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Biden and his Presidency At One Year


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2 hours ago, Mark C said:

Oh come on!! This site is marked by absolute, uncontrolled rage! Nobody who posts on here regularly could dispute that?

Can you please link me to some of this rage? Especially my rage? 

2 hours ago, Mark C said:

I've followed this site for then years, and in the last three 'fundamental Baptist's' have become the same as 'trumpist-republicans'. It's odd to watch in slow time (the worlds press reports in it but people In the bubble don't seem conscious of it).

Me too. Actually, I've been here since 2001. May I ask you who I voted for in the last two elections? Seeing how you claim, "I'm a  trumpist-republican", let me ask you what party I am affiliate with? 

2 hours ago, Mark C said:

Christian doesn't equal republican!! 
Evangeilical doesn't equal trump!

100% agree, I don't think anyone here will disagree with that. The Bible states what makes a Christian and it is not being a Republican, or a Baptist. I'm not even convinced Trump is Christian.


2 hours ago, Mark C said:

Its almost funny watching from Europe as you guys tie yourselves knots. Just stop, and look to the Bible rather than your wierd culture ?

Please explain how I tie myself in knots. Sometimes cultures do goes against the Bible. I'm not sure why you being European has anything to do with anything relevant here. Learn to understand other cultures instead of calling them names. Mr. Biden is my President and I live in America. Is there something you know that I don't from Europe?

I know a bunch of questions, but I look forward to your reply.

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I don't agree with everything Mark said, but I do agree with him that this forum has a lot of strife (I wouldn't call it rage). It's why I've posted less and less over the time I've been on here, and when I do post I try not to get caught up in the arguments. 

5 hours ago, Mark C said:

Its almost funny watching from Europe as you guys tie yourselves knots. Just stop, and look to the Bible rather than your wierd culture ?

Calling someone else's culture weird just because it's different from your own is unnecessary. As a missionary steeped in Asian culture, maybe I'm just another outsider looking in on these forums, but one thing I've learned is that different is not weird. 

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Yes, Rebecca, there is strife and that is sad. But honestly there has been strife as far back as I can remember, although it ebbs and flows rather than being there all the time. That is because the members are human. An excuse? No. But a reason. Think there are arguments now? Shoulda been here about 8 years ago. LOL

So, please, Mark, tell me where the US Constitution repeats "one nation?" If you're going to criticize, best make sure you have your facts straight. 

As to the rage you are accusing this site being full of:

1. You obviously didn't follow the site when Clinton and Obama were in the White House. There was more rhetoric against them than there is now against JB. And being "Trumpsters" or "Republicans" have nothing to do with it. Anyone who knows both the Constitution and the Bible would be against what they did and what JB/Harris are doing. When Christians excuse the vile things these people have done, they ignore plain scriptural teaching. That would include Christians in any country.

2. I don't think you really see rage. I think you are trying to incite it. THAT isn't biblical...



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15 hours ago, Mark C said:

This site is marked by absolute, uncontrolled rage!

Most rage on this forum is self perceived by those uncomfortable with their ideas being challenged. "Rage" means "violent anger" and to my knowledge, while many have had fundamental and heated disagreements, no one here has been moved to the point of rage against someone, particularly to the point it could not be controlled. The bigger issue is not rage but false assumptions about others.

As with any forum you get what you put into it. If you want peace and calm then that is what you should be. If you want reason and respect then that is what you should give. If you want friends then you should be friendly. 

Galatians 5:14-16 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

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16 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

If you feel that way, and from your "rage" showing just now...why don't you just find a site in Europe to post on...just a suggestion since you're so unhappy here. I can tell you I don't particularly give a rip about what the Europeans think of us here in the USA...we don't mess in your stuff...try practicing that for a while...Direct enough for you?

Yes - anyone who disagrees leaves. It's called an 'echo chamber'. The bullying on this site is unreal ?

14 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

Can you please link me to some of this rage? Especially my rage? 

Me too. Actually, I've been here since 2001. May I ask you who I voted for in the last two elections? Seeing how you claim, "I'm a  trumpist-republican", let me ask you what party I am affiliate with? 

100% agree, I don't think anyone here will disagree with that. The Bible states what makes a Christian and it is not being a Republican, or a Baptist. I'm not even convinced Trump is Christian.


Please explain how I tie myself in knots. Sometimes cultures do goes against the Bible. I'm not sure why you being European has anything to do with anything relevant here. Learn to understand other cultures instead of calling them names. Mr. Biden is my President and I live in America. Is there something you know that I don't from Europe?

I know a bunch of questions, but I look forward to your reply.

The rage is absolutely clear. If you can't see it then you've become immune to it. 

i don't affiliate with any US party. They've made some real mistakes and watching Baptists vote for trump is extremely worrying. Sad really 


You guys tie yourself in knots by trying to argue trumpism. It's clearly anti Christian, anti Bible and anti baptist. But your religion has become trumpism over all...it's very documented outside your own country 

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12 hours ago, Rebecca said:

I don't agree with everything Mark said, but I do agree with him that this forum has a lot of strife (I wouldn't call it rage). It's why I've posted less and less over the time I've been on here, and when I do post I try not to get caught up in the arguments. 

