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The Differences Between The Two Baptists Churches Independent And Dependent

The Glory Land

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Sounds like some of you that don't have nearby IFB churches need to start one :) LOL There's a whole bunch of members in your area, they just need to get saved.

 LOL There's only 6 people (not 6 families) per square mile in our county, 5 counties North, 3 South and 9 West have less population density than us.


The biggest so-called churches (Charismatic and United Methodist) here have about 100 members each.

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I basically stumbled on my first one 7 years ago back in Missouri after moving there from Illinois (GARBC church) and after having been to too many feel-good churches and those where the preaching was lacking. There were "no small groups," no bookstore or cafe, just solid Bible preaching without apology, Carthage, Missouri. My wife and I felt right about it. Stayed there until we moved to Ohio. We were better equipped in our search here in Ohio and have found our new church home.

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I basically stumbled on my first one 7 years ago back in Missouri after moving there from Illinois (GARBC church) and after having been to too many feel-good churches and those where the preaching was lacking. There were "no small groups," no bookstore or cafe, just solid Bible preaching without apology, Carthage, Missouri. My wife and I felt right about it. Stayed there until we moved to Ohio. We were better equipped in our search here in Ohio and haveThere were "no small groups," no bookstore or cafe, just solid Bible preaching without  found our new church home.


love that part!

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In my county there is an Independent, Fundamental, Baptist Church of the kind NOT founded by Jesus Christ.  They welcome sodomites through their Presbyterian MoreLight Ministry, play folk and rock-n-roll and do speaking in tongues and fire tunnels, well, all manner of devilish designs that further separate those people from God.


So there's not two kinds of Baptists, even among Southern Baptists.  I know of a few, except for their SBC affilliation, operate just like most IFB churches.   


never heard of that, what is it?

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People line up facing each other and lay hands on a person as they run through the middle.  Once through the tunnel they usually fall down and start wiggling around while uttering nonsense.  It's pure satanic and has its origins in pagan cultures but was only recently introduced into the "christian faith" by some whacko charismatics at an airport church in the 1990s.


There are videos of this online, Calvary Chapels have special rooms for similar activities, I don't recommend watching them, it's pure evil.

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There just to many Baptist churches, I mean different affiliations this is not good. I can understand why so many Christians and non-Christians are so confuses today. How to find the right church; trust in your feelings, and the size of the church. Trust in the church that your family raises you up in?  

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There just to many Baptist churches, I mean different affiliations this is not good. I can understand why so many Christians and non-Christians are so confuses today. How to find the right church; trust in your feelings, and the size of the church. Trust in the church that your family raises you up in?  

No.  Trusting in anything but the leading of the Holy Spirit after searching the scriptures will lead one awry.  


Feelings should not enter into it (although there are times the Holy Spirit gives us the heebie-jeebies about something and we need to avoid that).  The size of the church should not matter either.  A small church is nice, but could be nothing but a clique (there is a Baptist church in the town right next to us [we even share a zip code - that's how close it is] that is virtually a family clique. A large church is nice, too, but being large is not proof that God is blessing.  And sometimes the church a person was raised in isn't biblical.


Study scripture, compare scripture to scripture, and be in prayer about it.  If one is right with the Lord and is knowledgeable about scripture, the Holy Spirit will show whether or not the church is the right one.


A number of the types of Baptist I mentioned earlier could be easily marked off the list because of a variety of things which are not biblical - although individual churches within the association could be fine.  And the number of IFB churches that aren't biblical is growing.  


Again, knowledge of scripture (which only comes from reading and studying it!) and much prayer will allow the Holy Spirit to lead one to the right church.

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There just to many Baptist churches, I mean different affiliations this is not good. I can understand why so many Christians and non-Christians are so confuses today. How to find the right church; trust in your feelings, and the size of the church. Trust in the church that your family raises you up in?  


The Scriptures tell us what a New Testament Church is.  It is a local, visible assembly of believers with Christ as its founder and head.  Nobody but Jesus, not a man, not a pope, nor a congregation, nor a convention.  There are several other things that Jesus put in place that one needs to look for.  If one is interested, I suggest checking out the bookstore at www.baptist-books.com.  Excellent books on church doctrine and doctrines Christ commands us to follow.


Having said all of that, we should never rely on our own understanding but seek God's will through the leading of the Holy Spirit through prayer and God's Word.  God would never lead a person to a Catholic church nor a newly saved Christian from a Catholic church to a rock-n-roll church.  Satan would though.

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My first IFB church was in Long Beach-I was there with the Navy in the shipyard. My wife and I were going to a thrift store on a Saturday afternoon, when a guy hollered at us from across the busy, 4-lane road, then ran across to us, dodging traffic, and asked us if we knew Jesus sa Saviour. I answered yes, my wife, no, though she had been taught some, (we had attended a church of Christ in San Diego, knowing no better). He explained to my wife how to be saved,, and then next day, we attended the First Baptist Church of Long Beach. This was in 1985, and while my wife left me and the Lord behind years ago, I have never looked back, and have been IFB since.


Our church is the only one in the area-45 miles to the north, 60 miles to the south, and who-knows-how-far to the west and east. granted, we DO live in the country, with lots of desert for miles every way, so no surprise. We work with a lot of federal employees, farmers and cowboys and such, so we aren't a big suit and tie crowd, though I wear mine. I'm doing pretty well just to get them in clean and modest.

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Unless you order it online, you can't buy a suit around here for 140 miles (Wal-Mart doesn't even ship them to their stores here, they ship it to your house).


Sometimes my song leader comes in on Wed night just barely in time for church in dirty work clothes -- that's fine, it's not like he was just too lazy to clean up -- just didn't have time. 

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There just to many Baptist churches, I mean different affiliations this is not good. I can understand why so many Christians and non-Christians are so confuses today. How to find the right church; trust in your feelings, and the size of the church. Trust in the church that your family raises you up in?  


No, do not trust in your feeling, trust God's Word. 


If you want to truly follow Jesus read & study the Bible. After all God's Word, the Bible, tells us this.


2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. If a person ignores the Bible they cannot follow Jesus.


If a person will study the Bible they can know just what a New Testament Church should be.

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The very 1st New Testament Church was founded by Jesus Himself, it was called the church at Jerusalem. And of course He authorized, gave authority to His apostles to go, teach, baptize, & start other New Testament Churches. Which is now the duty of each new Testament Church. Plus there's many churches in this world that are not New Testament Churches, & Jesus has nothing to do with them.

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