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An Attack Close To Home.....


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Yet, apparently, they do. There's no need to say stuff like that. It's unnecessarily combative. There is nothing unScriptural with a manger scene; yet, if people feel there is something wrong with it, they have the liberty to eschew them. 

In many manger scenes there is unscriptural stuff involved, such as the "three wise men" being present when Scripture doesn't say how many wise men there were and the wise men were not present at the manger.

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Actually, since so many Christians, including fundamentalists, so openly and clearly yoked themselves to the Republican Party and made their biblical views a matter of partisan politics, many atheists, liberals and others view Christian fundamentalists as attempting to force their views upon everyone through politics.


I have to agree with that, for that is what many Christians do, & as you state not only the fundamentalists, trying to force God's way on everyone though the laws of this county.


In the Old Testament we have proof that laws will never saved anyone, yet many Christians keeps trying that route.


And if one will take a long look they can see that politicians are not bringing us to God, but away from Him.

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I have to agree with that, for that is what many Christians do, & as you state not only the fundamentalists, trying to force God's way on everyone though the laws of this county.


In the Old Testament we have proof that laws will never saved anyone, yet many Christians keeps trying that route.


And if one will take a long look they can see that politicians are not bringing us to God, but away from Him.

Amen! The Old Testament has been fulfilled, Christians are to be living in accord with the New Testament, yet many want to live as if they are under the Old.

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For argument sake, if we as Christians are trying to force our views on people through the laws then we probably shouldn't protest against gay marriage being legalized. That's why Christians don't agree with it is because of the Bible. If we took our (Christians) stand because of the Bible out of our argument what else would we have to disagree with gay marriage? Don't know if I'm stating this correctly or not. Our stand is God's but if we aren't trying to change or alter laws without God and Bible in any situation then how would we be forcing our views of Christianity through the Republican party?

I see where things didn't go as Christian Right thought hooking up with Republican party. because now anything Christian is attached to Republican/ right wing.

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In many manger scenes there is unscriptural stuff involved, such as the "three wise men" being present when Scripture doesn't say how many wise men there were and the wise men were not present at the manger.

True, and I no longer like manger scenes with wise men. I was speaking to the overall concept however, not the particulars.
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We have a "manger scene" which is just Joseph, Mary, and a manger in a little kind of hut. It's about 6 in by 6 in.  There is a window cut in the back, and I usually put a candle behind it to make it look like there is starlight.  Yes, that is personal, and no, we aren't worshiping a babe. We are remembering and honoring the fact that He was born. 


As to public manger scenes: there is nothing wrong with them, and as they can be used as tools for witness, I like them (again, not to worship a baby, but remember and praise the fact that Christ did come).  If Christians were the true testimony and salt we should be, there would be no problem with nativity scenes.  Because we are stewards of ALL God has given us, and that includes our country, our state, and our local areas, we are to be proactive. If we are not then bad things will happen...oh, wait, those bad things ARE happening. Hmmm.  We aren't doing the job as witnesses for Christ.  And we aren't doing the job occupying until He comes.  It's no wonder evil is winning the day.


lefton - Christians are to be stewards.  Because of things like the Moral Majority and many politicians kowtowing to the supposed Christian right, backlash has come that says Christians aren't to be involved in anything to do with politics. That's an easy out, instead of saying that we are to be proper stewards. Being proper stewards would involve being vocal when it is necessary, voting, even (gasp!) putting up a sign that states our beliefs, etc.  That would hold true with gay marriage.


On a federal level, there is nothing Constitutional about allowing gay marriage. Nor is there anything Constitutional with outlawing drugs (other than those brought into the country, or sold from one state to another), or outlawing prostitution (other than if prostitutes are brought into the country or ply their trade across state lines), abortion, etc.  However, on a state level, it is right and proper to have those discussions. And it is right and proper for Christians to stand up and say no to them - based on biblical teachings.  If Christians were doing their job with witnessing and winning others to Christ/discipling them, there would be no contest in a state vote: gay marriage, abortion, prostitution, and so many other things that are unbiblical would be outlawed on a state level (and if SCOTUS got involved, any unConstituional ruling would be nullified).  There are many nonChristians who would vote accordingly, as well, because they don't agree with these things just because they know deep down they are wrong.  But, sadly, Christians aren't, as a whole, doing the job we should be.  We aren't witnessing, winning, discipling. We aren't standing for what is right.  We aren't being vocal, we are being quiet, resting on our blessed assurances singing kumbaya.


And the left marches on so that true liberty (and that is what banning nativities is, among other things) is obliterated...

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We have a "manger scene" which is just Joseph, Mary, and a manger in a little kind of hut. It's about 6 in by 6 in.  There is a window cut in the back, and I usually put a candle behind it to make it look like there is starlight.  Yes, that is personal, and no, we aren't worshiping a babe. We are remembering and honoring the fact that He was born. 


As to public manger scenes: there is nothing wrong with them, and as they can be used as tools for witness, I like them (again, not to worship a baby, but remember and praise the fact that Christ did come). 




That's what the Orthodox said about icons, and Catholics about their images. 

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That's what the Orthodox said about icons, and Catholics about their images.

Oh, you mean the ones they pray to, kiss, light candles to...? When I start doing that for the ten or so days its out, then you can compare it. Until then, my hubby has things under control. ;-)
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BIG BIG BIG DIFFERENCE INVICTA between a manger scene and catholic relics. We don't worship or pray to them.

"We", don't (meaning you and me and probably everyone here) but for some strange reason there are some who go to some of these manger scenes and bow down before the baby, praying to the baby and such. I don't know that a lot of folks do that, but at least some do.


I'm not saying you have to toss out a manger scene because of this, just pointing out it does occur. Just like there are some folks who actually worship their physical Bible, kissing their Bible, hugging their Bible and believing that since the Bible is the Word and Jesus is the Word they are virtually (or actually) one and the same.


*Way of topic now* but...while I don't endorse worshipping ones Bible, I do totally dislike what seems to be a great lack of respect for the Word of God in the way many folks handle their Bibles these days. When I was growing up I don't recall ever seeing anyone treating their Bible with anything other than care. Today it seems rather common to see folks tossing their Bibles around, being careless with them, slinging them into their cars after church and such.

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The world is happy with manger scenes and a little baby Jesus.  A baby makes no demands on them.  


Last year, I saw a TV chef making a seasonal meal and a cake, placing a "little baby Jesus,-  Ahhh." on it.  I am sure they would not think of Jesus the rest of the year.

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The world is happy with manger scenes and a little baby Jesus.  A baby makes no demands on them.  


Last year, I saw a TV chef making a seasonal meal and a cake, placing a "little baby Jesus,-  Ahhh." on it.  I am sure they would not think of Jesus the rest of the year.

Over here its become a political football.

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