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I am a Pre-Mill Post-Tribber. On the Pre-Mill aspect...

It is obvious that certain Scriptures cannot be explained with any other view (e.g., Revelation 20:1-6). Christ will be reigning here on earth, literally and bodily, literally for a thousand years, with real, live people.

On the Post-Trib aspect...

There is no separation in Scripture between the "Rapture" and the Second Coming. Show me any "Rapture" verse, it's not secret, it's the coming of Christ. He only comes once more - not twice more. The Pre-Trib and Mid-Trib views are simply not supported.

Some quick thoughts. :icon_mrgreen:
God bless,
Joel ><>.
2 Chronicles 7:14.

Edited by Crushmaster
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There seem to be more who hold to differing views on eschatology here than I realized.

Could you please say what view you hold to?

If possible, could you briefly explain why you have settled upon that view?

I take a pre-millennial and a pre-trib position. I believe such a position to be the scriptural one, but no it isn't very possible for me to explain why "briefly".
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Pre-trib, pre-mil, and, as Seth said, there's nothing brief about the reasons. :thumb:

I'll try :) :

Pre-mill becuase God keeps His promises and there are obvious differences between the Everlasting Kingdom and the Millennium spoken of in Rev. 20.

Pre-Trib because God promised to protect His church from the future wrath of the Tribulation which is designed for the nation of Israel (Rev. 12), not the church.

For more, get my book. (How's that for brief?) :icon_mrgreen: Edited by Rick Schworer
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I'll try :) :

Pre-mill becuase God keeps His promises and there are obvious differences between the Everlasting Kingdom and the Millennium spoken of in Rev. 20.

Pre-Trib because God promised to protect His church from the future wrath of the Tribulation which is designed for the nation of Israel (Rev. 12), not the church.

For more, get my book. (How's that for brief?) :icon_mrgreen:

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Would that be partial or full preterism?

If I give a straight answer, you will misunderstand.

Preterism says that OT prophecy focuses on & is fulfilled in Jesus (Luke 24), & that NT prophecy is particularly concerned with the transition from the old covenant to the new, that transition being with the ministry of Jesus & completed in AD 70.

Prophecy is not ended until Jesus comes again for resurrection & judgement. Some aspects of prophecy will continue throughout the present Gospel millennium, including tribulation of believers at the hands of the ungodly.

I think you can safely assume that all Bible-believing preterists look forward to Jesus' return in glory for resurrection & judgement.
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If I give a straight answer, you will misunderstand.

Preterism says that OT prophecy focuses on & is fulfilled in Jesus (Luke 24), & that NT prophecy is particularly concerned with the transition from the old covenant to the new, that transition being with the ministry of Jesus & completed in AD 70.

Prophecy is not ended until Jesus comes again for resurrection & judgement. Some aspects of prophecy will continue throughout the present Gospel millennium, including tribulation of believers at the hands of the ungodly.

I think you can safely assume that all Bible-believing preterists look forward to Jesus' return in glory for resurrection & judgement.

I have always been an Historic Millenialist, but recently while reading John's Gospel, and with the Words of Jesus, it seems that both the ressurection of the saints and the Judgment will be on the same day.

The tribulation of the Jews took place during the Roman war, and has continued ever since. A friend of mine does not believe the church will suffer tribulation. I wonder what world he is living in. Tribulation of the saints began under Imperial Rome, continued through Papal Rome and continues today. See the daily reports on Worthtnews.com here is one http://www.worthynews.com/10002-honduras-pastors-killed-government-urged-to-increase-protection
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