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Kirk Cameron's "unstoppable" Grosses 2 Million In 1 Night


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Most of Hollywood cares as much for their leftist agenda as they do money. They toss a few "family friendly" films in the mix each year to help them have the money to make more of their R rated movies filled not only with filth, but their leftist agenda. Sadly, there is typically even a bit of their leftist agenda (sometimes way more than a bit!) in their "family friendly" films too.


The American porn industry rakes in far more money each year than does Hollywood; and has for many years now. America holds the title of the worlds largest porn distributor to the entire planet.

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  • 2 years later...
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Saw "Unstoppable" on Netflix a couple nights back.

Huge disappointment.

Kirk Cameron was speaking at one point in the movie of the flood that destroyed the Earth.  He said that the bow that God set in the clouds was God's weapon of war.  Just as a soldier hangs his weapon when ceasing from war, God hung His bow in the clouds to signify His war against the Earth was over.

Or something to that effect. 

His argument seemed to hinge upon the fact that everywhere bow or bows was mentioned in the Old Testament, except Genesis 9, it was speaking of weapons.  So God must have been speaking of a weapon in Genesis as well.

So, the bow was not a rainbow, but a weapon?  Really?

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This one wonders if he's even heard of the law of first mention.  Them evangelicals are not fans of bible doctrine, most of them despise bible doctrine and those who place a premium on learnin' doctrine.

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I'm just picturing a bow - the weapon - hanging in the sky. :nuts:  Maybe that's how the water from the deep came up - heavenly arrows shot into the earth, making deep craters (Grand Canyon, anyone?) and letting all the water out. Bahahaha...

I'm sorry, that was sarcasm. But I couldn't resist. This is definitely a case of not rightly dividing. Or even rightly reading.

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