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'Minor-Attracted Persons' PEDOPHILES! Cake pans?


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The same tactic used by homosexuals in the early 1970s. 

(1) Go after the psychiatric and psychological institutions. (1a) Change the definition, make it palatable. 

Legislation for protected class will follow within 30 years. Instead of putting them behind bars you'll be required by law to bake them a cake.

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The current technique is to go for a single target - a test case that will establish a legal precedent. Defence costs are liable to become prohibitive, so that victims concede or go out of business. 

Somehow a concerted effort is needed to spread the Christian position over a wide front so that the opponents are seen to be mischief making, rather than genuinely offended - or whatever the Christian "crime" is purported to be. 


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There have already been serious attempts to have "consensual" adult/child sex declared legal in California. Several shrinks have written papers on the benefits of consensual adult/child sexual relations and "love". There is a growing move in the psychiatric community to further change the classifications of pedophilia, including doing away with that term.

Many lawyers and judges have already stated on record that once full marital and other legal rights are granted to homosexuals it will be only a short time afterward when the precedence set in doing that will be used to gain legal status for virtually every form of perversion, including pedophilia.

As our pastor points out, if there is no set standard for right and wrong then eventually the continual tide of everyone wanting to do what's right in their own eyes will wash away old restrictions giving license for every form of wickedness.

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I don't think it's gonna take 30 years...

​Maybe not but that was the term from the time homosexuals attacked the APA conference in the 70's until they were given protected class status under Obama. Just a little over 30 years but, you may be right once Hillary becomes president.

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​Maybe not but that was the term from the time homosexuals attacked the APA conference in the 70's until they were given protected class status under Obama. Just a little over 30 years but, you may be right once Hillary becomes president.

​I have a strange feeling Hillary will be the next president.

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​Maybe not but that was the term from the time homosexuals attacked the APA conference in the 70's until they were given protected class status under Obama. Just a little over 30 years but, you may be right once Hillary becomes president.

Yes, it was. But the reason I don't think this will take as long is that they have been trying to push it for awhile already, kind of in conjunction with the homosexual movement.

Because the homosexuals are making such headway, the door to all kinds of perversions has been thrown wide open, so "normalization" of this and polygamy - and very likely bestiality - is not far off.

I, too, hope and pray Hillary does not "win". Mayhap Trey Gowdy will be able to bring charges against her and she'll go to prison. Please, Lord!

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Its called bring them out so we may know them.  They are like that.  What your going to see is an expansion of rights.  My opinion.  The reason they are in these schools.  My guess is not equality.  They have nefarious reasons.  You believe the Bible?   I do.  Notice the behavior.  They are very much like that. 

Television is the one thing people have an addiction for they can't get rid of.  I got rid of it.  I won't watch it.  lol.  Haven't for about oh 7 years.  I flipped through recently out of curiosity.  The stuff that was on there.  I just put it back.  Evil moves in slowly.  Telling you hey a little of this and that won't hurt and gives you a reason.  Bad news this stuff is moving in.  Good news.  I'm getting old. 

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I don't want to say yay or nay to anyone's predictions about the future, and I don't know how things are in the USA, but the UK is less tolerant of paedophilia now than it once was.

In fact, one of the problems judges have been having when sentencing people found guilty of crimes committed in the 60s, 70s and 80s, is that they have been bound by comparatively lenient sentencing limits from those decades. The classic case is a TV presenter who did unspeakable things to young girls in the 1960s and was brought to trial and confessed to them last year. But because the law in the 60s stipulated that raping a child was only 'indecent assault' unless the jury was sure the child hadn't given 'consent', the judge had to sentence Green (in 2014) using the sentencing limits for indecent assault, which was a couple of years max. The law changed in 2003 to say that, of course, a minor can't give consent, and to be honest most people these days would vomit at the very suggestion that a child could--not so in the 50s and 60s, apparently.

