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Your daughter Married a Jehovah witness…

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Your daughter, being raised up in a Christian Christ centered home, meets a Jehovah witness gentleman, and they get married. What is the chance of your daughter changing denominations?  We know that each case can be different. What is the percentage that he can become a Christian. Lastly, how would you feel? Would you feel that God let you down in someway?

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It wouldn't be God that "let us down." It would be the daughters poor choice in a marriage partner as far as religious beliefs go. The husband may be a very honest reliable, loving and gentle man. God can always turn that situation around. But the likelyhood of that happening is less than 10 % because it is the husband who is a JW. He is the head of the home. Parents, friends and the church can pray for the husbands eyes to be opened to the truth.

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40 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Were there any Christian men around? They are getting rarer. Unless someone goes to a Christian college they might not find one, get lonely and desperate and marry the wrong man.

Going to a "Christian" college doesn't guarantee anything. But, it certainly can't hurt. I've seen a lot of men and women go to Bible college with the intent of finding a spouse, and many have ended up married and divorced because a good front was put on display. But, it seems they ended up with the "devil's disciple."

Edited by BrotherTony
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On 7/5/2023 at 9:58 PM, TheGloryLand said:

Your daughter, being raised up in a Christian Christ centered home, meets a Jehovah witness gentleman, and they get married. What is the chance of your daughter changing denominations?  We know that each case can be different. What is the percentage that he can become a Christian. Lastly, how would you feel? Would you feel that God let you down in someway?

I this hypothetical question or does it refer to  some one you know?

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On 7/5/2023 at 9:58 PM, TheGloryLand said:

Your daughter, being raised up in a Christian Christ centered home, meets a Jehovah witness gentleman, and they get married. What is the chance of your daughter changing denominations?  We know that each case can be different. What is the percentage that he can become a Christian. Lastly, how would you feel? Would you feel that God let you down in someway?

What would the organisation say if he married a non JW?  If she was a Christian,  she shouldn't marry a non Christian.  But being raised in a Christ centred home doesn't make one a Christian.  

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9 minutes ago, Invicta said:

What would the organisation say if he married a non JW?  If she was a Christian,  she shouldn't marry a non Christian.  But being raised in a Christ centred home doesn't make one a Christian.  

They believe Christians can coverts to JW, she at this moment don’t visits the services. She stays home, he doesn’t asks or makes her to visit. She knows the truth, there are many Christians in this situation. Maybe one of the 2 will be left behind. According to scripture, the nonbeliever.


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On 7/5/2023 at 4:58 PM, TheGloryLand said:

Your daughter, being raised up in a Christian Christ centered home, meets a Jehovah witness gentleman, and they get married. What is the chance of your daughter changing denominations?  We know that each case can be different. What is the percentage that he can become a Christian. Lastly, how would you feel? Would you feel that God let you down in someway?

A JW man marrying a bible believing women is rare. Usually it's the opposite. JW women seem to be far more likely to marry outside the faith but the majority of the time they marry inactive JW men. It's very common to see a Wife every Sunday with several children while the husband is rarely seen except for maybe the Memorial once a year.

I haven't ever seen any actual statistics but it's widely claimed that there are far more women JWs compared to men. I can only assume that if that's the case then it probably had a lot to do with women being around the house more making them more likely to encounter a witness at the door and agreeing to a Bible study as something different to do during the day.

It's almost unfathomable for me to think of any reason a born again female would agree to bind herself to the control of the Watchtower through her husband. It isn't likely a JW man would marry a women who wasn't submissive to his mental and religious control. A true believing JW man wouldn't risk his own reputation being looked down on because he wasn't able to "control" his wife. Most JW men aspire to be ministerial servants and eventually elders within their congregations. Not being able to control his wifes entire life and thoughts would be seen as a sign of "spiritual"weakness and as someone who would be overlooked for leadership roles since he can't keep his own household in order.

Edited by Disciple.Luke
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3 minutes ago, Disciple.Luke said:

A JW man marrying a bible believing women is rare. Usually it's the opposite. JW women seem to be far more likely to marry outside the faith but the majority of the time they marry inactive JW men. It's very common to see a Wife every Sunday with several children while the husband is rare seen except for maybe the Memorial once a year.

I haven't ever seen any actual statistics but it's widely claimed that there are far more women JWs compared to men. I can only assume that if that's the case then it probably had a lot to do with women being around the house more making them more likely to encounter a witness at the door and agreeing to a Bible study as something different to do during the day.

It's almost unfathomable for me to think of any reason a born again female would agree to bind herself to the control of the Watchtower through her husband. It isn't likely a JW man would marry a women who wasn't submissive to his mental and religious control. A true believing JW man wouldn't risk his own reputation being looked down on because he wasn't able to "control" his wife. Most JW men aspire to be ministerial servants and eventually elders within their congregations. Not being able to control his wifes entire life and thoughts would be seen as a sign of "spiritual"weakness and as someone who would be overlooked for leadership roles since he can't keep his own household in order.

Thank you replying, he is a very good young man. He does go to the meetings alone, following his dad foot steps. My daughter, asked us to pray for them, and sometimes for special prayers requests, like for her friend that was very sick, we did. One or both can be left behind. She is not convinced yet to the JW movement. I told her not to please me or him,(Husband) but the Lord Jesus Christ.

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JW is not a denomination, it is a cult. They worship a false Christ. If this is your family, I am so sorry. Your daughter has made her choice, as an adult, and the fault and consequences will be hers, not yours. She has chosen a hard path. 

I believe it is possible for true believers to be ensnared in the JW organization, not realizing what it is. I don’t know if that is the case of this young man or not. You are in an excellent position to both encourage your daughter in the faith (and maybe make sure of her salvation), and to graciously witness truth to this young man. Anyone can be saved!

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On 8/23/2023 at 9:28 PM, Salyan said:

JW is not a denomination, it is a cult. They worship a false Christ. If this is your family, I am so sorry. Your daughter has made her choice, as an adult, and the fault and consequences will be hers, not yours. She has chosen a hard path. 

I believe it is possible for true believers to be ensnared in the JW organization, not realizing what it is. I don’t know if that is the case of this young man or not. You are in an excellent position to both encourage your daughter in the faith (and maybe make sure of her salvation), and to graciously witness truth to this young man. Anyone can be saved!

I agree nothing is impossible to lead the lost soulmate to Christ. Now, for Christians, the side that is not seen. We see many to become Christian for marriage. The other person not really Saved, but fall for the outward persons. I'll do anything to have the preacher's beautiful daughter or son. 

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