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Yep It's Spring Alright!


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We were in the pool tonight, first time the water has gotten to 87.  In our backyard are a mated pair of cardinals who make lovely music all day and two different woodpeckers among others.  While letting the dogs out, I saw two nice sized Southern Black Racers uhh, embraced and sunning themselves.  Saw a huge Glass Lizard the other day and rescued a small Southern Ringneck Snake from the pool but accidently killed him the next day.  Spring is definitely here and so are the mosquitos.  I don't wear cologne, just 40% DEET in evergreen scent.

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Weather report on TV said our region was overcast all day with rain coming tonight and heavy rain tomorrow.  They OBviously did not visit our town as it was mostly sunny all day and up to about 70F.  Rain started about 10.00pm though it has stopped now.

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It's time to mow the lawn.

My daughter came over for 2 or3 hours on Friday. As soon as she arrived, she said "Where is the mower?" And went anead and mowed my front lawn. I knew shew couldn't st8 long, so
I asked when she would have to go and she said "When the children have finished trashing the garden." When they arrived I asked the youngest one not to go fishing in the pond and later saw her and said "I thought I told you not to go fishing." She replied with a straight face that only a five year old can give. "I wasn't fishing, I was newting."
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It's finally spring here, I took this photo today of a tree at school. They're finally starting to bloom! yay! I don't have a yard with grass so I don't have to worry about mowing. *smirks*  :bleh:




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