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I'm so gay.........


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Well, it's like I've always said, the only good marriage is a gay marriage.

We have been moving stuff around, cleaning here at the shop, and throwing away junk. Up in a cabinet, my little wife found a ballcap with a big paper tag hanging on it. In a goofy mood, I put it on and started wearing it. My son was calling me Minnie Pearl and when a cusomer walked in, I was still wearing the silly hat. Then we really cracked up.
We're having a gay ol' time today :clapping:
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You guys are so funny! :lol:

When I was in high school, one of my brother's teachers told one of his co-students that she must have been feeling gay 'cause she was in such high spirits. That was the time period when sodomites were beginning to co-opt the term. My brother came home just laughing at the girl's reaction - she was horrified.

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From the great song I grew up singing, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home":

"And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home"

When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again

When Johnny comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

The old church bell will peal with joy
Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home our darling boy,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies say
With roses they will strew the way,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

Get ready for the Jubilee,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the hero three times three,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now
To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

Let love and friendship on that day,
Hurrah, hurrah!
Their choicest pleasures then display,
Hurrah, hurrah!
And let each one perform some part,
To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home

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From the great song I grew up singing, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home":

"And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home"

When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again

When Johnny comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

The old church bell will peal with joy
Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home our darling boy,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies say
With roses they will strew the way,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

Get ready for the Jubilee,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the hero three times three,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now
To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

Let love and friendship on that day,
Hurrah, hurrah!
Their choicest pleasures then display,
Hurrah, hurrah!
And let each one perform some part,
To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home

I can remember us having to sing that at school but the teacher had mistyped it to read Hohnny, so of course we always sang,
"When Hohnny Comes Marching Home Again." which didn't make us very popular.
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"Gay" is a Bible word (James 2:3). I know a preacher who, when reading the Bible aloud in church, substitutes the word "ass" with "donkey". Just because the world has corrupted and misused Bible words like "ass" and "Hell" is not reason to give place to the Devil. That said, I don't use any of those words except in a Bible context.

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"Gay" is a Bible word (James 2:3). I know a preacher who, when reading the Bible aloud in church, substitutes the word "ass" with "donkey". Just because the world has corrupted and misused Bible words like "ass" and "Hell" is not reason to give place to the Devil. That said, I don't use any of those words except in a Bible context.

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"Bastard" is used in the Bible too, (Deut. 32:2 and Zech. 9:6) so would you tell everyone "I'm a bastard" if it pertained to you?

My point is that though the word is used in the Bible, what will our testimony sound like to the world? When I read the Bbile, I read it as it is written, but when I am witnessing to someone I use a lesser word or phrase. (for instance: The "jackass" that talked, in the story of Balaam, etc. It's a good lead in to tell them that jackasses still talk today!! (in politics))
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"Bastard" is used in the Bible too, (Deut. 32:2 and Zech. 9:6) so would you tell everyone "I'm a bastard" if it pertained to you?

My point is that though the word is used in the Bible, what will our testimony sound like to the world? When I read the Bbile, I read it as it is written, but when I am witnessing to someone I use a lesser word or phrase. (for instance: The "jackass" that talked, in the story of Balaam, etc. It's a good lead in to tell them that jackasses still talk today!! (in politics))

I see what you're saying, and that's fine. I never change the word of God or apologize for it when I'm reading it, but I wouldn't use every word that is in the Bible in my everyday conversation. Edited by Rick Schworer
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