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How Romantic Can A Christian Be?

The Glory Land

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No, your wrong, we need to be clear, for others reading it cannot read our minds & know what we mean.  It's really funny how YOU are the only one who has problems with just about everything I write, indicating that you think I leave God out of everything.  I'm really getting tired of it, Jerry.  You even stated that TGL said something he didn't, but that doesn't seem to bother you.


When this statement is made, "What happens in the bedroom between husband & wife is only between husband & wife," leaves God out, period. Again, you are adding something that was never intended.  As old as you are, and you REALLY have to have everything spelled out?  Christians - Baptists - writing on the forum and you automatically assume that God is left out.  That's called purposeful misunderstanding, Jerry.  And I'm getting quite tired of it.  So, take your own advice and stop it.


As for you, go back & look at & read my post, "I asked you a question, yet look where you took it!"


Why not just answer the question & stop all of your assuming, instead of making accusations. I don't need to answer your "question."  You answered what you think my answer would be yourself.  As per normal.

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Some things should not be discussed on a public forum.

That said, I refuse to post in this thread.

The Bible has Song of Solomon, widely regarded as both one of the most romantic writings, and also, bordering on erotic in places, yet it has a place in the Word of God.


There are many things we can discuss, if we ar willing to do so discreetly and with class.


That being said, I completely respect your opinion on this, and applaud your willingness to stand as you believe right.

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The Bible has Song of Solomon, widely regarded as both one of the most romantic writings, and also, bordering on erotic in places, yet it has a place in the Word of God.


There are many things we can discuss, if we ar willing to do so discreetly and with class.


That being said, I completely respect your opinion on this, and applaud your willingness to stand as you believe right.

I agree Song of Solomon's prose is in the Bible.  I won't argue what is written therein.  But some things should not be aired out in public.

Song of Solomon is a beautiful book which denotes a wonderful romance between a husband and wife.  Things such as written there may be OK to discuss, but it seems some may try to take intimate discussions beyond that. 

That said, I still refuse to post in this forum.

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I agree Song of Solomon's prose is in the Bible.  I won't argue what is written therein.  But some things should not be aired out in public.

Song of Solomon is a beautiful book which denotes a wonderful romance between a husband and wife.  Things such as written there may be OK to discuss, but it seems some may try to take intimate discussions beyond that. 

That said, I still refuse to post in this forum.


On the open forum some topics can start out OK, yet end up wrong, so far this one has not. That is so far there has nothing been stated that could not be stated in front of both man & woman.

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HC quoted Psalm 119:165 for "offenses".  I would like to clear the air; Jesus told Peter that he was an offense to Him (Mt. 16:23) . he said Offenses must come...(for those who desire a scripture, Mt.18:7)  which implies we will be offended.  The verse and the entire chapter) is speaking of God's Word, nothing in it should offend us.  I used to hear others brow-beat people with that verse, by taking it out of context. (Ha, I am the one that says "some people are so worried about context that they miss the content of the scriptures."  Oh well...)


No offense to HappyChristian by the way.



Getting back to the topic, I agree with Standing Firm, some things have no place in mixed company, and furthermore, these same things should be treated delicately even when discussed in the same gender.  Sometimes, it seems men like to get as close to the edge as they can without overstepping the boundaries. 


I suppose though that "romance" has its reputation, and is often thought of in only one way.  A Christian can be as romantic as they want to be (candle light dinners, moonlit walks, just sitting together on an outdoor swing, etc. these also are considered "romantic".)


No offense, but I thought it was a silly question!

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What is wrong with speaking of romance? I leave my wife little notes around the house from time to time (one time I wrote about 40 love notes and put them all over the house...in the freezer, underside of the toilet lid, on her pillow, etc....and she was finding some of them a week or more later), I hold my wife's hand when we walk across a parking lot, walk on the street side of the sidewalk with her, put my arm around her, sometimes surprise her with a little gift or treat, fix her a surprise meal or take her out to her favorite place to eat, share with her things I hear or see through the day which make me think of her, and not a day goes by that my wife doesn't hear me tell her I love her.


For some, the romance dies shortly after the honeymoon. What a shame. I prefer to keep the romance alive. My wife knows I love her by my actions and words, not just hearing an occasional duty or routine given "love you" as I step out the door.

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A man tends to think romance is automatically connected to the bedroom. Women see romance in potentially "uncompensated" kindness just out of appreciation and love.


Remember that a man is like a skillet (quick temp change), a woman is like a crock pot -- attitude at 9pm can be  directly related to treatment at 6am.

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A man tends to think romance is automatically connected to the bedroom. Women see romance in potentially "uncompensated" kindness just out of appreciation and love.


Remember that a man is like a skillet (quick temp change), a woman is like a crock pot -- attitude at 9pm can be  directly related to treatment at 6am.



How about if there is no electricity... ?

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Instead of a rose that will wilt in 3 days -- buy a whole bush and plant it.


Stop and pick some wild-flowers for here (stink weed and saw briers don't count).


I was in a church once that had men keep the nursery on Mothers Day (although you have to wonder how many of the mothers had to change diapers immediately after church).


 Don't eat out at your convenience - but hers.

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Instead of a rose that will wilt in 3 days -- buy a whole bush and plant it.


Stop and pick some wild-flowers for here (stink weed and saw briers don't count).


I was in a church once that had men keep the nursery on Mothers Day (although you have to wonder how many of the mothers had to change diapers immediately after church).


 Don't eat out at your convince - but hers.

That's me...sentimental but practical  :coffee2:

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The rose is my favorite flower. I love rose bushes, no doubt about it.  But cut roses also make my day.   :icon_smile:  (mine usually last a bit over a week)

My wife's favorite flowers are daisies. Took me a few years before I got that one through my head. Don't know them when I see them -- now squash, potato, apple, and okra blossoms I know!!

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