of an easier to read Bible. In fact, I grew the most after I started reading the KJB!

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I have to weigh in with bzmom on this one. I personally don't see the need to modernize the english...isn't that what the NKJV purported to do? As far as words like "pertain," I know a lot of kids under 18 who know what that means.

One of the beauties of the KJB is the language. Granted, it's not the language we use now. And some of the words are archaic. But why can't we teach the meanings? Without changing the KJB. Remember the Ethiopian Eunuch answered Philip's query about his understanding what he reads..."How can I, unless some man guide me?" Now, he wasn't needing the words explained, per se. He needed the concepts explained. And that's what we need to do. People have been saved down through the ages using the KJB (and for that matter, MV's...); it's the same Holy Spirit who is the Teacher. He can teach those who read.

Many kids today can't read at all, let alone in the king's english. Changing the KJB won't change that. And teaching the meanings of these older words can open up a new door of learning for people. JMHO

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