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Who Is Your Favorite Pastor Among John Piper, John Macarthur, Max Lucado, Joshua Harris, Aiden Tozer, And Charles Spurgeon. Why?


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To SWATHDIVER she's the wife of our pastor. Actually, they both graduated from Moody BIble Institute in USA. My church is a baptist church. Our pastor's name is Ptr.Nathan Hutchison

I read that she was the preacher's wife earlier, that makes it most alarming! Is the preacher reading this garbage to feed his soul or to warn the flock? Obviously, his wife is doing the former. Moody, like most of our IFB schools have become infested with liberal thinking and this is further evidence of it.
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I read that she was the preacher's wife earlier, that makes it most alarming! Is the preacher reading this garbage to feed his soul or to warn the flock? Obviously, his wife is doing the former. Moody, like most of our IFB schools have become infested with liberal thinking and this is further evidence of it.

Yet another reason why I prefer verbal communication. Even with the parenthetical offset (in spite of the missing comma), proper inflection could not be conveyed (without division into 2 sentences) and had me thinking you had called MBI an IFB school.

On re-read and changed inflection I realized you may have been paralleling many IFB schools and MBI.

I know, this seems like a "why bother posting that?"; but I believe that's how many posts get into a misconstrued argument -- simple misread of intent.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Max Lucado (born January 11, 1955) is a best-selling author and writer and preacher at Oak Hills Church (formerly the Oak Hills Church of Christ) in San Antonio, Texas. Lucado has written more than 50 books with 80 million copies in print, including three recipients of the Charles "Kip" Jordon Gold Medallion Christian Book of the Year (Just Like Jesus, In the Grip of Grace, and When God Whispers Your Name),[1] and has appeared regularly on several bestseller lists.[2] After serving as the pulpit minister for 20 years, Lucado announced in early 2007 that he was stepping down due to health concerns related to atrial fibrillation.[3] Lucado has since assumed the ministry role of writing and preaching at Oak Hills. He co-pastors the church with one of Willow Creek's former teaching pastors, Randy Frazee.

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Max Lucado, whose books are sold in LifeWay bookstores and whose writings are hugely popular among Southern Baptists, preaches the same heresy. In the book Max on Life the following question is asked: “What about the people who have never heard of God? Will God punish them?” Lucado replies: “No, He will not. Heaven’s population includes throngs of people who learned the name of their Savior when they awoke in their eternal home” (p. 222).

The Message has been recommended by Billy Graham, Warren Wiersbe, Jack Hayford, J.I. Packer, Michael Card, Leighton Ford, Bill Hybels, Lamar Cooper of Criswell College, Paul House of Southern Baptist Seminary, Bill and Gloria Gaither, Chuck Swindoll, Gary Smalley, Gordon Fee, Gordon MacDonald, Jerry Jenkins, John Maxwell, Joyce Meyer, Max Lucado...

Max Lucado, in his book In the Grip of Grace, praises God for the Church of Christ (who teach the heresy of baptismal regeneration), Pentecostals, Anglicans, Southern Baptists, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics.

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Even a false teaching pastor will preach a good sermon once in a while, & even say things that makes for a very good quote. Is a pastor who quotes from such pastors actually recommending everything that pastor has written or said? I don't believe so, yet some thinks differently than I.

I have heard Methodist pastors, Pentecostal pastors, church of Christ pastors, preach some very good sermons, that sounds right on, yet if you question them on the teaching their church holds to, you will find they do not hold to all Bible truths.

Sam Jones was an old Methodist pastor, I've read several of his sermons, got several of them on my computer, many of them are excellent, yet some are saturated with being saved by good works.

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John Wesley preached a works salvation too, and look how popular he was!

Andrew Murry is a Lordship salvation preacher, and he has also written many books. I have one by him, although I did not read it through, and probaly won't.

There are a lot of them out there, but God can use them, especially if they preach a good sermon sometime.
(You don't hear much about Lordship salvation anymore, I wonder why?)

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Even folk like Benny Hinn say alot of good stuff and I would imagine even Jim Jones did too. I've heard Methodist preachers preach the Gospel. As well I've heard Pentecostals. One was my own cousin who by all indications is a good man, and seems to be straight doctrinally. But when I heard my cousin say, from the pulpit, that we have to keep living right to stay saved, I wrote off his preaching right there. A man may say that we are saved by grace through faith, and that Jesus died for all men, and that Jesus is the only way, etc. But the moment a man says that God will take away one's salvation, that man, in effect is denying Jesus, IMO.

Many "IFB's" teach "reformed doctrine". They can teach the whole plan of salvation just as straight as a plumbline but when they sprinkle in the rat poison of "limited atonement" and all the heresy that goes with it, they are not preaching the Jesus I know. They're preaching another representation of the true and living God. (Romans 1:23). Well. this sheep don't know your voice....he follows the one who loved the whole world, bled and died for every man, and it is will for ALL to be saved. My Jesus is totally different from McArthur's and Pipers. I don't know much about the rest on the list.
Isn't rat poison suppose to be over 90% good, wholesome, nutritious corn?

Edited by heartstrings
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Even folk like Benny Hinn say alot of good stuff and I would imagine even Jim Jones did too. I've heard Methodist preachers preach the Gospel. As well I've heard Pentecostals. One was my own cousin who by all indications is a good man, and seems to be straight doctrinally. But when I heard my cousin say, from the pulpit, that we have to keep living right to stay saved, I wrote off his preaching right there. A man may say that we are saved by grace through faith, and that Jesus died for all men, and that Jesus is the only way, etc. But the moment a man says that God will take away one's salvation, that man, in effect is denying Jesus, IMO.

Many "IFB's" teach "reformed doctrine". They can teach the whole plan of salvation just as straight as a plumbline but when they sprinkle in the rat poison of "limited atonement" and all the heresy that goes with it, they are not preaching the Jesus I know. They're preaching another representation of the true and living God. (Romans 1:23). Well. this sheep don't know your voice....he follows the one who loved the whole world, bled and died for every man, and it is will for ALL to be saved. My Jesus is totally different from McArthur's and Pipers. I don't know much about the rest on the list.
Isn't rat poison suppose to be over 90% good, wholesome, nutritious corn?

No doubt, those that believe in works based salvation can talk a good talk, claiming their saved by grace fooling those that believe the one correct way to be saved. Its been done on here.
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So is it wrong if I read some of their works?... Well his book (Max Lucado) fearless taught me a lot about trusting GOD. And MacArthur'sTHE TRUTH WAR taught me about the wrong teachings like something about the Nicolatians... etc.

Oh and about Joyce Meyer I really don't agree that women can preach and lead the church. Even if I am a woman. Jesus, wants men to lead and I follow that. And also that's why GOD created men first... and then women the next! :)

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So is it wrong if I read some of their works?... Well his book (Max Lucado) fearless taught me a lot about trusting GOD. And MacArthur'sTHE TRUTH WAR taught me about the wrong teachings like something about the Nicolatians... etc.

Oh and about Joyce Meyer I really don't agree that women can preach and lead the church. Even if I am a woman. Jesus, wants men to lead and I follow that. And also that's why GOD created men first... and then women the next! :)

It isn't necessarily "wrong" but you should be careful. If you read after people with some unbiblical doctrines they can influence you in those areas sometimes without you even realizing it.
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