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Covid Thread (Covid topics are merged in here)


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28 minutes ago, Jerry said:

This is my impression since last weekend. Morales: You should get the Mark, I mean the vaccine. You have nothing to lose.

Oh, you won't get it? I thought you obeyed the Bible? The Bible says obey your government, your government says get the vaccine. (Then proceeds to start several other threads to push this same idea.)

Maybe I am wrong, but it certainly seems Morales is determined to push the vaccine in whatever way he can. Do you have an agenda here, Morales?

I’m definitely not making money with my free information. Vaccines also have been around for a very long time.     If you have been in the military you probably had received dozens of them.

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On 12/19/2021 at 4:36 AM, E Morales said:

What does the Bible says about following orders from the government, and who established the government. Give to Cesar that is of Cesar, and that of the Lord, to the Lord. Should we disobey our government, Bro. Tony.

In America We the People are Caesar, E. NOT the government. Yes, if "our government" steps outside the bounds of the Constitution we are duty bound to disobey them. They are not our lords, they are not our masters; they are our servants. THEY are to obey US. 

The Bible says we are to honor the king.  In America, as I've tried pointing out to you before, the LAW is king. "Rex Lex." And that law is completely rooted in our federal and state constitutions (any overstepping them is BREAKING the LAW). Ergo, whomever breaks the LAW is disobeying scripture. And, as We the People are to be the regulators of said law, it is our DUTY to stop them from continuing to break the law. Are you doing your duty? Or are you spreading the vile lie that we are to bow the knee to every whim of "government" in the (false) claim of obeying scripture?


Vaccines are a personal choice. People who try to guilt others in one direction or the other are wrong, and they are busybodies, butting in to choices not theirs to make. MYOB would be a good mantra for some to learn (that stands for "mind your own business"). "...And that ye study to be quiet, and to DO YOUR OWN BUSINESS..."  Encourage people to search and find their own answers on this and stop trying to guilt one way or another. 

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52 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I’m definitely not making money with my free information. Vaccines also have been around for a very long time.     If you have been in the military you probably had received dozens of them.

Yes, but you are not promoting any old flu shots, you are pushing THIS specific vaccine, which various posters here have stated goes against their conscience among other reasons for refusing it.

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This is interesting... I was watching some powerpoint presentations on Jewish history for the last 2000+ years.

Jews in Fighter Jets Slides (wayoflife.org)

I never realized what kind of persecution they went through. Yes, God prophesied of this judgement on them for rejecting Him, but those that did that kind of abuse and harm to God's people throughout the centuries will no doubt have to give an account of their actions and cruelty. It reads just like Foxe's Book of Martyrs or some other history book covering the martyrdoms and cruelty done to the Christians. The other side of history I guess that we never hear about.

All that being said, I am posting these comments because of a quote from the slides:

"They were confined to the ghetto every night, on Sundays and during Christian festivals; at other times, they were forbidden to walk in the town more than two abreast. They were barred from entering parks, inns, coffee houses and the promenades around the town's picturesque walls" (Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild).

Sounds almost where this world is at with those who refuse the vaccine! In the long run, I think it will overall be mostly true Christians who will resist these pushed mandates, and then we will bear the enforcements of their wrath on us and our families, eventually leading to the Mark of the Beast under the reign of the final ungodly world leader. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

2 Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.


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5 hours ago, E Morales said:

I’m definitely not making money with my free information. Vaccines also have been around for a very long time.     If you have been in the military you probably had received dozens of them.

There's a difference between those vaccines and this one. Those diseases/virus' that were being combatted by them didn't have a 99.7% recovery rate that was being stopped from being known because of the press and government. This one does. Regardless of what the military does, there are those in the military who have seen the error of this administration and are facing dismissal/court martial because of their stance in NOT taking the jab!

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18 minutes ago, E Morales said:

Amazing, I don’t hear preachers preaching you guys theories.

The preachers I listen to, and my own preacher doesn't preach politics from the pulpit...thank the Lord for that! I'd hate to have to find another church because of some pastors lack of self control and proper timing! I'm sure there are many who DO preach our side....so, again, you're making blanket statements that can't be proven to support YOUR point of view! Nice try, though! ?

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It is a tragedy that politicians have made a political issue out of a medical issue. This has cost untold thousands upon thousands of deaths.

E. Morales is right. If you were ever in the military you received a lot of shots. I remember one day in early basic training we were taken for shots. I stepped through a door and got hit in both arms. Then I took a step forward and got hit again in both arms. Then I took a step forward and got hit a third time...this time only in my right arm.

I have noticed that so far the reported deaths from the new Omicron variant are of unvaccinated folk.   

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9 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

The preachers I listen to, and my own preacher doesn't preach politics from the pulpit...thank the Lord for that! I'd hate to have to find another church because of some pastors lack of self control and proper timing! I'm sure there are many who DO preach our side....so, again, you're making blanket statements that can't be proven to support YOUR point of view! Nice try, though! ?

I’m not talking about politics, if it’s of the devil, the vaccine, why are they not preaching it. Telling members to repent, don’t get the jab. Not politics,  bro. Tony.

3 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I’m not talking about politics, if it’s of the devil, the vaccine, why are they not preaching it. Telling members to repent, don’t get the jab. Not politics,  bro. Tony.

I not happy, they did not merge my last post over here. Your fault. 

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31 minutes ago, E Morales said:

I’m not talking about politics, if it’s of the devil, the vaccine, why are they not preaching it. Telling members to repent, don’t get the jab. Not politics,  bro. Tony.

I not happy, they did not merge my last post over here. Your fault. 

You're WHINING again, Morales. It's nobody's fault. It would be nice if you grew up a bit. They can merge it at any time...they just have to be given time. 

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8 hours ago, Razor said:

Three Days That Stopped the World.

An interesting podcast on Wuhan and COVID.


I don't find much that is of use on aljazeera! Not a very reliable news source, IMHO.

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