And then there were the casual references to child molestation that apparently so few in the 60s had a problem with that it was part of mainstream culture. For example, the lary old man chasing the underage girl cliche that was a staple of slapstick TV comedy back in the day--just think Carry On films and Benny Hill. Or bands like Rolling Stones writing song lyrics that boasted of having s** with underage girls.

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In America the trend is working against us, against the children. A university professor put forth governmental statistics indicating the very high prevalence of child molesters and rapists being homosexuals. One example of this which received a certain amount of media coverage was in regards to the number of boys molested/raped by Catholic priests who were homosexuals. (NOTE: the media only covered the story as a means to attack Christianity, they didn't cover the homosexual/child rape aspect.)

As homosexuals in America have gained more power and influence, the trend has been moving toward making "consensual sex" between an adult and a minor legal. The homosexual movement has many allies in the psychiatric profession who are promoting the view that consensual adult/child sexual relations are healthy and benefit both the child and the adult.

This also happens to be an Islamic view which some Muslim men use to excuse their rape of 12 year old girls (or younger).

The media will talk tough against child predator Catholic priests or Mormon "extremists", but in general they side with the homosexual agenda to legalize adult/child sex.

In some states a child molester or rapist may receive less prison time than the person who abused a dog or cat.

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Its called bring them out so we may know them.  They are like that.  What your going to see is an expansion of rights.  My opinion.  The reason they are in these schools.  My guess is not equality.  They have nefarious reasons.  You believe the Bible?   I do.  Notice the behavior.  They are very much like that. 

Television is the one thing people have an addiction for they can't get rid of.  I got rid of it.  I won't watch it.  lol.  Haven't for about oh 7 years.  I flipped through recently out of curiosity.  The stuff that was on there.  I just put it back.  Evil moves in slowly.  Telling you hey a little of this and that won't hurt and gives you a reason.  Bad news this stuff is moving in.  Good news.  I'm getting old. 

​There is a thought here deserving of more discussion...the junk moving in slowly...a little of this...etc. It would be a good wake up for us. Another that comes to mind, desensitization toward human atrocities on other humans. It should make us cry sinking to our knees.

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​There is a thought here deserving of more discussion...the junk moving in slowly...a little of this...etc. It would be a good wake up for us. Another that comes to mind, desensitization toward human atrocities on other humans. It should make us cry sinking to our knees.

​Mass media seems to help desensitize people to things that aren't directly effecting them. This also contributes to the idea of moral relativism and there being no absolutes when it comes to right and wrong (or anything else).

At the same time mass media and the desire to be PC have worked to create millions of people who will jump on a PC issue, make tweets, blog posts or a comment on Facebook and believe they have took a strong stand for/against something. In other words, rather than actually doing something constructive about an issue, simply tweeting about it is considered doing ones part.

Perception trumps reality. Look at all those who continue with the "hands up don't shoot" stuff even after it's been proven beyond a doubt that was a lie, told by one person, picked up by the media and exploited. When the cop shot that man running from him and was quickly arrested and charged with murder the reality of the incident didn't stop some from going out and chanting "no justice, no peace" and trying to turn this into a racial issue when it wasn't.

Homosexuals are portrayed all over TV and in the movies as wonderful, "normal" people, usually as some sort of hero, best friend ever or in some other very positive light. The reality of homosexuality, the lives most homosexuals live, isn't PC, doesn't get coverage and most folks don't want to hear about it. On the rare occasions they may hear about homosexual reality they have already been preconditioned to discount such as "hate" or "homophobic".

Just as the argument has been used if two men "love each other" then they should be allowed to do what they want to promote the homosexual agenda, the same is now being used for consensual adult/child relations. Along with this movement is a similar one attempting to rid the statutory rape laws. Typically they talk about the problem of an 18 year old and 17 year old who are in love but if they express their love the 18 year old can be arrested. The reality is, they are wanting the doors tossed open so the 45 year old can get with the 15 year old in the name of love.

Too many in our nation don't want to face the truth. They don't want to deal with reality. The virtual world of Twitter, what mainstream media feeds them and the escapism of movies, TV and video games is good enough for them.

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