Calling someone else's culture weird just because it's different from your own is unnecessary. As a missionary steeped in Asian culture, maybe I'm just another outsider looking in on these forums, but one thing I've learned is that different is not weird. 

I agree with you - but the US baptist culture is very odd (maybe odd is a better word than 'wierd'). It's a laughing stock across the world but I'm not sure anyone involved in it can accept that (because they're so involved in it!!). 

I can only ever come back to, and rely on, the Bible. It's such a shame that US Baptist's don't do that and rely on political manifestos. So sad to watch 

11 hours ago, SureWord said:

I think this forum has mellowed out over the years and compared to other forums I've been a member of it's like grandma and her baked cookies compared to a pack of pitbulls.

Yea but it's turned from the Bible to politics. It's very well documented that evangelical in the USA have turned from the Bible to trump as their ultimate authority...it's very odd to watch it happen in real time but so be it. It's not my place to try to turn a nation back (although in arguing for that as kindly and politely as I can)

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7 minutes ago, Mark C said:

Yes - anyone who disagrees leaves. It's called an 'echo chamber'. The bullying on this site is unreal ?

Nobody is trying to bully anyone. I often get taken that way, but I'm very direct...to the point. It offends some, but, that's just going to have to be the case. Nobody wants anyone to leave...I can't make you leave or stay, but I can suggest that you find a spot (probably a European outlet) where you can feel like you fit  in. If you stay, you stay. It's not up to me. But, i can tell you that I'd be careful about attacking administrators on this site. They'll only put up with so much. This is FAR FROM AN ECHO CHAMBER...apparently you've not read many of the threads. 

7 minutes ago, Mark C said:

The rage is absolutely clear. If you can't see it then you've become immune to it. 

i don't affiliate with any US party. They've made some real mistakes and watching Baptists vote for trump is extremely worrying. Sad really 

7 minutes ago, Mark C said:


You guys tie yourself in knots by trying to argue trumpism. It's clearly anti Christian, anti Bible and anti baptist. But your religion has become trumpism over all...it's very documented outside your own country 

Seems to some of us that you're here more to fight, incite anger more than to promote peace and harmony. Is this the case? If so, be honest about it. Many here DID vote for Trump, and would probably do so again, because he did some truly great things for our country. You, not living here, in the states, or so you say, will have little effect on what the people who voted for him think. Your European biases are showing clearly. 

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Razor, you can "downvote"/disagree with me all you like. Just want you to know it's childish of you, and you're giving many of us here more ammunition in our belief that you're Bouncing Bill reincarnated. Thanks, Bill. 

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58 minutes ago, Mark C said:

I agree with you - but the US baptist culture is very odd (maybe odd is a better word than 'wierd'). It's a laughing stock across the world but I'm not sure anyone involved in it can accept that (because they're so involved in it!!). 

I can only ever come back to, and rely on, the Bible. It's such a shame that US Baptist's don't do that and rely on political manifestos. So sad to watch 

Yea but it's turned from the Bible to politics. It's very well documented that evangelical in the USA have turned from the Bible to trump as their ultimate authority...it's very odd to watch it happen in real time but so be it. It's not my place to try to turn a nation back (although in arguing for that as kindly and politely as I can)

Paragraph 1. You are right. In my travels I have found that Europeans know little about IFB, but quite a lot about Southern Baptists. They are a laughing stock to both people outside the States and to a lot of people here in the States. A big problem for many non-SBC Baptist churches is the word "Baptist" in their name. People see the word Baptist and immediately think of bigoted, prejudice, narrow-minded people. That, of course, is not true for many Baptists, but most people have no idea how how broad the meaning of the term Baptist is if you take in all Baptist persuasions. 

Paragraph 2. There are Baptists who have not confused or mingled politics and religion. However, as it obvious, far too many have. Again, it goes back to the many varieties of Baptist you find here, from extremely religions-politics confused, to fundamentalists, to conservatives, to moderates, to the liberal Baptist churches. And, this does not include the Black National Baptist Convention.

Paragraph 3. I am sorry to say, IMHO, you are correct in your assessment.  Far too many evangelists have bought into the belief that if you do not agree with me you are the enemy. This is 180 degrees out of phase of what I was taught in the small rural-village Southern Baptist Church where I grew up and the foundations of my faith were laid. 

6 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Razor, you can "downvote"/disagree with me all you like. Just want you to know it's childish of you, and you're giving many of us here more ammunition in our belief that you're Bouncing Bill reincarnated. Thanks, Bill. 

Only because you have bought the idea that if I do not agree with you I am your enemy. Also, I notice you brag about being direct, but I find you have very thin skin.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw rocks. 

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I've noticed in this thread and others that there are general stereotype statements going on. I've tried to reason by asking for those facts in a breakdown and it seems to be ignored. 

I'm closing this thread as it has turned into a thread of insulting others that do not agree with them. 


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3 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

I've noticed in this thread and others that there are general stereotype statements going on. I've tried to reason by asking for those facts in a breakdown and it seems to be ignored. 

I'm closing this thread as it has turned into a thread of insulting others that do not agree with them. 


AND they are the ones who call folks bullies...thanks for locking.

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